Targeted Contrast Agents
Mark D. Pagel1
1MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, United States


This presentation will focus on targeted contrast agents for molecular imaging with MRI. Key concepts include
* Targeting sensitivity; specificity; selectivity; active and passive mechanisms
*Heterobivalent binding
*A “size threshold” for imaging agents
*Timing for reaching a maximum contrast
*MRI contrast agents lack sensitivity for detecting cell receptors in less than best-case conditions.
*MRI can target abundant proteins.
*Amplification mechanisms can facilitate cell receptor detection.
*MRI has had more focus on responsive agents.
*Contrast agents for simultaneous PET/MRI
*If molecular imaging can provide more imaging features, MI can revolutionize our clinical radiology workforce.

Slide #1
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)