Automated Superstructure-based Segmentation of Ascending Arousal Network Nuclei for Diffusion Tractography
Mark D Olchanyi1,2,3, Brian L Edlow1,4, Emery N Brown2,3,5,6, and Juan E Iglesias 4,7,8
1Center for Neurotechnology and Neurorecovery, Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, United States, 2Neurostatistics Research Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States, 3Institute for Medical Engineering and Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States, 4Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, MA, United States, 5Picower Institute, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States, 6Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 7Centre for Medical Image Computing, University College London, London, United Kingdom, 8Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States


Traumatic brain injury that causes sheering of white matter pathways that connect ascending arousal network (AAN) nuclei in the rostral brainstem to cortical and subcortical targets leads to disorders of consciousness. Connectivity studies involving these nuclei are limited due to their small size, vague boundaries, and lack of reliable annotations. We present a method to automatically segment AAN nuclei from diffusion MR volumes using image registration constrained by brainstem structures with definable contrast boundaries. We test AAN segmentation robustness with probabilistic tractography and provide new insights into connectivity between AAN nuclei and the thalamus.


Severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) affects over 1 million people worldwide annually. Approximately 25% of patients with severe TBI die in the ICU1. Of those who survive, many suffer from prolonged cognitive deficits, and thousands never recover consciousness. The underlying pathology believed to cause TBI-related disorders of consciousness is white-matter shearing injury in the ascending arousal network (AAN)2.

High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging (HARDI) has produced considerable advances in subcortical tractography3-5. There is still, however, limited attention to AAN connectivity. This is partly because brainstem-based AAN seed nuclei (AASN) are difficult to delineate due to their small size and lack of anatomical contrast in most MR sequences, implying that even manual annotation is problematic. This presents a two-fold challenge: 1) intensity-based segmentation of AASN becomes an ill-conditioned problem, and 2) direct validation of candidate segmentations becomes ambiguous due to unreliable gold-standard annotations. We propose a resolution-agnostic method to segment AASN in HARDI volumes by utilizing contrast-delineable “superstructure” regions of interest (ROIs) which spatially bound AASN to steer non-rigid registration of a multi-channel diffusion atlas to the HARDI volume. We then compare connectivity strengths between annotated and predicted AASN and the thalamus in ex-vivo volumes, followed by lower-resolution in-vivo volumes.


HARDI Acquisition/Preprocessing: Thirteen ex-vivo brain specimens were imaged on a 3T Siemens Trio. A diffusion-weighted SSFP sequence was used, with 750$$$\mu$$$m isotropic voxels, 90 diffusion-encoded directions (estimated b=4080s/m2) and 12 b0 volumes6. Temperature drift correction and eddy current correction was performed with FSL7.

Superstructure Generation: Manually delineated Pons/Midbrain (PMB) superstructures in 8 ex-vivo volumes and 10 Human Connectome Project (HCP) in-vivo HARDI volumes8 (1.25mm isotropic voxels) were used to train a 3D U-Net9 to segment the PMB in two-channel fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity (FAMD) volumes. We used aggressive data augmentation, which included resolution randomization, to account for inter-modal resolution/contrast differences10.

Registration: We back-registered an FAMD atlas11 containing gold-standard AASN labels12 onto a target FAMD volume. Our registration scheme is as follows:
1) Rigid + Affine registration of the whole atlas to the target volume.
2) Repeat Step 1 with PMB-masked volumes.
3) Non-rigid PMB-masked registration using basis-splines transformations penalized with "relaxed" diffusion regularization and compound Normalized Gradient Field13 (NGF) loss. Specifically: given the atlas PMB domain $$$ \mathcal{X} \subset \mathbb{R}^3 $$$, deformation field $$$ \mathcal{U}: \mathcal{X} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^3 $$$, and $$$N$$$ superstructure masks $$$\textbf{M} = \{M_1,...,M_N \} $$$, our relaxed diffusion regularization is:
$$\mathfrak{R}_{relaxed} = \frac{\alpha}{2}\int_{\mathcal{X}}||\nabla \mathcal{U}(x)||_2^2 \times \text{smooth}_{\beta}\left\{\Psi_{\gamma_i,\delta_i,\epsilon_i}\left(\mathcal{D}(x,\textbf{M}) \right) \right\} dx$$
where $$$\mathcal{D}(x,M_i)$$$ is a distance transform from the $$$M_i$$$ boundary, $$$\Psi_{\gamma_i,\delta_i,\epsilon_i}(.)$$$ is the Gompertz function, and $$$\text{smooth}_{\beta}\{.\} $$$ is a smooth maximum over $$$\textbf{M}$$$. This relaxation permits greater deformation around superstructure contrast-boundaries while maintaining high regularity inside of the superstructure union under a low atlas-to-target contrast assumption14,15 (Figure 1).

For a single-channel PMB-masked NGF loss between the deformed atlas $$$\mathcal{T}\left(A_{PMB} \right)$$$ and target volume $$$T_{PMB}$$$ as $$$\mathcal{N}\left\{\mathcal{T}\left(A_{PMB}\right),T_{PMB} \right\} $$$, the compound loss, which facilitates superstructure overlap, is:
$$L_{total} = \alpha_0 \times \mathcal{N}\left\{\mathcal{T}\left(A_{PMB}\right),T_{PMB} \right\} + \sum_{i=1}^{N} \alpha_i \times \text{MSE}\left\{\mathcal{T}\left(M_i^{\text{atlas}}\right),M_i^{\text{target}}\right\} $$
where $$$\text{MSE}\{.,.\}$$$ is the mean squared error.

4) Propagated AASN-atlas labels serve as segmentations (Figure 2). We will henceforth refer to this segmentation scheme as Constrained Registration-Based SEGmentation (CRSEG).

Tractography: We performed probabilistic tractography with probtrackx16. We quantified connection strengths with a connectivity-probability (CP) metric17. Step-lengths for tract growing were set to half of the voxel size to account for resolution differences.


Sorensen-Dice coefficients and Hausdorff distances for 5 annotated ex-vivo specimens not used for U-net PMB training are provided for comparison of CRSEG predictions and corresponding expert-annotated AASN (Figure 3). To assess overall CP variability between CRSEG predictions and annotations, we performed probabilistic tractography between AASN and the thalamus on the annotated ex-vivo cases and 5 HCP in-vivo cases (Figure 4). Intra-subject CP MSE between ex-vivo annotations and CRSEG predictions are reported in Table 1.


We present CRSEG, a joint machine learning and registration-based scheme for AASN segmentation. We validate CRSEG robustness via comparisons with manual labelling and probabilistic tractography. Finally, we reveal consistent connectivity differences between AASN and the thalamus.
Dice scores for AASN with some definable contrasts are higher (PAG average Dice=0.67, mRt average Dice=0.56). Volumes for AASN with lower Dice scores range from LDTg=57 to VTA=641 voxels. This, along with single-voxel thicknesses for some AASN, implies that any minor spatial shifts drastically affect Dice scores. Haussdorf distances, however, remain low, indicating accurate CRSEG localization. Furthermore, CP values indicate high coherence; CP MSE (except for LDTg (MSE=0.024)) all fall below 0.010. Moreover, similar in-vivo results reveal novel CP signatures between AASN and the thalamus (Figure 4). One limitation of this study is the small sample-size, which is due to the time-intensive labelling process for high resolution ex-vivo cases (average time for one reviewer is 5 hours). Another limitation is that CRSEG performance does not directly depend on registration and/or superstructure segmentation quality. CRSEG assumes that low-contrast AASN are in a standard anatomical configuration with typical morphology. In future work we aim to incorporate this variation from histological sections as spatial priors with the goal of Bayesian seed-smoothing for tractography. These methods have the potential to advance knowledge about brainstem connectivity in human consciousness and its disorders.


Research reported in this abstract was supported by National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) of the National Institutes of Health under award number 5T32EB001680-17, the National Institute of Health (NIH) under award numbers 1R01AG070988-01 and 1RF1MH123195-0, Alzheimer’s Research UK with interdisciplinary grant number ARUK-IRG2019A-003, and the European Research Council (ERC) with starting Grant number 677697.

Data were provided in part by the Human Connectome Project, WU-Minn Consortium (Principal Investigators: David Van Essen and Kamil Ugurbil; 1U54MH091657) funded by the 16 NIH Institutes and Centers that support the NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research; and by the McDonnell Center for Systems Neuroscience at Washington University.


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Figure 1: A sagittal view of the brainstem in a gradient-free ex-vivo volume with PMB (red), pontine tegmentum (blue), and tectal (green) superstructure masks is shown in (A). A spatial map of the relative relaxed regularization penalty is shown in (B). A steeper Gompertz function than the one used for regularization is shown for more comprehensive visualization of boundary effects.

Figure 2: CRSEG AASN predictions on an ex-vivo HARDI volume. Axial views of the caudal midbrain (A and B) and mid-pons (C and D) are shown. Abbreviations are: Laterodorsal Tegmental Nucleus (LDTg), Dorsal Raphe nucleus (DR), Median Raphe Nucleus (MnR), Parabrachial Complex (PBC), Pontis Oralis (PnO), Periaqueductal Gray (PAG), Pedunculotegmental Nucleus (PTg), Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA), Locus Coeruleus (LC), and Mesensephalic Reticular Formation (mRt).

Figure 3: Dice scores (A) and 95% Hausdorff distance scores (B) between expert annotations and CRSEG predictions for 5 ex-vivo HARDI volumes.

Figure 4: Connectivity probabilities and inter-case variances are shown of 5 ex-vivo test volumes between a thalamic target and AASN CRSEG predictions (red) as well as expert annotations (green). CP's of 5 in-vivo cases are also shown in blue.

Table 1: MSE for CP values between AASN CRSEG predictions and manual annotations from all 5 annotated ex-vivo cases.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 30 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58530/2022/0517