Correlation Tensor MRI reveals dynamic changes in diffusion kurtosis sources along stroke progression
Rita Alves1, Rafael Neto Henriques1, Sune Nørhøj Jespersen2,3, and Noam Shemesh1
1Champalimaud Research, Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal, 2Center of Functionally Integrative Neuroscience (CFIN) and MINDLab, Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, 3Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Portugal


Correlation Tensor Imaging is emerging as a novel methodology for resolving diffusional kurtosis sources. Here, we decouple the anisotropic (Kaniso), isotropic (Kiso), and microscopic kurtosis (μK) sources and map them along the progression of experimental ischemia. Our results indicate that μK and Kaniso, associated with cross sectional variance (tentatively associated with neurite beading) and Kiso, likely reflecting edema formation, are pivotal markers for pathology. Our findings are promising for more specific characterizations of stroke lesions and a better understanding of tissue injury.


Stroke progression and outcome greatly vary across individuals, mainly due to the heterogeneity of the associated lesions1. Despite remarkable sensitivity towards severely damaged tissue, Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) and Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging (DKI) are limited in specificity, and their metrics2,3 are difficult to interpret vis-à-vis beading, cytotoxic/vasogenic edema, core and penumbra4.
Correlation tensor MRI (CTI)5 has been recently proposed to resolve kurtosis sources, thereby potentially enhancing specificity. CTI probes the Z and KT tensors6-10 (related to the diffusion variance tensor and the total kurtosis tensor, respectively), from which the anisotropic, isotropic, and microscopic kurtosis sources (Kiso, Kaniso and μK, respectively) can be resolved with minimal assumptions, including in stroke11. Here, we investigated how kurtosis sources progress from acute (3h) to chronic (3w) phases post stroke.


All animal experiments were preapproved by the competent national and international authorities and were carried out according to EU Directive 2010/63.
Animal preparation: Adult male C57BL/6 mice (24.6 ± 2.4g) were used (N = 5). In the photothrombotic stroke model12 a focal infarct in S1bf13 is induced by injecting Rose Bengal dye (Sigma Aldrich, Portugal) (15 mg/ml) delivered intravenously (10 μl/g) followed by 15 min irradiation with a cold light source (without craniectomy, Fig. 1).
MRI experiments: Mice were scanned at 3h, 3d, and 3w post ischemic induction. The in-vivo diffusion data were acquired under anaesthesia (~2.5% isoflurane, 52% oxygen) on a pre-clinical 9.4 T Bruker Biospec scanner, equipped with a gradient system able to produce up to 660 mT/m isotropically. A DDE-EPI pulse sequence was used for CTI acquisitions, which consisted of 4 gradient pair combinations, repeated for 135 unique directions (Fig. 1) (total bmax of 1.4, 1.6, 2.8, and 3.2 ms/μm2, gradient pulse separation Δ = τm = 10 ms, δ = 4 ms)14. Other parameters included: TE/TR = 58/3000 ms, FOV = 16.6 × 16.6 mm2, in-plane resolution = 181 × 181 μm2, slice thickness = 0.85 mm, 2 averages, bandwidth = 250 kHz.
Data analysis: Raw complex diffusion data were phase unwrapped and denoised15, and aligned16. CTI metrics (mean diffusivity (MD), KT, μK, Kaniso, Kiso) were estimated pixelwise using linear-least squares fitting5. ROIs were manually defined, and interhemispheric percent changes were calculated. A Kruskal-Wallis analysis followed by a Dunn–Šidák post-hoc test (p-value < 0.05) was used for statistical analyses. Kurtosis source contribution was calculated from Kj/KT*100 where Kj corresponds to kurtosis from source j17.


Fig. 2 shows the raw non-diffusion and diffusion-weighted powder-averaged CTI data for b-values from 1.4 to 3.2 ms/μm2, revealing an average SNR of 38±8 for the non-diffusion weighted and 3±2 for the highest b-value data (46±7 and 5±2 after denoising, respectively). Lesion progression is clearly observed in all diffusion weightings.
MD and kurtosis sources in the acute, subacute, and chronic phases are shown in Fig. 3. MD pseudo-normalization in WM is observed in the 3d time point. KT and μK sharply increase in the first two timepoints, more in WM at 3h and more in GM at 3d post onset.
Quantification of interhemispheric ratios revealed that μK and KT were significantly different statistically between the subacute and chronic phases for GM; the Kaniso decreases were also statistically significant between the 3h timepoint and the 3d timepoint (Fig. 4).
Source contribution maps (Fig. 5) revealed that μK is the dominant contributor to KT in the lesion in the acute and subacute phases, while Kiso dominates KT in the chronic time points.


This study provides, to our knowledge, the first kurtosis source separation in stroke over the entire relevant time course (acute to chronic). Although many studies have mapped the time course of the diffusion tensor18-20 in stroke, only very few studies followed KT progression2,21,22. Our study provides an interesting observation of KT decreases at the chronic phase (which is plausible given that a cystic lesion can be expected to be quite homogeneous), but more importantly, reveals the sources contributing to KT in all stages. At 3h, the lesion KT increases are mainly driven by increased μK, tentatively linked with increased dendritic beading23 due to the associated increase in cross-sectional variance. At 3d, vasogenic edema24 and on-going inflammatory processes25,26 – and perhaps further beading – may be responsible for the striking Kaniso decreases and the further increases in μK and Kiso. Thus, the kurtosis sources provide enhanced specificity compared with MD/KT.


CTI-driven kurtosis source separation shows great potential for resolving different mechanisms contributing to lesion heterogeneity in-vivo.


This study was funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Starting Grant, agreement No. 679058). We acknowledge the vivarium of the Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, a facility of CONGENTO financed by Lisboa Regional Operational Programme (Lisboa 2020), project LISBOA01-0145-FEDER-022170. The authors also want to thank Ms. Renata Cruz for assistance in data acquisition.


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Fig. 1 - Study design. In the photothrombotic stroke model a well delimited and reproducible focal infarct is induced by injecting a light sensitive dye and illuminating the area to be stroked without craniotomy for 15 minutes. After stroke induction, CTI data were acquired according to the scheme from Henriques et al.14 at three distinct time points post onset: 3h (acute), 3 days (subacute) and 3 weeks (chronic).

Fig. 2 - Quality of Raw data. (A) Non-diffusion weighted images from one of the acquired slices in a representative animal at 3h, 3 days and 3 weeks post stroke onset. (B-E) Powder-averaged data computed by averaging the diffusion-weighted signals decays over 135 directions of diffusion wave vectors at 3h, 3d and 3w post onset for b-value = (B) 1.4, (C) 1.6, (D) 2.8 and (E) 3.2 ms/μm2.

Fig. 3 - CTI-driven MD (μm2/ms) and kurtosis sources maps for one of the brain slices from a representative stroked animal at 3h, 3d and 3w post stroke. MD values remained low for the first two time points, starting to pseudo-normalize at 3d (yellow arrow). KT and μK estimates increased between 3h (WM, blue arrow) and 3 days (GM, white arrow) and showed a reduction in the 3w time point. Kiso presented an increase in 3d and a decrease at 3w. Kaniso remained low for all time points, evidencing a stronger reduction at the subacute phase.

Fig. 4 - Specificity analysis. Median KT, μK, Kiso, Kaniso, and MD were computed for each ROI placed in the entire lesion, in GM, and in WM for all animals (N = 5). The ipsi- to contra-lesional percentage change of each metric was calculated. A Kruskal-Wallis test followed by a post-hoc Dunn-Šidák highlighted statistically significant differences in KT, μK and MD between the last 2 time points for GM; changes in Kaniso between the 3h and 3 days were also statistically significant for all regions (p < 0.05).

Fig. 5 - (A) Source contribution maps (%) from μK, Kiso and Kaniso to KT at 3h, 3d and 3w post stroke (representative mouse), and (B) average results for total lesion, GM and WM, and healthy counterparts (N = 5). The results show that, compared to the healthy hemisphere, μK and Kiso contributions in the lesion were higher for the first 2 time points. Kiso contribution was strikingly elevated in the chronic time point. As for Kaniso, its reduced contribution reached the lowest value in the subacute time point.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 30 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58530/2022/0515