MRI Guided Minimally Invasive Procedure for Brain Interventions
Guangzhi Wang1 and Hua Guo1
1Biomedical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China


The report will focus on neurosurgery of the brain and introduce some advances in magnetic resonance-image guidedminimally invasive diagnosis and treatment. First, through multi-contrast magnetic resonance image, 3D map of criticalstructures and function of the brain could be extracted, and a complete surgical planning is carried out. The detection electrode or treatment device could be placed in the detection or treatment position accurately by the surgical robot, and the temperature of the ablation zone is monitored in real time in Laser-Induced Thermal Therapy to achieve preciseablation. The core technologies and solutions are discussed.


a) Concept of image guided interventions;
b) Critical issues of minimally invasive brain interventions

Minimally invasive surgical Planning based on multi-contrast MR Imaging

a) Clinical demands: localization of the cause of epileptic seizure;
b) Imaging: critical issues of minimally invasive brain intervention;
c) Three critical issues of image guided interventions

Workflow of minimally invasive epileptic focus detection and LITT ablation

a) Imaging & visualization;
b) Interactive planning;
c) Registration and precise intervention;
d) SEEG based functional analysis;
e) Laser-Induced Thermal Therapy (LITT);
f) Correction of susceptibility effect;
g) Primary clinic application for the treatment of epilepsy;
h) Primary clinic application for the treatment of brain tumor



•Thanks to the research foundations from CNSF and MOST, China.

•Thanks to the cooperated Hospital and Surgeons

•Thanks to Prof. Hua Guo for the develop the MR technology


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Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)