Quantification of in vivo proton magnetic resonance spectra (1H-MRS) still commonly involves evaluation of exclusively the real part of acquired spectral signals, but ignoring the information contained in the imaginary component may limit precise identification of individual metabolite contributions. Here, we assess quantification precision relative to SNR and noise correlation for both real and complex linear combination model fits of simulated 1H-MRS spectra reflecting brain metabolite concentrations and T2. Extending our results to inclusion of measured in vivo baselines, we demonstrate consistent improvements in metabolite quantification precision and/or accuracy by complex relative to real fits.
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Figure 1. Spectral simulation and error assessment. We analyzed quantification error for complex and real fitting schemes using linear combination modeling for both A) simulated Lorentzian singlets and B,C) simulated 3T sLASER (TE=20.1 ms) metabolite spectra at varying SNRs and noise correlations. Metabolite concentrations and T2 are derived via literature values from sLASER in occipital cortex grey matter when possible (references bracketed). SNR=signal-to-noise ratio; FWHM=Full-width at half-maximum; TE= echo time; ppm=parts-per-million
Figure 3. Quantification errors for brain metabolite spectra with uncorrelated noise. The increase in quantification error from real versus complex fitting varied with SNR as precision gains from complex fitting dropped slightly at the lowest SNRs. Although the degree of improvement varies with metabolite and SNR, complex fitting continues to consistently and systematically improve quantification precision independent of these factors.
Figure 4. Quantification errors for brain metabolite spectra with correlated noise. As with the uncorrelated noise condition, complex fits systematically improved quantification precision, with precision gains dropping slightly at the lowest-SNR conditions. SNR and noise correlation effects on precision gains were slight and varied by metabolite, potentially as a result of metabolite-specific signal amplitudes and spectral overlap.