Children affected by hepatic encephalopathy (HE) suffer from irreversible cognitive damage, and thus exploring the developing brain during HE is of crucial interest. Histology in an adult rat model of HE suggested alterations in the cerebellar microstructure, but there is a need for in vivo probes of these changes. Combining diffusion MRS and diffusion MRI, we measured increased metabolites’ diffusivities, as well as an increased intra-neurite/axon water diffusivity in white and gray matter in the cerebellum of a young rat model of HE compared to control rats, suggesting an alteration of cell density and/or of neurite network complexity.
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Fig. 1 – Sequence parameters for the standard 1H MRS, the diffusion MRS and diffusion MRI acquisitions. Δ: diffusion time, δ: duration of diffusion gradients.
Fig. 2 – Models used for diffusion MRS and MRI data fitting. Dneurite,MRS: metabolites intra-neurite diffusivity, Dneurite,GM: water intra-neurite diffusivity in GM, fneurite,GM: neurite fraction in GM, fsoma: soma fraction in GM, Rsoma: soma radius in GM, De,GM: isotropic extracellular water diffusivity in GM, faxon,WM: neurite fraction in WM, Daxon,WM: water intra-neurite diffusivity in WM, De//or┴,WM: water extracellular diffusivity (// and perp. to axons) in WM.
Fig. 3 – Metabolites concentration in the cerebellum at week 4 and week 6 post-surgery for both groups (STEAM). A: voxel location. B: representative spectra at week 6. C: metabolites concentrations. Gln: glutamine, Glu: glutamate, Ins: myo-inositol, Tau: taurine, tCr: total creatine, tCho: total choline, tNAA: total N-acetylaspartate, Sum of osmolytes: Ins+Tau+tCr+tCho. A Student’s t-test (or a Welch’s t-test when non-equal variance was found) was performed for all metabolites at week 4 and 6 between groups (*: p<0.05, ***: p<0.001, ****: p<0.0001).
Fig 4 – Diffusion MRS. A: voxel location. B: representative diffusion decays at week 6 for Ins and tCr. C: estimated diffusion parameters for all metabolites. Errors estimated using Monte Carlo, with the standard deviation around the mean decay at all b-values. ADC: apparent diffusion coefficient. A Student’s/Welch’s t-test was performed for all diffusion coefficients at week 4 and 6 between groups (*: p<0.05, **: p<0.01, ***: p<0.001), showing increased ADC/Dneurite,MRS for osmolytes (Ins, Tau, tCr) and neuronal metabolites (tNAA, Glu).
Fig. 5 – Diffusion MRI. B. Additive overlap of the 3 eigenvectors scaled by FA in two slices of the cerebellum of one rat. SANDI (A) and WMTI-Watson (C) parameter estimates. The GM and WM masks were automatically selected on the fneurite,GM map using an adaptative Gaussian threshold followed by a morphological erosion to limit the selection of contentious areas. A Student’s /Welch’s t-test was performed for all parameters between groups. No statistical differences can be observed, yet a trend of increased neurite/axon diffusivities in GM and WM.