Multimodal Imaging
Mangala Srinivas1
1Cenya Imaging BV, Nijmegen, Netherlands


This is a short introduction to multimodal imaging, covering the combination of MRI with other modalities, such as PET, SPECT and/or fluorescence. We will focus on cell tracking applications in a preclinical setting.


In this brief talk, I will discuss multimodal imaging in a preclinical setting, and its advantages and disadvantages. We will briefly cover MRI coupled to PET, SPECT, ultrasound, fluorescence and/or photoacoustic imaging. We will focus on cell tracking applications with multimodal preclinical imaging. Please note that multiparametric MRI will not be included.
Multimodal imaging brings several advantages, with respect to the information that can be gathered, but it also brings some disadvantages such as label or tracer development, and appropriate interpretation of the data.

After this session, you should have an overview of the possibilities of multimodal imaging, the need for it, and a general understanding of how to go about with multimodal imaging in preclinical systems.


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Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)