Optimising MSK: What's New & Hot for Radiographers
Bac Nguyen1
1Oslo University Hospital, Norway


The aim of this presentation is to highlight many important key parameters to get tack sharp images, while keeping the scantime down. This presentation will mainly be focused on MSK 2D TSE sequences. With that said, many of the tips & tricks which will be given can be adapted to other organs as well.The parameters which will be focused on are very basic and can be found on every vendor and field strength. The second part of this presentation will be mainly focused on what’s new and hot out there among these vendors.


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Fig.1 The parameter bandwidth is important for being able to fully optimize the sequences. The image demonstrates the difference between non optimize bandwidth (A) and an optimize bandwidth (B)

Fig.2 Matrix is another parameter which need to be balanced between scantime, snr and resolution. Using it correctly will give you the opportunity to get tack sharp images. The image A has rectangular voxels size while the image B has square voxels which in this case provides overall sharper images within a shorter scantime.

Fig.3 Interpolation is an ongoing topic whether to use it or not. In this example the image A interpolation is not applied, while image B is applied.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)