Imaging Optic Nerve Pathology and Dysfunction in Multiple Sclerosis Using Diffusion Basis Spectrum imaging
Tsen-Hsuan (Abby) Lin1, William M Spees1, Michael Wallendorf2, Peng Sun1,3, Junqian Xu4, Anne H Cross5,6, and Sheng-Kwei Song1,6
1Radiology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, United States, 2Biostatistics, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, United States, 3Imaging Physics, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, United States, 4Radiology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, United States, 5Neurology, Washington Univeristy School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, United States, 6Hope Center for Neurological Disorders, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, United States


We have introduced diffusion basis spectrum imaging (DBSI) to detect, differentiate, and quantify coexisting pathologies in people with multiple sclerosis (MS). Recently, we performed functional DBSI and DTI with flashing-checkerboard stimulation. DBSI-derived radial diffusivity (DBSI-RD) decreased significantly during visual stimulation while DTI-RD did not change. In this study, we employed fDBSI to assess optic nerve function and pathology simultaneously in MS. Axonal loss and vasogenic edema/increased extracellular space attenuated optic nerve response to visual stimulation.


We have developed diffusion basis spectrum imaging (DBSI)1 to differentiate coexisting axonal injury, demyelination, inflammation, a quantify axonal loss in multiple sclerosis (MS)2,3 and its animal models.4-6 We previously reported that diffusion functional MRI (dfMRI), using single-direction diffusion weighting7,8 or diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)9, can identify axonal dysfunction and conduction blockage. Subsequently, we performed functional DTI and DBSI with 8Hz flashing checkerboard visual stimulation to examine healthy and MS subjects. Optic neuritis (ON) is common symptom in MS. Optical coherence tomography (OCT)-assessed retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thinning has been correlated with visual acuity, optic nerve axonal loss and, notably, with global brain atrophy in MS.10,11 Thus, optic nerve pathology severity could potentially reflect disease progression in MS. In this study, we employed functional DBSI (fDBSI) to simultaneously assess optic nerve dysfunction and pathology in people with MS.

Materials and Methods

Subject set-up: Six healthy control (CTL) and eleven MS subjects were recruited. Scans were performed on a 3T Siemens Prisma scanner. A 64-channel head coil was used with a mirror to allow the subject to see the flashing checkerboard (Fig. 1E) during scanning. Imaging protocol: Whole brain MPRAGE was acquired to locate optic nerves (Fig.1A). Two image slices were adjusted perpendicular to the tested optic nerve (Fig. 1A, blue rectangles). Imaging was performed in 31 directions with 31 b-values (monopolar diffusion encoding, max b-value = 1,000 s/mm2) including one b = 0. Diffusion-weighted images were obtained using inner-volume single-shot EPI:12 TR = 2.5 s, TE = 53.8 ms, in-plane resolution = 1.1 x 1.1 mm, slice thickness = 4 mm, echo-train length = 30, and acquisition time = 1.5 minutes. Each fDBSI measurement consisted of a series of three baseline, three stimulation (8 Hz flashing checkerboard), and three stimulation-off images (Fig. 1D&E). Thus, three measurements were averaged for each condition. Data processing: Raw DWIs were post-processed and co-registered before DBSI and DTI metrics were derived using lab-developed software.


Representative DBSI and DTI maps of one healthy optic nerve from a control subject, and one prior ON-affected and contralateral unaffected eye from one MS subject (Fig.2) revealed an increased non-restricted fraction (putative biomarker for increased inter-axonal tissues/vasogenic edema), an increased restricted fraction, and decreased fiber fraction (putative biomarker for axonal density) in MS nerves, with or without ON history, compared to control. Decreased DBSI-λǁ in both unaffected and ON-affected nerves suggested axonal injury. Increased DBSI-λ in ON-affected eye suggested demyelination. Overall DTI-λ and DTI-λǁ were higher and lower than DBSI-λ and DBSI-λǁ, respectively (Fig. 2). Functional DBSI in optic nerves from five health (n=10 eyes) and eleven MS (n=9 prior ON-affected eyes, n=11 unaffected eyes) subjects revealed 42% DBSI-λ (p< 0.05) and 17% DBSI-λǁ decrease (p<0.05) in healthy subjects upon stimulation versus 28% DBSI-λ (p< 0.05) and ~0% DBSI-λǁ decrease in ON-unaffected eyes of MS patients; and 11% decrease in DBSI-λand 5% DBSI-λǁ increase in optic nerves previously affected by ON. In contrast, functional DTI did not detect axonal activation in optic nerve of eyes, unaffected MS unaffected eyes, or previously affected by ON.


Our baseline DBSI results indicated that DBSI could detect and quantify coexisting inflammation, axonal injury, demyelination, and reduced axonal density in MS optic nerves while DTI was confounded by inflammation and surrounding CSF. In contrast, DTI failed to detect axonal activation in optic nerve. fDBSI detected axonal activation in either healthy or ON-unaffected optic nerves. Current data reflect averaged effect over the entire optic nerve. More detailed data analysis to examine the potential inhomogeneous activation is ongoing for a more refined interpretation.


In this proof-of-concept study, we successfully translated our mouse dfMRI finding to human optic nerve using DBSI. The results suggested functional DBSI could simultaneously assess pathology and function in optic nerves.


This work was supported in part by NIH R01-NS047592, P01-NS059560, U01-EY025500, and National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS) RG 5258-A-5, RG 1701-26617


1 Cross, A. H. & Song, S. K. "A new imaging modality to non-invasively assess multiple sclerosis pathology". Journal of neuroimmunology 304, 81-85, doi:10.1016/j.jneuroim.2016.10.002 (2017).

2 Wang, Y. et al. Quantification of increased cellularity during inflammatory demyelination. Brain 134, 3590-3601, doi:10.1093/brain/awr307 (2011).

3 Wang, Y. et al. Differentiation and quantification of inflammation, demyelination and axon injury or loss in multiple sclerosis. Brain 138, 1223-1238, doi:10.1093/brain/awv046 (2015).

4 Chiang, C. W. et al. Quantifying white matter tract diffusion parameters in the presence of increased extra-fiber cellularity and vasogenic edema. Neuroimage 101, 310-319, doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.06.064 (2014).

5 Lin, T.-H. et al. Diffusion MRI quantifies early axonal loss in the presence of nerve swelling. Journal of neuroinflammation 14, 78 (2017).

6 Lin, T. H. et al. Diffusion Basis Spectrum Imaging Detects Axonal Loss After Transient Dexamethasone Treatment in Optic Neuritis Mice. Front Neurosci 14, 592063, doi:10.3389/fnins.2020.592063 (2020).

7 Lin, T. H. et al. Diffusion fMRI detects white-matter dysfunction in mice with acute optic neuritis. Neurobiology of disease 67, 1-8, doi:10.1016/j.nbd.2014.02.007 (2014).

8 Spees, W. M., Lin, T. H. & Song, S. K. White-matter diffusion fMRI of mouse optic nerve. NeuroImage 65, 209-215, doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2012.10.021 (2013).

9 Spees, W. M. et al. MRI-based assessment of function and dysfunction in myelinated axons. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 115, E10225-E10234, doi:10.1073/pnas.1801788115 (2018).

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Figure 1 Representative MPRAGE (A) depicts two optic nerves. Adjusted imaging planes (B and C) were perpendicular to the right optic nerve. Two red arrows indicated the right optic nerve in cross-sectional view (B and C). Subjects underwent a series of diffusion MRI measurements of one optic nerve, with three baseline (D), three visual-stimulation-on (E), and three visual-stimulation-off (D) periods.

Figure 2 Representative interpolated (4X) baseline DBSI and DTI maps around the center of the optic nerve from one healthy subject and one MS patient with unilateral ON history. Higher non-restricted and lower fiber fraction in MS optic nerves suggested increased inter-axonal tissues/vasogenic edema and decreased axonal density. Increased restricted fraction in ON-affected nerves suggested increased cellularity. Lower DBSI-λǁ and higher DBSI-λ in MS eyes, suggesting axonal injury and demyelination in the residual ON, respectively.

Figure 3 Representative interpolated (4X) functional DBSI (fDBSI)-λand -λ maps around the center of the optic nerve from the same subjects as Figure 2. During visual stimulation, obvious decreased DBSI-λ and -λ (vs. baseline) were observed in healthy optic nerve, inhomogeneous decrease of DBSI-λ and -λ (vs. baseline) were detected, suggesting that fDBSI was able to assess pathology and function simultaneously.

Figure 4 Representative interpolated (4×) functional DTI (fDTI)-λ and -λ maps of the optic nerve from the same datasets as in Figures 2 and 3. Due to confounding effects from surrounding CSF within extra-axonal space or outside optic nerve, DTI was not sensitive to reflect axonal activation during visual stimulation.

Figure 5 Quantitative results from fDBSI (A, B) and fDTI (C, D). Significant DBSI-λ decrease was shown in healthy and unaffected optic nerves (A) while only significant DBSI-λ decreases occurred in healthy optic nerves (B). DTI results showed no difference among healthy, unaffected, and ON-affected eyes (C, D). ⋆ indicates p < 0.05

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 30 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58530/2022/0205