Persistent anosmia following COVID-19 results in significant connectivity differences within olfactory regions: a resting state fMRI analysis
Jed Wingrove1,2, Janine Makaronidis1,2, Ferran Prados2,3,4, Baris Kanber2,3,4, Marios C Yiannakas3, Gloria Castellazzi3,5,6, Claudia AM Gandini Wheeler-Kingshott3,7,8, and Rachel Batterham1,2
1Centre for Obesity Research, University College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Biomedical Research Centre at UCLH and UCL, National Institute for Health Research, London, United Kingdom, 3NMR Research Unit, Queen Square MS Centre, Department of Neuroinflammation, UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, University College London, London, United Kingdom, 4Centre for Medical Image Computing, Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, University College London, London, United Kingdom, 5Department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy, 6IRCCS C., Mondino Foundation, Pavia, Italy, 7Brain Connectivity Centre, IRCCS Mondino Foundation, Pavia, Italy, 8Department of Brain and Behavioural Sciences, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy


Anosmia or loss of smell is a common COVID-19 symptom. We studied a group of individuals with persistent anosmia and those who had recovered olfactory function following COVID-19 infection as well as healthy volunteers. Using resting state EPI and seed based analysis we found significant differences in connectivity between olfactory nodes and prefrontal regions known to be involved in smell processing. Furthermore, our analysis also identified connectivity differences between olfactory regions and brain areas involved in appetite control, highlighting areas of the brain that may be affected by COVID-19 related anosmia.


A common symptom of COVID-19 is anosmia, loss of the sense of smell. Structural neuroimaging research looking at COVID-associated anosmia shows olfactory bulb atrophy as well as GM changes in the orbitofrontal and insula cortex.1,2,3 For some, smell recovers, whereas for others anosmia persists alongside other manifestations of long-COVID.4 This study aims to assess olfactory node connectivity in patients still suffering from anosmia against those with recovered olfactory function following COVID.


Forty six subjects were included in this study and stratified into three groups based on COVID antibody (Ig) presence and anosmia state, as determined using the University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test.5 Groups were defined as Ig negative (Ig-ve, n=18, 9F, age (SD)=38.7(11.4)), Ig positive with persistent anosmia (Ig+P, n=8, 7F, age=53.1(12.2)) and Ig positive who previously had anosmia but recovered normal olfactory function (Ig+R, n=20, 17F, age=39.3(13.4)). Recruitment occurred during the UK’s first wave and therefore impact of multiple COVID infections, additional virus variants and vaccinations was avoided.

Resting-state T2* weighted images were acquired using a 3T Philips Ingenia CX (Philips Healthcare, Best, The Netherlands) system. Data was acquired using an echo planar imaging (EPI) sequence with the following parameters: TR=4000ms, TE=25ms, voxel size=3mm isotropic, Nslices=43, acq time=6m40s with 100 timepoints. A 1mm isotropic T1 weighted volume was also acquired for spatial normalisation and registration purposes.

Timeseries data were processed by following the ENIGMA rs-fMRI pipeline6 using a combination of AFNI and NiftyReg7 software. In brief, EPI data were denoised using a Marchenko-Pastur principal component analysis (MP-PCA) method to identify and subsequently remove principal components which originate due to thermal noise, followed by timeseries despiking. Slice timing and motion correction was performed and data normalised to MNI space. WM and CSF signal was extracted and regressed along with the saved motion regressors before smoothing with a 6mm3 FWHM Gaussian kernel.

To guide our analysis, we referred to Peter et al8 who previously investigated resting state olfactory networks comprising 6 anatomical nodes; bilateral orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), anterior insula (AI) and piriform cortex. Seeds for these regions were created using the co-ordinates published in Tobia et al9 (Fig 1). Seed time courses were extracted and regressed against processed EPI data. These correlation maps were Fisher-z transformed to produce connectivity maps for each subject and for each individual seed.

Group connectivity differences were assessed through a second level mass univariate analysis using statistical parametric mapping software (SPM). For each seed a one-way ANOVA with age and sex as covariates was constructed, and all main group contrasts were tested. Parametric contrast t-maps were created with a cluster forming threshold of p<0.001. Significant clusters were assessed at p<0.05 family wise error threshold.

For interpretation significant clusters were used as masks to extract values from seed and subject specific Z-maps and plotted alongside parametric maps. In addition, the Yale BioImage Suite Medical Image Analysis Software (https://bioimagesuiteweb.github.io/webapp/mni2tal.html) was used for anatomical referencing.


When comparing Ig+P with Ig-ve subjects, the L-OFC-seed analysis showed a significant (p=0.038, T=4.72) reduction in connectivity between the L-OFC seed and a cluster within the left Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Cortex (dACC)(fig 2). R-OFC-connectivity maps yielded a significant cluster (p=0.04, T=4.27) which covers the right visual association cortex and fusiform gyrus which was increased in the Ig+P group compared to the Ig-ve group (fig 4). Finally, Ig+P subjects displayed an increase in connectivity between the left anterior insula and a cluster (p=0.018, T=4.91) located in the cerebellum, left Crus I, compared to Ig-ve group (fig 4).

When comparing Ig+P with Ig+R subjects, L-OFC analysis showed a significant reduction (p=0.029, T=4.32) in connectivity with a cluster within the left anterior Prefrontal Cortex (aPFC)(fig 3). L-AI seed analysis showed a significant (p=0.009, T=5.55) increase in connectivity between the seed and a region that overlapped with the hypothalamus Ig+P group when compared to the Ig+R group (fig 5).

This analysis did not present any Ig+R vs Ig-ve group differences.


This study found significant resting connectivity differences, both of increased and decreased strength, between individuals who developed COVID-19 related persistent anosmia, who were not hospitalised, those who recovered olfactory function and healthy volunteers. Specifically, there was hypo-connectivity between the L-OFC and a region of the ldACC, known to be involved in odour processing.10 Furthermore, the persistent anosmia group showed significant hyper-connectivity between the R-OFC the visual association cortex and fusiform gyrus as well as between the L-AI and the left Crus I region of the cerebellum. In addition, persistent anosmia subjects also displayed significant hyper-connectivity between the R-AI and the hypothalamus compared to those who recovered their sense of smell. Both regions are involved in eating behaviour and appetite which may also have been affected by anosmia in these patients.11 Finally no differences were observed between healthy controls and subjects who recovered normal olfactory function from anosmia suggesting no long lasting functional impact once smell was recovered. To conclude, such findings may suggest a combination of alterations that may involve damage and recovery processes, opening mechanistic questions that can be investigated further with multi-modal imaging data12 and with odorant task-based fMRI.13


The authors would like to thank the volunteers and subjects who took part in this study along with the radiographers and members of staff who helped in all aspects of the set up of the study and acquisition of the data.


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Anatomical image displaying the locations of the bilateral seeds used in the connectivity analysis.

A) Parametric T map from L-OFC connectivity analysis showing decreased connectivity between the seed and a significant cluster of the left dorsal anterior cingulate cortex in the Ig+P group compared to the Ig-ve group. Labels represent slices in MNI space. B) Bar plot showing average extracted values from the left dorsal anterior cingulate cortex for Ig+P and Ig-ve. Error bars represent standard deviation.

A) Bar plot showing average extracted values from the left anterior prefrontal cortex for Ig+P and Ig-ve. Error bars represent standard deviation. B) Parametric T map from L-OFC connectivity analysis showing decreased connectivity between the seed and a significant cluster of the left anterior prefrontal cortex in the Ig+P group compared to the Ig-ve group. Labels represent slices in MNI space.

A) Parametric T map from L-AI connectivity analysis showing increased connectivity between the seed and a significant cluster of the cerebellum, Crus I in the Ig+P group compared to the Ig-ve group. B) Parametric T map from R-OFC connectivity analysis showing increased connectivity between the seed and a significant cluster of the visual association cortex and fusiform gyrus in the Ig+P group compared to the Ig+R group. Labels represent slices in MNI space.

A) Bar plot showing average extracted values from the hypothalamus for Ig+P and Ig+R. Error bars represent standard deviation. B) Parametric T map from R-AI connectivity analysis showing dinicreased connectivity between the seed and a significant cluster of thehypothalamus in the Ig+P group compared to the Ig+R group. A hypothalamus mask has been added to the anatomical image to allow for the cluster to be localised.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 30 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58530/2022/0732