In this work, we estimate relative 2D B1+-maps from initial localizer scans using deep learning at 7T. We investigate 7 UNets and MultiResUNets architectures to estimate complex, channel-wise, relative 2D B1+-maps of 8 transmit channels from a single gradient echo localizer obtained with 32 receive channels. The networks are evaluated in 5 unseen volunteers not included in the training library by comparing the prediction with the acquired relative B1+-maps using different evaluation metrics for homogeneous B1+ phase shimming. Our approach saves additional B1+-mapping scans, and, hence, overcomes long calibration times in the human body at 7T.
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Figure 2: a) Networks evaluated for the mean of the mean squared error (MSE), mean absolute error (MAE), and structural similarity measure (SSIM) for unseen data. The data for NN I – NN V is relative to channel Tx1, for NN VI – NN VIII it has no reference. NN I – III are UNets with a perpendicular loss, MSE, and SSIM. NN IV – NN VIII are MultiResUNets with a MSE (IV/VI), perpendicular loss (V/VII), and SSIM (VIII). b) Comparing seen and unseen data for NN I. The MSE and MAE for seen data is one order of magnitude lower than for unseen. The SSIM for training data is above 0.80 compared to 0.74 for validation.
Figure 3: Prediction (PR) compared to the ground truth (GT) for a seen training data set. The PR of the sum of magnitudes (SOM), magnitude of sum (MOS) and phase of sum (POS) over all 8 transmission channels are in good agreement with the GT. All signal dropouts in the MOS and phase wraps in the POS are estimated accordingly. This leads to a relative error δxMag of the magnitude in the heart and liver of <20% and no visible structure in the absolute error ΔxPha for the phase. In the bottom, channel-wise comparison of the B1+-maps of PR and GT. Only small deviations for the seen data are visible.
Figure 4: Prediction (PR) compared to the ground truth (GT) for an unseen data set. The PR of the sum of magnitudes (SOM), magnitude of sum (MOS) and phase of sum (POS) over all 8 transmission channels are in good agreement to the GT. False signal dropouts (yellow arrows) associated to phase wraps are visible. This leads to larger relative δxMag and absolute errors ΔxPha in magnitude and phase. In the bottom, channel-wise comparison of the B1+-maps of PR and GT. In Tx1, Tx4, Tx6, Tx7 and Tx8 only small deviations are visible. In Tx2, Tx3, Tx5 signal dropouts associated with phase wraps can be seen.
Figure 5: Predicted (PR) and ground truth (GT) B1+-maps (MOS) for different shims. a) The default setting leads to signal cancellations in the heart. b) A homogenous shim optimized on the GT applied to the PR and GT. An improved homogeneity leads to a reduced coefficient of variation from 49% to 9% for the GT and 48% to 27% for the PR. c) shows the results vice versa. The homogeneity improves for the GT from 49% to 16% and for the PR from 48% to 13%. d) In-vivo localizer scans without and with a homogenous shim calculated on the PR of the network. This is reflected by an improved homogeneity in the heart.