Synthetic MR in Neuroradiology
Alex Rovira1
1Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron, Spain


Synthetic MRI is a multi dynamic multi echo sequence that provides quantitative T1, T2, proton density and myelin maps and a full set of clinical images to be generated from a single acquisition. This technique could be considered a time-efficient alternative to conventional MR imaging to visualize and quantify brain tissue properties, and has the potential to facilitate the clinical implementation of standardized and harmonized quantitative MRI measurements as a robust imaging biomarker for tissue characterization.

There is an increasing need of acquiring MRI multiparametric quantitative data to develop diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers. This is particularly difficult due to the need to control the MR-related source of variability introduced by differences in scanners, acquisition protocols and image analysis. In the field of neurological disorders, the issue has become of paramount importance due to the need to translate into the clinical setting some of the most recent MRI achievements. However, differences in MRI acquisition parameters and image analysis represent a substantial constrain. This presentation focuses on the harmonization of acquisition, using relatively short scanning times, of multiparametric MRI data in neurologic disorders, and in particular in multiple sclerosis, by using Synthetic MRI, which is harmonized by design among different vendors. This strategy would facilitate the MRI monitoring process and contribute in a better patient management.



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Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)