Antenatal/Neonatal Cystic & Solid Masses
Teresa Victoria1
1The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, United States


In this session we will review common and uncommon feral lesions of the chest, with postnatal follow up. Diagnosis pearls will be discussed with an emphasis on MR imaging.

Also discussed will be cystic and solid lesions of the fetal abdomen, with postnatal follow up.

During this session the most common solid and cystic lesions of the fetal body will be discussed with pearls as of how to determine specific diagnosis. Postnatal imaging findings will also be discussed.


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Imaging of fetal tumors and other dysplastic lesions: A review with emphasis on MR imaging.Victoria T, Johnson AM, Moldenhauer JS, Hedrick HL, Flake AW, Adzick NS.

Prenat Diagn. 2020 Jan;40(1):84-99.

Fetal ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging: a primer on how to interpret prenatal lung lesions.Adams NC, Victoria T, Oliver ER, Moldenhauer JS, Adzick NS, Colleran GC.Pediatr Radiol. 2020 Dec;50(13):1839-1854.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)