The Correlation Tensor MRI (CTI) framework has been recently formulated to disentangle anisotropic, isotropic, and microscopic kurtosis sources without a priori assumptions from Double-Diffusion-Encoding (DDE) data. In this work, group average maps (templates) are presented for the first time, thereby mapping the contrasts for anisotropic and isotropic kurtosis, and non-vanishing positive microscopic kurtosis in grey and white matter. The relative weight of the microscopic kurtosis within the total kurtosis, and the bias associated with neglecting this component under the Multiple Gaussian Component assumption are investigated and suggest that this component significantly contributes to the total diffusional kurtosis.
The authors thank Stefano Tambalo for support with data acquisition. This research was supported by the Caritro Foundation, Italy, the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Starting Grant, agreement No. 679058), ”la Caixa” Foundation (ID 100010434) and European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 847648, fellowship code CF/BQ/PI20/11760029.
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Fig. 1: group average template maps of CTI-derived total diffusivity (Dt), total kurtosis (Kt), anisotropic kurtosis (Kaniso), isotropic kurtosis (Kiso), and microscopic kurtosis (μK). Note the different colorbar ranges for different maps.
Fig. 2: Boxplots showing distributions of values per each map and Region of Interest (ROI). Abbreviations: Dt: total diffusivity, Kt: total kurtosis, Kaniso: anisotropic kurtosis, Kiso: isotropic kurtosis, μK: microscopic kurtosis, CSF: Cerebrospinal fluid in lateral ventricles, WM: White Matter, WMCBM: Cerebellar White Matter, GM: Grey Matter, GMCBM: Cerebellar Grey Matter, AMG: Amygdala, Cd: Caudate, HPC: Hippocampus, GP: Globus Pallidus, PU: Putamen, TH: Thalamus.
Fig. 3: Maps of the ratio between each kurtosis source and total kurtosis (Kt). Abbreviations: Kaniso: anisotropic kurtosis, Kiso: isotropic kurtosis, μK: microscopic kurtosis. Note the different colorbar ranges.
Fig. 4: Scatterplots showing the bias associated with the estimation of total kurtosis (Kt), anisotropic kurtosis (Kaniso), and isotropic kurtosis (Kiso) under the multiple gaussian components (MGC) assumption as compared to CTI-derived estimations. Points are color-coded according to their corresponding microscopic kurtosis (μK) value.