Cross modal validation of micro-architectural features derived from diffusion MRI with contrast from other imaging modalities is critical for developing reliable imaging biomarkers. Here, we map apparent soma and neurite densities via the SANDI methodology in the in-vivo mouse brain at 9.4T and compared the derived metrics with the contrast from the Allen Mouse Brain Atlas which reflects cell body density in the brain. Our findings suggest that soma signal fraction correlates well with atlas intensities in different parts of the brain.
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Figure 1 a) Schematic description of the data processing pipeline. Input: complex images for each channel. Step 1: MP-PCA denoising for each channel. Step 2: Ghost correction based on phase differences between odd and even k-space lines. Step 3: Channel combination. Step 4: Real images are computed. Step 5: Intra-scan registration. Step 6: Gibbs ringing correction. Output: Pre-processed real images. b) tissue reconstructed based on electron microscopy15 (left) and schematic representation of the SANDI tissue model (right) with signal fractions fsphere + fstick + fball = 1.
Figure 2 In vivo powder-averaged diffusion weighted images using real data, from one representative animal. The data are presented for two slice positions, and 5 different b values increasing left to right. Clearly, the signal to noise of the powder averaged data is high even at the highest b-value used in this study (b = 10 ms/μm2), enabling the downstream processing of the SANDI model.
Figure 3 SANDI parameter maps derived from real data in one representative animal. Note the lower, but non-zero sphere fraction in white matter, and higher sphere fractions in gray matter. The opposite is observed for the stick fraction. In the ventricles, neither sphere nor stick signals are detected. Sphere radii are quite uniform across the gray matter, and are somewhat lower in white matter regions, while the diffusivity in sticks is between free diffusion (e.g. ventricles in Dball) and the other Gaussian diffusion processes in the brain (Dball in the brain parenhcyma).
Figure 4 DKI parameter maps in one representative mouse. As expected, we can observe higher FA and MK values and lower MD values in WM compared to GM.
Figure 5 Comparison between dMRI parameters and the downsampled Allen mouse brain atlas for three slices in a) cerebrum and b) cerebellum. For each region, the top row shows parameter maps derived from SANDI (fsphere, fstick and Rsphere) and DKI (MD, FA and MK), averaged over 6 animals, after registration to the template. The bottom row shows voxelwise scatter plots of the same dMRI parameters versus the image intensity of the atlas, and the legend gives the Spearman correlation coefficient. Strikingly, fsphere exhibits a very good rank correlation with the altas intensity in all areas.