Defining Normative Cerebral Hemodynamics in Cognitively Healthy Older Adults with 4D Flow MRI
Grant S Roberts1, Anthony Peret2, Leonardo Rivera-Rivera1,3, Karly A Cody3, Howard A Rowley2, Oliver Wieben1,2, Sterling C Johnson3, Kevin M Johnson1,2, and Laura B Eisenmenger2
1Dept of Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 2Dept of Radiology, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 3Dept of Medicine, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI, United States


It has been shown that vascular disease is strongly associated with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). It is thus important to establish normative cerebrovascular hemodynamics in aging populations. In this study, we comprehensively assess macrovascular hemodynamics using 4D flow MRI to obtain flow rates and pulsatility indices in 110 cognitively healthy, older adults and correlate these measures with age, sex, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) risk scores, and APOE genotypes. We found a (1) negative correlation between flow vs. age and flow vs. ASCVD, (2) a positive correlation between pulsatility vs. age and pulsatility vs. ASCVD, and (3) no correlations with APOE genotypes.


Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is currently the sixth leading cause of death whose prevalence continues to grow due to demographic shifts and lack of treatments1. Recent evidence indicates that vascular pathology is a major risk factor for AD-related dementia with several studies indicating that it not only contributes to cognitive decline but also to neuronal loss in AD-related Aβ and tau pathologies2-5. Thus, there is considerable interest in defining cerebrovascular biomarkers for prodromal and advanced AD. 4D flow MRI enables a comprehensive assessment of intracranial hemodynamics in a single, whole-brain acquisition. While several 4D flow studies have investigated vascular dysfunction in AD6-9, normal 4D flow hemodynamic data in healthy older subjects is lacking. The primary aim of this study is to evaluate normative hemodynamic measures (specifically flow and pulsatility) in a large cohort of cognitively normal subjects using 4D flow MRI and to establish correlations with age, sex, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) risk score10, and APOE genotype.


In this preliminary study, a sub-cohort of 110 subjects (73F/37M; mean age=67y; age range=[46-81y]) were selected from a larger cohort of older, cognitively normal subjects from the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center. Inclusion criteria were defined as a normal cognitive status via comprehensive clinical diagnosis11 and a Pittsburgh Compound B index < 1.1912,13. Demographics, ASCVD risk scores, and APOE genotypes were obtained.
4D flow MRI data were acquired at 3T (Signa Premier, GE Healthcare, WI) using a radially-undersampled PCVIPR14,15 acquisition with the following parameters: TR/TE=7.7/2.5ms; flip=8°; projections=11,000; isotropic resolution=0.69mm; image volume=22x22x10cm3; VENC=80cm/s; scan time=5.6 min; encode scheme=4-point. The data was reconstructed into 20 cardiac frames using retrospective peripheral pulse oximeter gating and temporal radial view sharing16. An interactive, semi-automated 4D flow processing tool (Figure 1A-B, available on Github) was developed in Matlab2020b (Mathworks, Natick, MA), which included automated vessel segmentation17, centerline detection, and reporting functions for a robust and user-independent analysis. Mean volumetric flow rates and pulsatility indices (PIs) were obtained in 15 major vessel segments: cervical internal carotid arteries (ICA), cavernous ICAs, vertebral arteries (VA), basilar artery (BA), middle cerebral arteries (MCA), posterior cerebral arteries (PCA), straight sinus (StrS), superior sagittal sinus (SSS), and transverse sinuses (TS). Total cerebral blood flow was computed as the sum of the cervical ICAs and BA. For bilateral vessels, left and right segments were averaged. Two observers separately analyzed 55 cases each, using standardized vessel measurement locations (Figure 1C).
After 4D flow hemodynamic data had been collected, two simple linear regression models were used to (1) assess correlations between each outcome variable (flow and PI in each vessel) and age as well as (2) each outcome variable and ASCVD score. Multiple linear regression was then used to assess correlations between each outcome variable with age, sex, and age-sex interactions. Scatter plots were obtained for each regression model.


All 110 subjects were successfully processed, with analysis taking approximately 9 minutes for each case. Box plots for blood flow for all measured vessel segments (and total cerebral blood flow) are shown in Figure 2. Simple linear regression revealed that age is a predictor of decreased flow and increased PI in most vessel segments (Figure 3). For instance, age was positively correlated with flow (p = 0.001) and negatively correlated with PI (p < 0.001) in the cavernous ICA. In the multiple regression analysis, age showed the same relationship with flow and PI, but sex and the interaction between age and sex did not correlate significantly with flow or PI. ASCVD score was also found to be a predictor of decreased blood flow and increased PI for most vessel segments (Figure 3-4). Finally, flow and PI were not significantly correlated with APOE genotype.


It was observed that individual vessel flow rates and total cerebral blood flow decline with age (consistent with formerly published studies18-20), and that pulsatility increases with age. However, it should be noted that there may be low statistical power due to the limited sample size used in this study. Furthermore, blood flow values align well with those reported in other MRI21 and ultrasound22 studies. While APOE genotypes have been found to differentially alter cerebral blood flow using other MRI methods23, this was not observed in our study. We plan to continue analyzing normal subjects, providing a robust hemodynamic baseline. This is not only useful for future studies evaluating vascular dysfunction in mild cognitive impairment and AD but any cerebrovascular-related study interested in normal flow and pulsatility values.


This preliminary investigation represents a first step towards defining normal cerebral blood flow and pulsatility values utilizing 4D flow MRI, which provides a sensitive, comprehensive and non-invasive tool for the assessment of cerebral luminal blood flow and pulsatility. Normal flow and pulsatility value, as have been reported in this study, show correlations with age and vascular risk scores and are an important first step in defining normative cerebral hemodynamics. Future studies will evaluate correlations with other vascular measures, such as white matter hyperintensities, as well as further improve 4D flow post-processing times.


We gratefully acknowledge research support from GE Healthcare and funding support from the National Institutes of Health (F31-AG071183, KL2-TR002374, R01-AG027161).


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(A) Interactive 3D tool used to select specific vessels for hemodynamic analysis. Shown is the semi-transparent phase contrast angiogram and the centerline skeleton color-coded by flow. (B) Once a point is selected, cross-sectional planes show magnitude, velocity, complex difference data along with flow waveforms. (C) Established arterial measurement points used for this study. ICA=internal carotid artery; VA=vertebral artery; BA=basilar artery; PCA=posterior cerebral artery; ACA=anterior cerebral artery; MCA=middle cerebral artery.

Box plots of mean volumetric blood rates in mL/s for all measured arteries (left), major sinuses (right), and total cerebral blood flow (right). Note that bilateral vessel segments were averaged between left and right sides. ICA cav = cavernous internal carotid artery; ICA cerv = cervical internal carotid artery; MCA = middle cerebral artery; ACA = anterior cerebral artery; PCA = posterior cerebral artery; BA = basilar artery; VA = vertebral artery; SSS = Superior Sagittal Sinus; StrS = Straight Sinus; TS = Transverse Sinus; tCBF = total cerebral blood flow.

(Left) Correlations between age and each outcome variable after multiple linear regression with age, sex, and age-sex interaction terms. There were no significant correlations between sex or sex-age interactions with any outcome measure. (Right) Simple linear regression showing correlations between outcomes and ASCVD vascular risk scores. ICA= internal carotid artery; MCA=middle cerebral artery; ACA=anterior cerebral artery; PCA=posterior cerebral artery; BA=basilar artery; VA=vertebral artery; SSS=Superior Sagittal Sinus.

Relationship between flow, pulsatility index and age. Linear regression showed that age is a predictor of decreased flow and increased pulsatility index in most vessels. (ß = regression coefficient; p = p-value for ß; level of significance p < .05).

Simple linear regression plots demonstrating negative correlation between ASCVD risk score and flow (left) and positive correlations between ASCVD risk score and pulsatility indices (right). Note that ASCVD risk scores were log-normal distributed, resulting in a large number of small ASCVD values. ICA=internal carotid artery; ASCVD=atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (risk score).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 30 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58530/2022/0007