Alexandru V Avram1,2, Kadharbatcha S Saleem1,2, Michal E Komlosh1,2, and Peter J Basser1
1Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States, 2Center for Neuroscience and Regenerative Medicine, The Henry Jackson Foundation, Bethesda, MD, United States
investigate the sensitivity of high-resolution MAP-MRI to distinguish cortical
architectonic features by directly comparing laminar patterns in whole-brain
volumes of MAP-derived parameters to the corresponding histological sections in
the same macaque monkey brain. MAP parameters, in particular PA, NG, RTAP, DEC,
and fODF maps, show cortical area-specific lamination patterns with excellent conspicuity
in the mid-cortical layers, matching, and sometimes complementing, the contrast
observed in the immuno- or histochemically stained sections. Delineating cortical
areas with distinct cytoarchitectonic features non-invasively based on diffusion
propagators could transform our ability to study brain networks and diagnose
subtle microstructural changes in many clinical applications.
The variations
in cell bodies and neuropil in different cortical
laminae revealed by histological analysis provide the biological basis for cytoarchitectonic
parcellation of cortical areas. High-resolution diffusion MRI (dMRI) is a
promising method for assessing cortical cytoarchitectonic features
non-invasively in fixed1-5 and live6-12 brain tissues. Mean apparent
propagator (MAP) MRI13, is a comprehensive, clinically
feasible14 dMRI method that explicitly measures
the distributions of net 3D displacements of diffusing water molecules
interacting with the underlying tissue microstructure, i.e., the diffusion
We investigate the sensitivity of high-resolution MAP-MRI to distinguish cortical
cytoarchitectonic features by directly comparing laminar patterns of MAP-derived parameters to the corresponding histological
sections from the same macaque monkey brain specimen. Identifying
boundaries between cortical areas based on tissue architectural patterns imaged
non-invasively with MAP-MRI could be transformative to basic and clinical brain sciences. Methods
We scanned the brain of a perfusion-fixed male macaque monkey using a MAP-MRI protocol with 3D spin-echo EPI to achieve a 200µm isotropic resolution and TE/TR=50/650ms. We acquired 112
diffusion-weighted images (DWIs) with with δ=6ms and Δ=28ms, and multiple b-value shells
(0.1,1.0,2.5,4.5,7.0, and 10.0 ms/µm2) and diffusion-encoding
gradient orientations (3,9,15,21,28, and 36, respectively) uniformly sampling
the unit sphere on each b-value shell.
We processed all MAP-MRI DWIs to correct for image drift and EPI
distortions, including gradient eddy currents and magnetic field
inhomogeneities15. From the corrected DWIs
we estimated the MAP propagators, computed DTI (fractional anisotropy – FA;
mean, axial, and radial diffusivities – MD, AD, and RD, respectively) and MAP
microstructural parameters (propagator anisotropy – PA, non-gaussianity – NG,
return-to-origin probability – RTOP, return-to-axis probability – RTAP, and
return-to-plane probability – RTPP), and generated fiber orientation
distribution functions (fODFs)16,17.
After imaging, the entire brain was serially sectioned in the coronal
plane at 50µm thickness and prepared for histological processing. Five
alternating (interleaved) series of sections were processed using immunohistochemistry
with antibodies against parvalbumin (PV), neurofilament protein (SMI-32), and
choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), and histochemical staining with cresyl violet
(CV) and Acetylcholinesterase (AchE). Coronal slices of MAP-MRI parameters were
manually aligned with the matched high-resolution microscope images of the stained
sections for cell bodies and their processes to allow direct comparison of
architectonic features across layers in multiple cortical areas. Results
High-resolution volumes of MAP/DTI parameters revealed fine
anatomical details with excellent contrast in the cortex, with bands of
different intensities and thicknesses along the cortical ribbon (Fig. 1).
Abrupt discontinuities in the laminar pattern along the cortical ribbon
correspond well with the boundaries between cortical areas estimated using
atlas-based registration18,19 and showed good
symmetry between the left and right hemispheres.
cortical laminar patterns observed with MAP/DTI parameters showed areal
differences in excellent agreement with the cytoarchitectonic features in the
corresponding histological sections with multiple stains. In general, the most
eloquent parameters were PA, NG, and RTAP. The superficial layers (1/2) showed relatively low PA and NG values
correlated with light SMI-32 and PV staining, suggesting the mostly isotropic
diffusion processes likely due to the presence of small neuronal and
non-neuronal (glial) cells. The mid-cortical layers (3/4) showed large PA and
RTAP, and intermediate NG values dominated by diffusion processes perpendicular
to the cortical surface (DEC and fODF maps in Figs. 2 and 3) in good agreement
with the orientation of neuronal cell bodies and their processes observed in
the corresponding SMI-32-stained sections. Midcortical PA and RTAP
values were remarkable, revealing cortical area-specific laminar patterns (compare
Figs. 2 and 3), often with superior conspicuity compared to the corresponding
histological stains. Diffusion propagators in the deep layers (5/6) showed
intermediate/high PA and NG values, and lower RTAP correlating with increased
AchE staining and likely due to mixtures of radial and tangential diffusion
processes as indicated by the corresponding fODFs.
Taken together, the variation of MAP/DTI parameters
along the cortical ribbon often revealed clear transition regions between
adjacent cortical areas identified based on the corresponding histological
stains (e.g., premotor area F4, and somatosensory areas 3a/b, 1-2, and SII in
Fig. 4). Transitions between cortical areas could be accurately delineated even
in thin cortical areas in the occipital region (e.g., V1/V2 border) where the
laminar patterns were more difficult to resolve (Fig. 5).Discussion and Conclusion
Via validation
with multiple histological staining, we establish the sensitivity of MAP-MRI
parameters to cortical architectonic features. High-resolution whole-brain
MAP-MRI can delineate distinct laminar patterns in different cortical layers in
good agreement with the staining intensities of neuronal cell bodies and their
processes observed with histological methods. Moreover, the important features
of tissue water diffusion propagators quantified by the family of MAP
parameters could provide complementary information to histological methods.
MAP-MRI is a
non-invasive, 3D imaging method that has the potential to improve atlas-based
parcellation of the entire cortex by clustering the laminar patterns based on
diffusion propagator properties, including MAP parameters like PA and RTAP, as
well as fODFs. Recent advances in MRI hardware20 could enable whole-brain clinical
MAP-MRI14 at sufficiently high spatial
resolution for in vivo human applications. Future applications may
include accurate microstructure-based cortical parcellation for connectomics
analysis and assessing cytoarchitectonic features for clinical applications in monitoring
cortical development or detecting microstructural changes due to focal cortical
dysplasia, stroke, or brain injury. Acknowledgements
This work was supported by the Intramural Research Program (IRP) of the Eunice
Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development,
“Connectome 2.0: Developing the next generation human MRI scanner for bridging
studies of the micro-, meso- and macro-connectome”, NIH BRAIN Initiative
1U01EB026996-01 and the CNRM Neuroradiology/Neuropathology
Correlation/Integration Core, 309698-4.01-65310, (CNRM-89-9921).References
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