Comparison of Image Normalization Techniques for Rectal Cancer Segmentation in Multi-Center Data: Initial results
Steffen Albert1, Barbara D. Wichtmann2, Wenzhao Zhao3, Jürgen Hesser3, Ulrike I. Attenberger2, Lothar R. Schad1, and Frank G. Zöllner1
1Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine, Mannheim Institute for Intelligent Systems in Medicine, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany, 2Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Hospital Bonn, Bonn, Germany, 3Data Analysis and Modeling in Medicine, Mannheim Institute for Intelligent Systems in Medicine, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany


We evaluated the influence of normalization (setting mean and standard deviation, histogram matching and percentiles) on the segmentation of rectal cancer on multimodal images when operating on multicenter data as part of a Radiomics pipeline. We used two different networks for segmentation. When training and evaluating on all data or data from a single center, normalization did not play a significant role. In contrast, when training on one center and evaluating on all others, it did play a major role. Best results are obtained by normalization using percentiles. Fixing the mean and standard deviation did not work well.


Rectal cancer is the third most lethal disease in Europe, with a 5-year survival rate of 68% in Germany1. This is due to a heterogeneous disease in terms of treatment response and outcome with different molecular and genetic subtypes2.
Medical imaging (FDG-PET-CT, MRI with T2w and DWI) for predicting response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy yet has limitations3. Radiomics has the potential to deliver information regarding intratumor heterogeneity or molecular subtypes; and thus may improve prediction of treatment response and outcome4.
The goal of our project is the development of a Radiomics pipeline for treatment response prediction for rectal cancer. A prerequisite for successful Radiomics analysis is a segmentation of the tumor, which is challenging5, even for state-of-the-art Deep Neural Networks, due to usually small annotated datasets6,7. To overcome this, multicenter studies might generate enough data but also suffer from heterogeneous data due to variations in the adaption of the study protocol and scanner types available.
In this work, we focus on the normalization of the data to correct study protocol variations in imaging, as this is crucial for minimizing uncertainties in Radiomics8,9. We analyzed different normalization techniques for the segmentation of rectal cancer in T2 and diffusion weighted images and evaluated them on data from a multicenter study.


In this retrospective study, 140 patients from 5 different centers enrolled within the CAO/RAO/AIO-12 study10,11 and 62 from a separate (unpublished) in-house study were selected. Based on the study protocol, each patient received a transversal T2- and diffusion weighted. The acquisition parameters of the individual images vary widely (Figure 1). For ground truth reference, a radiologist performed segmentations of the tumor on the T2-weighted MRIs manually.
For preprocessing, we performed bias field correction on the data using the N4 algorithm12 and afterwards normalized the images with different techniques including histogram matching13,14(HM) using the percentiles at 5 %, 10 %, 20 % …, 90 %, 95 %, percentiles (Perc) using 5 % and 95 % as the minimal and maximal value, subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation (M-Std) and normalization using the percentiles and then using histogram matching (Perc-HM).
We used a 2D UNet15 and DeepLabV3+16 with a DenseNet12117 backbone for segmentation. Both were trained for 100 epochs. We trained the networks on all images and with images from a single center for the three centers with the most images.
After training the networks, we analyzed the segmentation on previously unseen images from the same center (using 5-fold cross-validation) and on unseen data from all other centers, using the network from the epoch with the best performance on the validation set. We used the student-t-test so determine the significance of the mean Dice score differences. We considered a p-value of less than 0.05 as significant.


The resulting Dice scores are visible in Table 1 and Figure 2 and the segmentations in Figure 3. There are no significant differences between the normalization methods when training on all images (p>0.05). Mean Dice values are between 0.67 and 0.70. When training and testing on data from only on center, the mean Dice scores decrease to values between 0.57 and 0.61. There was only a significant difference (p=0.04) between DeepLabv3 trained on M-Std and Perc-HM normalized data.
However, there are significant differences when testing on data from a different center than the one used for training. The normalization method that works best is the Perc method, but not significantly better than Perc-HM. The third-best method is histogram matching. M-Std resulted in the worst segmentations, with a large difference to the other methods. The mean Dice scores are between 0.38 and 0.49.


In this study, we investigated the influence of normalization on the segmentation of rectal cancer from multimodal images. Overall segmentation performance using all images for training was comparable to literature5,18–20.
We observed a decrease in segmentation performance when just training on a single center. This is probably due to the decrease of the training set size. This decrease was similar for all normalization methods.
Significant differences in segmentation performance occur when training on a single center and then evaluating segmentation performance on the other centers. This is probably because, as visible in Figure 1, there are larger differences in data acquisition parameters between centers than within one center. It is surprising, that fixing the mean and setting the standard deviation to one does not perform very well, as this method is often used in Computer Vision21.


When training on a single dataset, the choice of normalization seems to be a minor issue as long as the test data is of a similar distribution as the training data. However, when using a trained model to segment data recorded at a different center, normalization using percentiles instead of fixing the mean and standard deviation can improve the results.
In the future, we will investigate deep learning normalization methods to improve generalization of the networks for robust tumor segmentations in multicenter settings. This is especially important when using Radiomics in clinical practice because the scanners and the image acquisition protocol can change and vary from center to center, which should not alter the model performance.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the data storage service SDS@hd supported by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg (MWK) and the German Research Foundation (DFG) through grant INST 35/1314-1 FUGG and INST 35/1503-1 FUGG. This work is supported through DGF grant 428149221.


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Figure 1: Distribution of acquisition parameters: Even though an imaging protocol was specified for the study; the acquisition parameters vary widely. As example, the in-plane resolution (A) is supposed to be 0.8 mm, but varies between 0.27 mm and 1.64 mm. There are similar variations for the echo time (B), which was supposed to be 110 ms. In general, the data is very heterogeneous, with different parameters used within one center and greater differences between centers.

Figure 2: Segmentation Results: In (A), we trained both networks on all images and evaluated them using cross-validation. The results are very similar, with a Dice between 0.71 and 0.74. In (B), we trained on a single center and evaluated on the same center. This results in a performance reduction, probably because of the reduced number of examples. The reduction is even larger for images from different centers, visible in (C). The Dice scores differ significantly depending on the normalization method. The scores vary between 0.41 (M-Std, UNet) and 0.57 (Perc, UNet).

Figure 3: Example Segmentation: A-D are the resulting segmentations when evaluating an image from Center 1 with a network trained on images from Center 3 with the normalizations Perc (A), Perc-HM (B), HM (C) and M-Std (D). The ground truth is visible in E. We trained the networks on multiple graphics cards using the Adam optimizer with a learning rate of 0.001. For the sampling, a ratio sampler was used to reduce the class imbalance. This way, 50 % of slices are centered on a tumor voxel.

Table 1: Segmentation Results: In this table are the mean Dice scores for different networks and normalization strategies. Column “all” are the Dice scores when training and testing on all available images. Column “internal” are the Dice scores when evaluating on the same center as the training, and in column “external” are the Dice scores when evaluating on all other centers. For the external evaluation, the UNet with Perc normalization performs best and is significantly better than all other methods (p<0.001) besides Perc-HM. For all and internal, no method was significantly better.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 30 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58530/2022/0619