My Career Story: A European Industry Perspective
Liesbeth Geerts-Ossevoort1
1Philips Healthcare, Best, Netherlands


When you're in academia, it is difficult to get a good view of what working in industry entails. In this presentation, I will provide some insight into what roles exist in industry, and why you should consider a career in industry. Aim of this presentation is to help you make a better choice between a career in academia versus a career in industry.

Brief outline of the presentation

When you're in academia, it is difficult to get a good view of what working in industry entails - and when you check the corporate websites, it often does not become much clearer. Before I started my career in industry, I had questions like: "How are new ideas translated into products? How much research does an R&D organization engage in? And if the 'research' is done, what 'development' still needs to take place?"
Also, it was difficult for me to understand the different jobs that exist in industry - I had a basic understanding of what marketing was (and thought I was not interested), but did not have a clue about the role of an 'application specialist' or about service delivery.
After having worked in industry for almost 20 years now, I can answer some of these questions, and shed some light on the different roles that exist in industry that are relevant for this audience. But more importantly: I would like to share with you why working in industry is a great opportunity to have a real positive impact in many peoples' lives, and why you might want to consider it!
Aim of this presentation is to help you make a better choice between a career in academia versus a career in industry.




Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)