Rotational invariants of the cumulant expansion (RICE)
Santiago Coelho1, Els Fieremans1, and Dmitry S. Novikov1
1Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation and Research (CAI2R), Department of Radiology, New York University, School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States


We studied the symmetries of the diffusion and covariance tensors, both accessible through a general b-tensor acquisition. We showed that there is an unexplored contrast in the non-symmetric part of the covariance tensor and use it to compute the size-shape covariance of compartmental diffusion tensors. We measure all rotational invariants of the cumulant tensors in a normal volunteer, explore the novel size-shape contrast, and provide the relations between these invariants and typical diffusion contrasts.


The diffusion MRI (dMRI) signal can be mathematically described via the cumulant expansion, yielding the commonly used DTI and DKI methods. Conventional linear tensor encoding (LTE) allows measuring the kurtosis tensor $$$\boldsymbol{W}$$$1 with 15 independent components. However, dMRI protocols adding free (beyond LTE) $$$q$$$-space trajectories2 enable probing a more general diffusion covariance tensor $$$\boldsymbol{C}$$$3 with 21 independent components. Here we characterize and explore the information content of $$$\boldsymbol{C}$$$. We represent the $$$6=21-15$$$ extra parameters in terms of a rank-2 symmetric tensor $$$\boldsymbol{A}$$$, and construct its rotational invariants $$$A_0$$$ and $$$A_2$$$. While $$$A_0$$$ contributes to microscopic fractional anisotropy ($$$\mu$$$FA), the previously unexplored invariant $$$A_2$$$ yields the size-shape covariance of the compartmental diffusivities over a voxel. We measure all rotational invariants of $$$\boldsymbol{W}$$$ and $$$\boldsymbol{A}$$$ in a normal volunteer, explore the novel size-shape contrast, and show how to calculate axial and radial kurtosis metrics fast, without projecting the tensors onto a principal fiber direction.


Cumulant expansion. If a voxel contains multiple Gaussian compartments, the signal from any q-space trajectory, $$$\boldsymbol{q}(t)$$$, is fully determined by a b-tensor $$$\boldsymbol{B}$$$3:$$\begin{aligned}S&=s_0\sum_\alpha\,f_\alpha\,e^{-B_{ij}D_{ij}^\alpha},\qquad(1)\\B_{ij}&=\int_0^{\text{TE}}\!\!q_i(t)\,q_j(t)\,\mathrm{d}t,\qquad(2)\end{aligned}$$where $$$D_{ij}^\alpha$$$ is the diffusion tensor of compartment $$$\alpha$$$ and $$$b=B_{ii}=\mathrm{tr}\,\boldsymbol{B}$$$ is the b-value (Einstein's convention of summation over repeated indices assumed).
We can write the cumulant expansion of Eq. 1 up to $$$\mathcal{O}(B^2)$$$:$$\log(S)=\log(s_0)-B_{ij}\,D_{ij}+\tfrac12B_{ij}B_{k\ell}C_{ijk\ell},\qquad(3)$$where $$$\boldsymbol{D}$$$ and $$$\boldsymbol{C}$$$ are the diffusion and covariance tensors, determined by:$$D_{ij}=\langle\,\!D_{ij}^\alpha\rangle,\,\,\,C_{ijk\ell}=\langle\,\!D_{ij}^\alpha\,D_{k\ell}^\alpha\rangle-\langle\,\!D_{ij}^\alpha\rangle\,\langle\,\!D_{k\ell}^\alpha\rangle,\qquad(4)$$with angular brackets denoting averages over the distribution of $$$D_{ij}^\alpha$$$ in a voxel. $$$\boldsymbol{C}$$$ has minor and major symmetries and can be decomposed into its symmetric part, $$$\boldsymbol{S}$$$, and its complement, $$$\boldsymbol{A}$$$:4
$$\begin{aligned}C_{ijk\ell}&=S_{ijk\ell}+A_{ijk\ell},\\S_{ijk\ell}&=C_{(ijk\ell)}=\tfrac13(C_{ijk\ell}+2C_{i\ell\,\!kj}),\quad\quad\quad\quad(5)\\A_{ijk\ell}&=C_{ijk\ell}-C_{(ijk\ell)}=\tfrac23(C_{ijk\ell}-C_{i\ell\,\!kj}).\end{aligned}$$Here symmetrization over tensor indices between (...) is assumed.
Tensor $$$\boldsymbol{S}$$$ is accessible with LTE, it has 15 degrees of freedom (dof) and is proportional to the kurtosis tensor: $$$W_{ijk\ell}=\frac{3}{\overline{D}^2}C_{(ijk\ell)}=\frac{3}{\overline{D}^2}S_{ijk\ell}$$$, where $$$\overline{D}$$$ is mean diffusivity.
Tensor $$$\boldsymbol{A}$$$, inaccessible with LTE, has 6 dof which can be mapped to a rank-2 symmetric tensor4:$$\begin{aligned}A_{mn}&=\epsilon_{ikm}\epsilon_{j\ell\,\!n}A_{ijk\ell}=\delta_{mn}(A_{iikk}-A_{ikik})+2A_{mknk}-2A_{mnkk}=\delta_{mn}(C_{iikk}-C_{ikik})+2C_{mknk}-2C_{mnkk},\qquad(6)\\A_{ijk\ell}&=\tfrac16(\epsilon_{ikm}\epsilon_{j\ell\,\!n}+\epsilon_{i\ell\,\!m}\epsilon_{jkn})A_{mn},\end{aligned}$$where $$$\delta_{ij}$$$ is Kronecker's delta, and $$$\epsilon_{ijk}$$$ the Levi-Civita symbol. Spherical tensor encoding (STE) is sensitive to the isotropic part of $$$\boldsymbol{A}$$$ while planar tensor encoding (PTE) probes the full $$$\boldsymbol{A}$$$ tensor. Figure 1 shows a diagram of this decomposition.

STF decompositions. We represent voxel-wise tensors $$$\boldsymbol{D}$$$, $$$\boldsymbol{S}$$$ and $$$\boldsymbol{A}$$$ in STF basis $$$\mathcal{Y}_{i_1...i_\ell}^{\ell\,\!m}$$$5:$$\begin{aligned}D_{ij}&=D_{00}\tfrac{1}{\sqrt{4\pi}}\delta_{ij}+D_{2m}\mathcal{Y}_{ij}^{2m},\\S_{ijk\ell}&=S_{00}\tfrac{1}{\sqrt{4\pi}}\delta_{(ij}\delta_{k\ell)}+S_{2m}\mathcal{Y}_{(ij}^{2m}\delta_{k\ell)}+S_{4m}\mathcal{Y}_{ijk\ell}^{4m},\qquad(7)\\A_{ij}&=A_{00}\tfrac{1}{\sqrt{4\pi}}\delta_{ij}+A_{2m}\mathcal{Y}_{ij}^{2m}.\end{aligned}$$This basis is analogous to spherical harmonics. For every order $$$\ell$$$ we can define rotational invariants6,7,8, e.g. $$$S_\ell=\sqrt{\frac{\sum_m|S_{\ell\,\!m}|^2}{4\pi(2\ell+1)}}$$$.
Writing compartmental diffusion tensors in STF basis, $$$D_{ij}^\alpha=D_{00}^\alpha\tfrac{1}{\sqrt{4\pi}}\delta_{ij}+D_{2m}^\alpha\mathcal{Y}_{ij}^{2m}$$$, we derive all terms in Equation 7 averaged over arbitrary distribution of compartmental $$$D_{ij}^\alpha$$$:$$L=0\quad\left\{\begin{aligned}D_0=&\,\langle\,\!D_0^\alpha\rangle\\S_0=&\,\langle(D_0^\alpha)^2\rangle-D_0^2+5\big(\,\langle(D_2^\alpha)^2\rangle-D_2^2\big)\qquad(8)\\A_0=&\,2\big(\,\langle(D_0^\alpha)^2\rangle-D_0^2\big)-\tfrac{25}{2}\big(\,\langle(D_2^\alpha)^2\rangle-D_2^2\big)\end{aligned}\right.$$ $$L=2\quad\left\{\begin{aligned}D_{2m}=&\,\langle\,\!D_{2m}^\alpha\rangle\\S_{2m}=&\,2\,(\,\langle\,\!D_0^\alpha\,D_{2m}^\alpha\rangle-D_0\,D_{2m})+\tfrac{8}{21C_2^2}\,(\langle\,\!D_{2m'}^\alpha\,D_{2n'}^\alpha\rangle-D_{2m'}\,D_{2n'})\,\mathcal{Y}^{2m'}_{ij}\,\mathcal{Y}^{2n'}_{jk}\mathcal{Y}^{2m}_{ki}\qquad(9)\\A_{2m}=&\,-2\,(\,\langle\,\!D_0^\alpha\,D_{2m}^\alpha\rangle-D_0\,D_{2m})+\tfrac{4}{3C_2^2}\,(\langle\,\!D_{2m'}^\alpha\,D_{2n'}^\alpha\rangle-D_{2m'}\,D_{2n'})\,\mathcal{Y}^{2m'}_{ij}\,\mathcal{Y}^{2n'}_{jk}\mathcal{Y}^{2m}_{ki}\end{aligned}\right.$$ $$L=4\quad\left\{\begin{aligned}S_{4m}=&\,\tfrac{8}{35C_4^2}\,(\langle\,\!D_{2m'}^\alpha\,D_{2n'}^\alpha\rangle-D_{2m'}\,D_{2n'})\,\mathcal{Y}^{4m}_{ijk\ell}\,\mathcal{Y}^{2m'}_{(ij}\mathcal{Y}^{2n'}_{k\ell)}.\qquad(10)\end{aligned}\right.$$

Conventional contrasts. We can derive DTI maps from RICE:$$\begin{aligned}\text{MD}&=\overline{D}=\tfrac{1}{4\pi}\int_{\mathbb{S}^2}d\hat{\boldsymbol{n}}D(\hat{\boldsymbol{n}})=\tfrac13\delta_{ij}D_{ij}=\tfrac{1}{\sqrt{4\pi}}D_{00}=D_0,\qquad(11)\\\text{FA}^2&=\frac32\frac{{V_{\lambda}(\boldsymbol{D})}}{{V_{\lambda}(\boldsymbol{D})}+3\overline{D}^{2}}=\frac{75D_2^2}{4D_0^2+50D_2^2},\qquad(12)\end{aligned}$$where $$$V_{\lambda}(\boldsymbol{D})$$$ is the variance of the eigenvalues of $$$\boldsymbol{D}$$$. For kurtosis, we use tensor derived metrics rather than average apparent kurtosis6,9,10:$$\text{MK}=\overline{W}=\tfrac{1}{4\pi}\int_{\mathbb{S}^2}d\hat{\boldsymbol{n}}W(\hat{\boldsymbol{n}})=\tfrac15\delta_{ij}\delta_{k\ell}W_{ijk\ell}=\tfrac{1}{\sqrt{4\pi}}W_{00}=W_0.\qquad(13)$$Often a main fiber population is assumed, thus, $$$\boldsymbol{D}$$$ and $$$\boldsymbol{W}$$$ can be projected to this principal axis $$$\hat{\boldsymbol{v}}_1$$$:$$\begin{aligned}\text{AD}&=D_\|=D(\hat{\boldsymbol{v}}_1),\quad &&\text{RD}=D_\perp=\tfrac{1}{2\pi}\int_{\mathbb{S}^2}d\hat{\boldsymbol{n}}D(\hat{\boldsymbol{n}})\delta(\hat{\boldsymbol{n}}\cdot\hat{\boldsymbol{v}}_1),\qquad(14)\\\text{AK}&=W_\|=\frac{\overline{D}^2}{D_\|^2}\,W(\hat{\boldsymbol{v}}_1),&&\text{RK}=W_\perp=\frac{\overline{D}^2}{D_\perp^2}\,\tfrac{1}{2\pi}\int_{\mathbb{S}^2}d\hat{\boldsymbol{n}}W(\hat{\boldsymbol{n}})\delta(\hat{\boldsymbol{n}}\cdot\hat{\boldsymbol{v}}_1).\end{aligned}$$Note that if $$$\boldsymbol{D}$$$ and $$$\boldsymbol{W}$$$ possess axial symmetry, we can compute the above maps without projecting onto the fiber basis but directly from RICE maps:$$\begin{aligned}\text{AD}_\text{ax,sym}&=D_0+5D_2,\quad&&\text{RD}_\text{ax,sym}=D_0-\tfrac52D_2\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad(15)\\\text{AK}_\text{ax,sym}&=\frac{\overline{D}^2}{D_\|^2}\,(W_0+5W_2+9W_4),\quad&&\text{RK}_\text{ax,sym}=\frac{\overline{D}^2}{D_\perp^2}\,(W_0-\tfrac52W_2+\tfrac{27}{8}W_4).\end{aligned}$$Extracting the shape variance, $$$\langle(D_2^\alpha)^2\rangle$$$, we can compute $$$\mu$$$FA3,11

Novel contrast. All maps above are independent of $$$A_{2m}$$$ elements, which contain previously unexplored information. Following Eq. 9, we can obtain size-shape covariances and compute an invariant that is complementary to DTI-DKI-$$$\mu$$$FA:$$\langle\,\!D_0^\alpha\,D_{2m}^\alpha\rangle=\tfrac{7}{18}S_{2m}-\tfrac19A_{2m}+D_0D_{2m},\quad\rightarrow\quad||\langle\,\!D_0^\alpha\,D_{2m}^\alpha\rangle||=\sqrt{\sum_{m=-2}^{2}\langle\,\!D_0^\alpha\,D_{2m}^\alpha\rangle^2}.\qquad(17)$$


After providing inform consent, a 30yo female volunteer underwent MRI in a whole body 3T-system (Siemens Healthcare, Prisma) using a 20-channel head coil. Maxwell-compensated free gradient diffusion waveforms were used to yield linear, planar, and spherical b-tensor encoding using a prototype spin echo sequence with EPI readout12. Linear b-tensors (30 directions $$$b=1ms/\mu\,\!m^2$$$ + 60 directions $$$b=2ms/\mu\,\!m^2$$$) and planar b-tensors (60 directions $$$b=1.5ms/\mu\,\!m^2$$$) were acquired. Imaging parameters: voxel size$$$\,=2\times2\times2\,$$$mm$$$^3$$$, $$$T_R=4.2s$$$, $$$T_E=90$$$ms, bandwidth=1818Hz/Px, $$$R_\text{GRAPPA}=2$$$, partial Fourier$$$\,=6/8$$$, multiband$$$\,=2$$$. Total scan was time 11.5 minutes.


All rotational invariants of the cumulant expansion (RICE) maps are shown in Fig. 2. Figure 3 shows conventional diffusion contrasts together with a $$$||\langle\,\!D_0^\alpha\,D_{2m}^\alpha\rangle||$$$ map that contains the proposed size-shape covariance. The relative contributions from $$$L=0,2,4$$$ sectors in $$$\boldsymbol{D}$$$ and $$$\boldsymbol{W}$$$ are analyzed and shown in Fig. 4. Furthermore, we rotate each voxel and separate the contributions of the main axis vs the rest ($$$m=0\,\text{vs}\,m\neq0$$$ at the fiber coordinate frame). Finally, a comparison between fiber-basis projection maps (axial and radial diffusion/kurtosis) and axial symmetry approximations is shown in Fig. 5.

Discussion and Conclusion

We classified the symmetries of the full diffusion covariance tensor $$$\boldsymbol{C}$$$ accessible under a general diffusion tensor-encoding acquisition. We showed that there is an unexplored contrast in the non-symmetric part of $$$\boldsymbol{C}$$$, and related it to the size-shape covariance of compartmental diffusion tensors. The RICE maps belong to distinct irreducible representations of rotations and thereby represent the ``orthogonal" contrasts up to $$$B^2$$$. This mutual independence may provide improved sensitivity to detect independent changes in disease and development.


This work has been supported by NIH under NINDS award R01 NS088040 and NIBIB awards R01 EB027075 and P41 EB017183. The authors are grateful to Sune N. Jespersen for fruitful discussions.


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Figure 1 We can write the cumulant expansion up to $$$\mathcal{O}(B^2)$$$ of the diffusion signal as a function of the b-tensor $$$\boldsymbol{B}$$$. The diffusion and covariance tensors have different symmetries allowing us to find STF representations of both, from which we can compute rotational invariants. LTE probes $$$\boldsymbol{D}$$$ and $$$\boldsymbol{W}$$$, while STE accesses the isotropic components of $$$\boldsymbol{D}$$$, $$$\boldsymbol{W}$$$, and $$$\boldsymbol{A}$$$. Combining LTE and PTE we can fully probe $$$\boldsymbol{C}$$$.

Figure 2 RICE maps for a normal brain, grouped in columns by order $$$L$$$. Note the different scales showing decreasing intensity with $$$L$$$. Colored boxes show which invariants contribute to typical contrasts (see main text for equations).

Figure 3 Standard DTI + DKI + $$$\mu$$$FA maps together with the novel size-shape covariance invariant.

Figure 4 a) `Energy' ratios of L=2 and L=4 invariants against L=0. The contribution of high-order information in $$$\boldsymbol{D}$$$ and $$$\boldsymbol{W}$$$ decreases with L. In the kurtosis tensor, the 9 elements associated with L=4 have a 10 times smaller intensity than the trace. b) We rotate all voxels' principal fiber axis to $$$\hat{\boldsymbol{z}}$$$, and compute the relative fraction of energy along the principal axis and transverse to it. This shows that $$$D(L=2)$$$ and $$$W(L=2)$$$ have most energy along the principal axis while the opposite happens for $$$W(L=4)$$$.

Figure 5 Top row shows projections of the diffusion and kurtosis tensors onto the principal fiber basis. Such projections have a clear physical meaning if there is a predominant fiber in a voxel. The second row shows an approximation of such maps (Eq. 15) that does not involve projecting to the principal fiber basis. This approximation is exact if the tensors are axially symmetric, and results in a good agreement in the whole brain even when this condition does not hold. The bottom row shows scatter plots for all voxels in the brain.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 30 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58530/2022/0751