FBI: Foreign Body Investigation
Marty Sherriff1
1Alberta Children's Hospital, Canada


Imaging pediatric patients provides a unique imaging challenge for Technologists and Radiographers. Pediatrics imaging requires Technologist and Radiographers to have multiple ‘tools’ at their disposal to mitigate/reduce motion artifacts, achieve uniform fat suppression and provide imaging in a timely manner. Imaging the esophagus, which can be quickly damaged after an ingestion of the button battery, is surrounded by numerous organs (heart and lungs), blood vessels and airways. Compensating for air tissue interface susceptibility, reduction of motion from vessels and respiration, adapting coil configurations to the size of the patient.

The ingestions of button batteries (lithium batteries) has been a recent hot topic locally and internationally. Alberta, Canada had developed a provincial pathway for button battery ingestions in late 2020, whereby MR imaging would be main imaging modality. Internationally, Australia has mandated the increased safety, information standards and secure packaging.
The purpose of this presentation is demonstrate to Technologists and Radiographers the use of different tools and techniques for imaging pediatric patients. Pediatrics imaging requires Technologist and Radiographers to have multiple ‘tools’ at their disposal to mitigate/reduce motion artifacts, achieve uniform fat suppression and provide imaging in a timely manner.
Imaging the esophagus, which can be quickly damaged after an ingestion of the button battery, is surrounded by numerous organs (heart and lungs), blood vessels and airways. Compensating for air tissue interface susceptibility, reduction of motion from vessels and respiration, adapting coil configurations and selections to the size of the patient: provide a unique imaging challenge for Technologists and Radiographers.


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Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)