Acquisition Methods (PRESS, STEAM, semi-LASER, MEGA-PRESS, MRSI)
Ralph Noeske1
1GE Healthcare GmbH, Solingen, Germany


This lecture will cover the most common MRS volume localization techniques PRESS, STEAM and semi-LASER that are based on overlapping slices for improved volume selection. The design of techniques for unwanted signal suppression like an appropriate crusher scheme and phase cycling as well as how to address the chemical shift displacement error are explained. The principle of the MEGA extension of PRESS for selective metabolite editing will be shown. Following consensus recommendations, the implementation of a standardized semi-LASER sequence addressing the previously discussed requirements is demonstrated.

This lecture will cover the most common MRS volume localization techniques PRESS, STEAM and semi-LASER that are based on overlapping slices for improved volume selection. The design of techniques for unwanted signal suppression like an appropriate crusher scheme and phase cycling as well as how to address the chemical shift displacement error are explained. The principle of the MEGA extension of PRESS for selective metabolite editing will be shown. Following consensus recommendations, the implementation of a standardized semi-LASER sequence addressing the previously discussed requirements is demonstrated.


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Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)