Ouri Cohen1, Robert Young2, Christian T Farrar3, and Ricardo Otazo1
1Medical Physics, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, United States, 2Radiology, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, United States, 3Radiology, Athinoula A. Martinos Center, Charlestown, MA, United States
CEST imaging is a promising tool for diagnosis and
evaluation of treatment response in tumors. However, conventional CEST is not
quantitative and requires long acquisition times. A recently developed
technique, CEST MR fingerprinting (CEST-MRF), overcomes many of the technical
limitations of conventional CEST but still suffers from limited volumetric coverage.
In this work, we propose a novel multi-slice CEST-MRF pulse sequence and deep
learning reconstruction method to enable volumetric coverage without the need
for additional scan time. Numerical simulations and in vivo experiments in a
healthy subject are performed to demonstrate feasibility and utility of the
proposed multi-slice CEST-MRF technique.
Interest in Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) imaging
for cancer has increased in recent years, due to its ability to differentiate
true-progression from pseudo-progression in brain tumors[1], [2]. Yet conventional CEST
suffers from a qualitative signal, long scan times and complicated analysis
that have limited clinical adoption. To overcome these, CEST was recently
combined with MR fingerprinting (CEST-MRF)[3] to yield rapid and
quantitative exchange rates and volume fractions maps. CEST-MRF has been demonstrated
on pre-clinical[3]–[5] and clinical systems[6], but with reduced volumetric coverage.
The goal of this work is to demonstrate a proof-of-concept for a rapid multi-slice
CEST-MRF (msCEST-MRF) pulse sequence and reconstruction method for whole head coverage
with short scan time (< 2 minutes). The accuracy of the msCEST-MRF approach is
evaluated with numerical simulations and its utility in vivo is demonstrated in
a healthy human subject.
CEST-MRF with slice
permuted acquisition
The proposed pulse sequence diagram is shown in Figure 1.
gaussian-shaped saturation pulse train centered on the amide proton frequency (3.5
ppm) was used. The saturation power was varied according to a previously
described schedule[3]. A set of N=14 slices were excited after the
saturation pulse in each time point. Because the saturated magnetization
undergoes T1 relaxation later slices will experience decayed magnetization and
weaker signal. The slice excitation order was therefore varied
for each schedule time point[7]. Here, a simple ‘skip-3’ circular shift ordering
was used but optimized orderings will likely yield better results and are left
for future work. The repetition time (TR), excitation flip angle (FA) and
saturation duration (Tsat) were as follows: TR=3500 ms, FA=90°, Tsat=2560 ms. The
signal from each slice was read with an EPI readout with partial Fourier factor
of ~6/8, acceleration factor R=2 and an echo time (TE) of 24 ms. The matrix
size was 224×224 with a FOV of 280 mm2 for an in-plane resolution of
1.25 mm2 and a slice thickness of 5 mm. The acquisition of each
slice required ~64 ms and the total acquisition time for the 30 schedule time
steps used was 105 seconds.
Tissue quantification
The tissue parameters were quantified with a 4-layer DRONE
neural network[8] implemented in Pytorch. Since
the signal from each slice undergoes a unique evolution based on its slice
ordering, the data from each slice was reconstructed with a separately trained
DRONE network. The training dataset consisted of 400,000 entries sampled from
the ranges shown in Table 1.
Numerical simulations
The accuracy of the DRONE-reconstructed parameter maps was
assessed in a modified Brainweb-based[9] digital phantom (Figure 2).
A msCEST-MRF acquisition was simulated with the digital phantom and the
normalized root-mean-square error (NRMSE) calculated. The same anatomical slice
was used to simulate all slice orderings to eliminate confounds due to the
different anatomy. White Gaussian noise was added to the data to obtain a range
of signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) and the error calculated for each SNR. The
msCEST-MRF error was compared to that of the single-slice CEST-MRF[6] sequence acquired with the
same acquisition parameters.
In vivo human scan
A healthy, 31 years old female volunteer was recruited and
gave informed consent in accordance with the institution IRB protocol. The
subject was scanned with msCEST-MRF on a Signa Premier 3T scanner (GE
Healthcare, Waukesha, WI) with a 48-channel head receiver coil. Raw data were
extracted and reconstructed as described above.Results
The NRMSEs for a single slice for a range of SNRs is shown
in Figure 3A and that of all slices in Figure 3B in comparison to
the single-slice error. The in vivo maps from the healthy volunteer for a
subset of slices are shown in Figure 4. The CEST parameters were within
the expected ranges while the water T1 and T2 were underestimated which resulted
from the non-optimal slice ordering.Discussion/Conclusion
This work demonstrated a proof-of-concept for a novel volumetric
CEST-MRF approach at no additional scan time. Several improvements can be made
to the method to reduce the error and improve the spatial coverage. First, the
slice ordering can be optimized. Optimizing the slice ordering and/or the
acquisition schedule[4], [7], [10],
can reduce the error and a synergistic optimization of both may significantly improve
tissue discrimination. Optimization over the space of permutations (orderings)
is a difficult problem and finding a global optimum is impractical for all but a
small number of slices. Nevertheless, various heuristics[12], [13] can be used to find a local
minimum and reduce the error. Second, combining the pulse sequence with
simultaneous multi-slice can multiply the spatial coverage and facilitate the
slice ordering optimization while eliminating the need for training additional DRONE
networks. Finally, the spatial coverage can also be increased by interleaving
more slices in each TR at the cost of a modest (~30 seconds) increase in the
total scan time. An important consideration for CEST-MRF imaging over a large
volume is potential B0 and B1 inhomogeneities. This can be addressed with
additional B0 and B1 scans or by inclusion of these parameters in the DRONE
training dataset, as was done with B1 in this work, at the cost of increased
training complexity. These improvements will be explored in future studies. Acknowledgements
work was partially supported by the NIH/NCI Cancer Center Support Grant/Core
Grant (P30 CA008748).
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