HIFU & Breast Interventions
L. Wilbert Bartels1
1Image Sciences Institute/UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands


Bioeffects provoked by ultrasound can be exploited for therapeutic use. For interventions in the breast, the thermal effects of high intensity focused ultrasound are of particular interest, both for thermal ablation of lesions, as well as for delivering long term mild hyperthermia treatments. MRI is well suited for image guidance of HIFU therapy, as it combines imaging with excellent soft-tissue contrasts with the ability to map and monitor temperature changes during therapy. Experiences with an MR-HIFU system specifically designed for breast applications will be discussed, with particular attention for challenges related to MRI for therapy planning, guidance, and evaluation.

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Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)