Microstructure-Informed Synthetic Axons (MISA): generating synthetic axons from 3D histology
Mariam Andersson1,2,3, Jonathan Rafael-Patino1,4,5, Hans Martin Martin Kjer2,3, Marco Pizzolato2,3,4, Gabriel Girard4,5,6, Jean-Philippe Thiran4,5,6, and Tim B. Dyrby2,3
1* (Equal contributions), Lausanne, Switzerland and Copenhagen, Denmark, 2Copenhagen University Hospital - Amager and Hvidovre, Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance, Copenhagen, Denmark, 3Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark, 4Signal Processing Laboratory (LTS5), École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland, 5Radiology Department, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 6CIBM Center for Biomedical Imaging, Lausanne, Switzerland


Changes in diffusion properties of the intra-axonal space can be linked to brain health and function. Monte Carlo simulations of diffusion using realistic substrates are important for sequence design and for understanding diffusion MRI signals observed ex vivo and in vivo. However, it is difficult to construct tissue phantoms that accurately reflect compartment morphology. Here, we present the framework MISA for the generation of Microstructure-Informed Synthetic Axons. MISA uses statistical descriptions of axonal morphology from 3D histology to mimic real axons. We show here that MISA axons match axons from 3D histology in terms of their diffusion properties.


Microstructural changes in the intra-axonal space (IAS) of brain white matter (WM) can occur due to healthy structural plasticity or disease. Sensitivity to such changes with diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is key to understanding how diseases progress in the WM. Monte Carlo (MC) simulations of diffusion within realistic axonal phantoms, based on histological quantifications of axonal morphology, aid the design of diffusion MRI protocols that target IAS changes. Current frameworks1,2 aim to produce realistic phantoms by inputting a set of target parameters (e.g. axon diameter distribution and density) and packing axons. However, if the target density is high – as expected in WM – the packing algorithm may not succeed in maintaining the target parameters. This is problematic when trying to model the IAS with specific parameters.

We present MISA, a simple framework to generate Microstructure Informed Synthetic Axons from descriptors of axon morphology. We show that this enables the generation of synthetic axons that match the properties of axons segmented from 3D histology in terms of morphology, and transverse and parallel apparent diffusion coefficients (ADC).


Morphological descriptors of axons
MISA axons were modelled on 54 segmented axons from a 3D x-ray nano-holotomography (XNH) volume of the vervet monkey splenium; the data and morphological analysis are described in Andersson et al.3 and are shown in Figure 1. In short, axonal “macrodispersion” was defined as the inclination angle between the average direction of the 54-axon bundle and the main direction of each individual axon. “Microdispersion” was defined as the mean inclination angle between the axon’s main direction and its trajectory divided into segments of length $$$L$$$. Diameters were evaluated at 150 nm intervals along the axonal trajectories. The pooled distribution of all diameters in the 54-axon population is shown in Figure 1D, and the relationship between mean and standard deviation of axon diameter variations along single axons is shown in panel E.

MISA algorithm
MISA (Figure 2) is a multistage algorithm that builds realistic axons by step-wise increasing the morphological complexity towards desired microstructural properties, as shown in Figure 3. In step 0, a cylinder with target diameter $$$d$$$ is given a random orientation from a macroscopic orientation distribution (e.g. a distribution fitted to Figure 1B). The target $$$d$$$ can be drawn from a distribution e.g. that in Figure 1D. In step 1, the cylinder midline is discretized into segments of length $$$L_{\text{meso}}$$$. Each segment is given an inclination angle sampled from a gamma distribution, $$$\Gamma_{\text{meso}}(\alpha_{\text{meso}},\beta_{\text{meso}})$$$. In step 2, the trajectory is further discretized into segments of length $$$L_{\text{micro}}$$$ where $$$L_{\text{micro}}< L_{\text{meso}}$$$. Again, the segments are assigned orientations that are picked from a second distribution, $$$\Gamma_{\text{micro}}(\alpha_{\text{micro}},\beta_{\text{micro}})$$$. We used the Multi-Objective Differential Evolution for Realistic Numerical Axons (MODERN) framework4 to learn the optimal discretization lengths ($$$L_{\text{micro}}$$$ and $$$L_{\text{meso}})$$$ and dispersion parameters ($$$\alpha_{\text{meso}}$$$, $$$\beta_{\text{meso}}$$$, $$$\alpha_{\text{micro}}$$$, $$$\beta_{\text{micro}}$$$) needed to replicate the mean microdispersion curve in Figure 1C, with 15 µm < $$$L_{\text{meso}}$$$ < 30 µm and 0.5 µm < $$$L_{\text{micro}}$$$ < 2 µm. Finally, in step 3, MISA applies diameter variations at intervals of $$$L_{\text{micro}}$$$, given a standard deviation of the diameter distribution along single axons – in this case provided by Figure 1E.

Monte-Carlo simulations
We generated 54 MISA axons using the inputs in Figure 1. Each was assigned the same target mean diameter as a corresponding XNH axon to focus only on the variability due to the randomly generated microdispersion and diameter variations. MC simulations5 of diffusion were performed for up to 50 ms in the XNH and MISA axons. Spins were uniformly initialised within each axon at a density of 1 µm$$$^{-3}$$$ and a minimum distance of 20 µm from the ends to prevent their escape. An ex vivo diffusivity of $$$D_0 = 0.6 \cdot 10^{-9} \text{m}^2\text{/s}$$$ was used as in Andersson et al.3. The ADCs parallel and transverse to the bundle main direction were computed using $$$ \left \langle (\Delta r)^2 \right \rangle = 2Dt $$$ where $$$(\Delta r)$$$ represents the mean-squared displacement in a given direction, $$$D$$$ is the ADC and $$$t$$$ is the diffusion time.

Results and Discussion

The MISA axons resemble those from XNH (Figures 4A-C) and capture their morphological variations. The mean trend in microdispersion across all MISA axons (black line, Figure 4D) is very similar to that in Figure 1C, including the spread around the mean. Small discrepancies between the pooled axon diameter distributions (<300 nm shift of the mean) in Figure 4E are expected due to limited sample size and the simple linear fit used to define the standard deviation of diameter variations in the generated axons (Figure 1E). Finally, Figure 5 shows how we obtain time-dependent ADCs similar to those of the XNH axons by mimicking the previously presented characteristics.


The MISA framework allows for fast generation of realistic axons given statistical input parameters of morphology from 3D electron microscopy6–8 or XNH3. MISA can be used to generate anatomical region- or species-specific IAS substrates, as well as validate more complex frameworks that incorporate axonal packing. It outputs 3D meshes for MC simulations which are key to understanding the diffusion MRI signals from a given protocol. MISA will be freely available as a Blender add-on.


M.A. and H.M.K. were supported by Capital Region Research Foundation Grant A5657 (principal investigator: T.B.D.) We acknowledge access to the facilities and expertise of the CIBM Center for Biomedical Imaging, a Swiss research center of excellence founded and supported by Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV), University of Lausanne (UNIL), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), University of Geneva (UNIGE), and Geneva University Hospitals (HUG). This work was supported by EPFL through the use of the facilities of its Scientific IT and Application Support Center (SCITAS). This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 754462 (MP).


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Fig. 1 Characterisation of axon morphology in an XNH volume of the vervet splenium. A) 3D visualisation of 54 axons exhibited trajectory and diameter variations. Dispersion was quantified on the B) macroscopic and C) microscopic scale. The microdispersion curve acts as a fingerprint of the axonal trajectory variations with sampling length. D) Pooled distribution of all diameters in the axon population. The diameter distributions along the thinnest (blue) and thickest (green) axon are shown. E) Per-axon standard deviation vs. average diameter. Images adapted from Andersson et al3.

Fig. 2 MISA algorithm workflow. A) A cylinder is initialised in a random orientation picked from a distribution (it is given macrodispersion). It is given a target diameter, d, that can be drawn from an axon diameter distribution. B) MODERN learns the dispersion parameters required to replicate the microdispersion curve used as input. Microdispersion is applied to the cylinders. C) MISA incorporates axon diameter variations by drawing diameters from a Gaussian distribution with a given standard deviation that varies depending on d.

Fig. 3 MISA multistage generation. Evolution of axon shape after the initialisation step (s.0). In s.1, low-frequency changes are introduced by a discretization of the trajectory into segments of length Lmeso µm with inclination angles that are picked from a distribution. Lmeso µm and the distribution are both learned by MODERN. In s.2, a finer microdispersion is introduced as the trajectory is further discretized into Lmicro µm long segments with dispersion. In s.3, axon diameter variations are introduced with a standard deviation that is determined by the target mean diameter, d.

Fig. 4 Comparison of XNH and MISA axons. Visualisations of the 54 axons from XNH and MISA, A) axon-by-axon and B) with a common origin to illustrate the macroscopic orientation dispersion. C) The MISA axons mimic the diameter variations of the XNH axons. D) The variation of microdispersion with sampling length in the MISA axons is similar to that of the XNH axons in Figure 1C. The dashed line indicates the Lmicro learned by the MISA algorithm. E) Comparison of the pooled ADDs in the XNH and MISA populations.

Fig. 5 MISA and XNH axons share similar diffusion properties. The plot shows the variation of the parallel and perpendicular ADCs of the synthetic and XNH (here denoted Synchrotron) axons with time. The definitions of “parallel” and “perpendicular” are relative to the bundle main direction, and not individual axons. The dots represent the mean ADC of the 54 axons, and the bars represent the standard deviation across the population of 54 axons.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 30 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58530/2022/0762