Yujian Diao1,2,3 and Ileana Ozana Jelescu2,4
1Laboratory of Functional and Metabolic Imaging, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2CIBM Center for Biomedical Imaging, Lausanne, Switzerland, 3Animal Imaging and Technology, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 4Department of Radiology, Lausanne University Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland
is a widely used biophysical model that estimates microstructure parameters from the
diffusion and kurtosis tensors. Here we propose a deep learning (DL) approach
based on the recurrent neural network (RNN) to increase the robustness and
accelerate the parameter estimation. The RNN solver achieved high accuracy, had
good generality and was extremely fast in computation. The proposed DL approach
is highly promising to replace the conventional nonlinear least-squares optimization
in parameter estimation of WMTI-Watson model and thus estimate WM parameters
from any DKI maps.
modelling of diffusion MRI provides specific microstructural tissue properties.
Although nonlinear least-squares (NLLS) optimization is the most used method
for model estimation, it suffers from local minima, high computational cost and
uncertain accuracy1,2. Deep Learning (DL) approaches
are replacing NL fitting, but with the limitation that the model needs to be
retrained for each acquisition protocol (b-values, directions…) and noise level.
The White Matter Tract Integrity (WMTI)-Watson model3 was proposed as an
implementation of the Standard Model that estimates parameters from the diffusion
and kurtosis tensors (DKI), thereby overcoming fitting the model signal
equation. Here we propose a DL approach based on the recurrent neural network (RNN)
to increase the robustness and accelerate the parameter estimation of
WMTI-Watson. This RNN has the advantage of being more readily translatable to
other datasets, irrespective of acquisition protocol, provided DKI was
pre-computed from the data. We compared the NLLS and RNN methods both in
synthetic and two independent datasets of rat brain in vivo, in terms of
estimation accuracy and precision.Methods
model description is provided in Fig. 1. It consists of 5 parameters that are directly derived from
tensor metrics: mean/axial/radial
diffusivities (md/ad/rd) and mean/axial/radial kurtosis (mk/ak/rk).
Experimental: All
experiments were approved by the local Service for Veterinary Affairs. Eight male
Wistar rats were scanned on a 14T Bruker system with a home-built surface coil.
Diffusion MRI images were acquired using a PGSE-EPI sequence. Dataset1 (N=7) was acquired with parameters: 4 b=0
and 3 b-shells b=0.8/1.3/2 ms/μm2 with 12/16/30 directions; δ/Δ=4/27
ms; TE/TR=48/2500 ms, resolution: 0.18x0.27x1 mm3. Dataset2 (N=1) was acquired with parameters: 3 b=0
and 2 shells b=1/2.5ms/μm2 with 24 directions per shell; δ/Δ=4.5/11
ms; TE/TR=58/3000 ms, resolution: 0.25x0.25x0.8 mm3. Images were denoised5, Gibbs-ringing corrected6 and EDDY-corrected7. Diffusion and kurtosis
tensors were calculated8 and the WMTI-Watson model was
estimated using NLLS for voxels in corpus
callosum, cingulum and fimbria which were automatically segmented using
atlas-based registration. Finally, voxels were filtered to retain WM only:
fractional anisotropy (FA) > 0.25.
Simulations: Synthetic
WMTI-Watson parameters (f, $$$D_a$$$, $$$D_{e,∥}$$$, $$$D_{e,⊥}$$$, $$$c_2$$$) were generated as the
ground truth by sampling from the parameter distributions in the filtered
experimental dataset (Fig.3B). Then synthetic diffusion and kurtosis
metrics (md, ad, rd, mk, ak, rk) were
calculated from the WMTI-Watson parameters3. The total synthetic
dataset was split into 4 subsets: training, validation, test and evaluation,
with 3M, 1M, 1M and 600k samples, respectively.
Network implementation: Since in
this fitting problem 5 parameters were to be estimated from 6 inputs, it could
be treated as a sequence-to-sequence prediction problem. We therefore proposed
a DL network based on the RNN encoder-decoder architecture9 with diffusion and
kurtosis metrics as the input sequence and the WMTI-Watson parameters as the
output sequence (Fig.2).
Model fitting: The RNN network
was first trained on the synthetic datasets and tested on a separate synthetic
evaluation set. Further, it was tested on an experimental dataset (Dataset1)
where the synthetic data distributions were drawn from, and validated on an independent dataset (Dataset2), where tensor
metrics had been estimated from different acquisition protocols. To compare
the RNN network and NLLS, NLLS were also applied on the synthetic evaluation
set and two experimental datasets.Results and Discussion
Figure 3 shows distributions of DKI tensor
metrics and WMTI-Watson model parameters in the WM voxels of experimental
In the synthetic evaluation dataset, NLLS
estimation displayed multiple off-diagonal clusters for each parameter
indicating convergence to local minima or hitting admitted parameter bounds (Fig.
4A). On the other hand, the error distributions (Fig. 4C) show NLLS achieved a
high accuracy with ~97% of trials having an error < 5% for all parameters.
RNN performance on the same dataset was more
robust with fewer outliers (Fig. 4B) and ~ 98% of trials with an error < 5% (Fig.
Remarkably, RNN and NLLS reached high
agreement (~ 80% for f,$$$D_{e,∥}$$$ and $$$D_{e,⊥}$$$, and ~ 95% for $$$D_a$$$ and $$$c_2$$$) not only on experimental dataset1 used to create distributions for the
synthetic training data but also on an independent dataset2 acquired in
different conditions (Fig. 5). It suggests that the RNN model has a good
generality to different datasets.
NLLS took 88 hours to estimate 600K data points while the RNN model only took 20
seconds on the same machine (4 cores). The RNN network showed great advantage
over NLLS in computation time.Conclusion
Derived from diffusion and kurtosis tensor metrics
which are linearly estimated from signal, WMTI-Watson is widely usable model. However,
its parameter estimation using NLLS is either extremely time consuming or
suffers from degeneracy due to local minima. RNN network-based solver instead achieved
high agreement with ground-truth targets in synthetic data, showed good model
translatability to new datasets and
more importantly showed 104 times faster computation while suffering
less from degeneracy. In conclusion, the proposed RNN is highly promising to
replace NLLS in parameter estimation of WMTI-Watson model and thus estimate WM
parameters from any DKI maps. The applicability to human DKI data without
retraining will be assessed in future work.Acknowledgements
authors thank Catarina Tristao Pereira for contributing code for WM ROI
segmentation and acknowledge access to the facilities and expertise of the CIBM Center for Biomedical Imaging, a Swiss research center of excellence founded andsupported by Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV), University of Lausanne (UNIL), Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), University of Geneva (UNIGE) and Geneva University Hospitals (HUG).
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