Mapping the time course of cortical reorganization and the influence of visual experience during plasticity.
Joana Carvalho1, Francisca Fernandes2, and Noam Shemesh3
1Preclinical MRI Laboratory, Champalimaud Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal, 2Preclinical MRI Laroratory, Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal, 3Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal


During development, the organization of the brain’s underlying circuitry is shaped by sensory experience. However, how the adult brain reorganizes remains much less understood. Here, we performed a longitudinal BOLD-fMRI study assessing plasticity in the adult rat brain using a chronic visual deprivation model and a novel set-up for mapping detailed visual responses. We show that dark rearing (DR) boosts neural responses to visual stimuli but delays retinotopic and spatial frequency (SF) specialization in the visual pathway. Our findings suggest that DR shifts the stability/plasticity balance and that fMRI can map dynamic processes in the visual system.


Unravelling the organization and the functional specialization of neural networks is fundamental to understanding how the adult brain adapts its function and structure. In the visual system, deprivation of stimulus from birth entails an absence of the critical period for plasticity, thereby delaying the normal specialization and development of the pathway1. It remains unclear how the adult brain reorganises upon being exposed to light, especially from a brain-wide perspective.
High-field preclinical MRI can map brain-wide plasticity2,3. However, understanding brain reorganisation in the visual system requires the delivery of complex visual stimuli and advanced computational models to measure detailed receptive fields (RFs) and spatial frequency (SF) tuning curves4-6. Here, using a unique set-up for delivery of complex stimuli in rodents in the scanner, we mapped rat RFs and SF tuning curves with high resolution, and investigated how they modulate over time. Our results suggest a shift in the critical period upon light exposure.


All experiments were preapproved by the competent institutional and national authorities and were carried out in accordance with European Directive 2010/63.
Dark rearing: The experiment timeline is shown in Figure.1E. N=12 Adult Long Evan rats (10 Females) were divided into two groups: healthy controls (HC,N=6) and dark reared (DR,N=6). The DR animals were born and kept in the dark until 10 weeks of age. They were first exposed to light during the first MRI scan (t=0). Thereafter, the DR animals were housed in a normal environment with 12h light/12h dark cycle. Follow-up scans took place 7, 17 and 27 days after t=0. HC rats were scanned following the same protocol but were born and kept in the normal environment with 12h light/12h dark cycle from birth.
Animal preparation and MRI experiments: Rats were sedated using medetomidine (0.05mg/kg bolus; 0.1mg/kg/h infusion). Temperature and respiration rate were continuously monitored and remained stable throughout the sessions. MRI experiments were performed on a 9.4T BioSpec scanner (Bruker) equipped with an 86mm quadrature resonator for transmittance and a 20mm loop surface coil for reception.
Visual stimulus delivery set-up and paradigm: A tailored set-up for delivering complex stimuli in the scanner was used (Figure.1A,B). Retinotopic organization and SF tuning along the visual pathway were obtained using two different stimuli: a luminance contrast-inverting checkerboard drifting bar (Figure.1C) and full field moving gratings of 10 different SFs varying between 0.003 and 0.5 cycles per degree (cpd, Figure.1D), respectively. Each retinotopic run was repeated 6 times and each SF tuning run was repeated twice per animal.
fMRI experiments: Multislice GE-EPI acquisition parameters included: TE/TR=16.7/1500ms, FOV=20.5x15mm2, resolution=125x125μm2, slice thickness=0.650mm).
Data analysis and receptive field estimation: Images were slice-timing and motion corrected, coregistered and normalized to an atlas and spatially smoothed (FWHM=0.15mm2) using a home-written Python pipeline. Regions of interest (ROIs) were defined according to the SIGMA atlas7. The voxels' time-series were drift corrected and slightly temporally smoothed (Savitzky-Golay filter,span=5,window=3). The average cycle was calculated by averaging all stimulation epochs. The population RF characterization was performed using micro-probing8 and population RF analysis9.


Figure.2 shows that both stimuli resulted in reliable and robust BOLD activation throughout the entire visual pathway in HC. These activation patterns are consistent across scanning sessions (Figure.3).
At t=0, when compared to HC, the DR group exhibited 3-fold and 2-fold increases in BOLD amplitudes in visual cortex (VC) and lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), respectively (Figure.3A). Interestingly, one week after light exposure, the BOLD responses in the DR group became similar to HC BOLD responses (Figure.3B,C and D). This effect is visible using both stimuli, SF tuning and retinotopy.
To further investigate the specialization of the pathway, RF and SF mapping was performed. At t=0, the DR RFs are much larger than those of HC and the DR's visual pathway lacks retinotopic organization (Figure.4). After light exposure, the visual pathway progressively becomes retinotopically organized, as evident from the polar angle gradient from 0 to π (Figure.4A and B) and the decrease in RF sizes. In the VC, RF sizes were reduced to HC levels already at t=7d in all layers (Figure.4C,D and E). Similar observations were made for SF specificity: DR animals show broad tuning curves without a specific optimal SF compared to HC at t=0, which normalized at later time points (Figure.E and F).


Using this unique set-up for delivery of complex stimuli in the scanner, our findings shed light into plasticity in the adult brain. We have shown that the adult rat brain is highly plastic and that the absence of a critical period in DR rats delays the maturation of the visual system. Our results agree with previous electrophysiology and calcium studies which locally showed that, in DR adult animals, the RF sizes of visual cortical neurons remain large10-12. Furthermore, light exposure clearly promoted the specialization of the visual system. This unique view of the whole pathway is promising for future characterisations of plasticity in health and disease.


This study illustrates how high-resolution MRI, in combination with complex visual stimulation, can bridge the spatiotemporal scales necessary for repeatedly interrogating structural and functional changes underlying plasticity and investigate how the stability/plasticity balance is sculpted by visual experience.


This study was supported by funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Starting Grant, agreement No. 679058) and by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101032056 (PlastiMap).


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Visual stimulus set-up and paradigms that allow to deliver complex visual stimulation inside pre-clinical scanners, and scheme of the DR timeline. A: Visual stimulus display set-up. B: Picture of the visual stimulus displayed inside the scanner. C: The retinotopy stimulation paradigm: checkerboard bar moving in 8 different directions during 36s followed by a 45s rest period, repeated 4 times. D: The SF tuning paradigm: 15s stimulation period followed by a 45s baseline. Ten different SFs were presented ranging between 0.003 and 0.5 cpd. E: Timeline of the dark rearing experiment.

The set-up and visual stimuli result in robust BOLD signals confined to the visual pathway in HC at t=0. A, B and E: Percentage of BOLD signal change (PSC) of the ROIs defined in D averaged across animals, runs (B) and epochs (A, E). The colored areas correspond to the 95% confidence interval and the gray area to the stimulation period. C and F: GLM Functional images. The GLM maps are FDR corrected using a p-value of 0.001 and minimum cluster size of 8 voxels. D: Anatomical images with the delineation of the ROIs.

DR animals show stronger BOLD responses at t=0 compared to HC. At t=7d, t=17d and t=27d the BOLD responses are comparable between HC and DR. A, B, C and D: fMRI activation patterns of T-contrast maps obtained for HC and DR animals at t=0, t=7d, t=17d and t=27d, respectively. The GLM maps are FDR corrected using a p-value of 0.001 and minimum cluster size of 8 voxels. The right panels show the PSC of the VC, LGN and SC for the HC (blue) and DR (red) animals at each scanning time point. The colored areas correspond to the 95% confidence interval and the gray area to the stimulation period.

At t=0 the DR visual pathway is not retinotopically reorganized (no clear polar angle gradient from 0 to π) and the RFs are very large, contrasting with the HC. At t=7d the DR animals show some level of retinotopic organization and the RF sizes are comparable to HC. A and B: Retinotopic maps (polar angle) of SC (A) and VC (B) of HC and DR animals at t=0 and t=7d. C: RF size in VC. D: RF profile of a DR voxel at t=0 (left) and t=7d (right), the colorbar corresponds to the variance explained (VE) of the RF model fit. E: RF size as function of cortical thickness obtained for DR and HC rats at t=0 and t=7d.

At t=0, DR animals show broad tuning curves, while HC have well defined tuning curves spiking at an optimal SF of 0.16 cpd. A and B: SF map of HC and DR animals, the optimal SF was calculated for each voxel and back projected onto the brain slices. C and D: PSC of the VC, LGN and SC obtained for the multiple SFs tested for HC and DR animals, respectively. The different colors represent the multiple SFs. E and F: SF tuning curve calculated for HC (blue) and DR (red) at t=0 and t=7d, respectively : maximum of the PSC during the stimulation period as function of the SF.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 30 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58530/2022/0413