The in-vivo imaging of iron and myelin concentrations along cortical laminae in the brain has significance in advancing knowledge about the roles of iron and myelin in brain function and in disease. In this study, we apply χ-separation, a recently developed advanced susceptibility imaging method, to explore changes in iron and myelin content throughout the cortex and into the white matter. Our findings show that iron and myelin peak at different laminar surfaces and that there is regional differences in the intensity profiles. The results suggest regional and laminar variation of iron and myelin throughout the brain.
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Fig 1. Overview of the laminar profiling analysis. (A) The ROI (red shaded area) is indicated by a white arrow. Enlarged views of the shaded area are shown on T1 weighted image (B), QSM (C), and two χ-separation maps (χpos (D) and χneg (E)). Pial and GM-WM boundary surfaces (yellow lines) and 50% midpoint of the cortex (green lines) are shown. Other surfaces are not shown. Laminar profiles of the ROI for QSM, χpos, and χneg are shown (F), with standard deviations in shaded areas. Black arrowheads (C, F) and red arrowheads (D, F) indicate peak susceptibility in the QSM and χpos respectively.
Fig 2. Coronal slices of regions analyzed for each subject. Regional parcellation labels (based on the Desikan-Killiany atlas) are overlaid on T1 weighted images of subjects 1 to 5 (left to right). Sections of the middle frontal sulcus (A) and superior part of the central sulcus of the insula (B) that are analyzed for laminar profiling are shown in red shaded areas and indicated by white arrows.
Fig 3. Average laminar profiles across subjects. Profiles of QSM, χpos and χneg, averaged across 5 subjects, are plotted at 10% fractional intervals from the pial surface (cortical depth 0%), past the SWM (cortical depth 100~150%) to the deep white matter (cortical depth 150%~). Standard deviations are shown in shaded areas. Cortical depths of 0~60% are grayed out due to artifacts. On average, χpos peaks at SWM whereas χneg continue to increase in deep white matter. This pattern is consistent in both regions. The insula has substantially higher myelin levels and lower iron levels (B).
Fig 4. Individual subject laminar profiles. Overall pattern of intensity changes across the laminae (in which iron peaks in 100 to 150% cortical depth and myelin peaks after 150% cortical depth) are similar across subjects in both regions. Furthermore, levels of iron are much lower and those of myelin are much higher in insular sulcus when compared to those in middle frontal sulcus. This region-specific pattern is consistent across subjects. Peaks of QSM profiles are located at lower cortical depths than those of χpos profiles, suggesting the QSM profile may not properly reflect SWM.