Brain MR & SARS-CoV-2: Imaging Findings, Complications & Outcomes
Simonetta Gerevini1
1ASST Papa Giovanni XXIII, Bergamo, Italy


A relevant number of COVID-19 patients may present with neurological symptoms in the acute/subacute phase of the disease. Neuroimaging can reveal a wide spectrum of CNS abnormalities, from ischemic lesions to microhemorrhages as well as meningoencephalitis and extensive white matters lesions. Advanced imaging techniques (DWI, DTI, f-MRI) may reveal underlining “inflammation of the brain” in case of persistent neurological symptoms and an unremarkable MRI examination.Long term neurological and neuropsychological sequelae are reported up to 30–40% in COVID-19 survivors, includingfatigue, myalgia, headache, dysautonomia and cognitive impairment (“brain fog”). A complete understanding of these manifestations is mandatory.

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Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)