Post Pandemic, What Is the New Normal, What Does the Future Look Like?
Bien Soo Tan1
1Singapore General Hospital, Singapore, Singapore


As we ponder the new normal for Radiology post-pandemic, we should learn from past experiences. At Singapore General Hospital, we learned bitter lessons from the SARS outbreak to better prepare for the next epidemic. We need to understand the future perspectives of our patients and our workforce. Patients will expect the highest level of infection prevention practices, and a ‘just-in-time’ service, with reduced physical contact. Healthcare institutions will need to design facilities that can pivot in function during disease outbreaks. Our workforce is our most precious resource, and organizations need to understand how to better support and care for staff.

After more than 14 long months since WHO declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic, there is now light at the end of the tunnel with the roll-out of mass vaccination. We can now dare to ponder what the new normal for Radiology will be post-pandemic. We should first learn from past experiences. Singapore was severely affected by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak in 2003. We have shared how we at Singapore General Hospital, learned the bitter lessons to be better prepared for the next epidemic. When the COVID-19 outbreak emerged in Singapore, we tapped on these measures implemented from SARS for our immediate response. While these has served us well, the scale and extent of the COVID-19 pandemic have highlighted additional issues that we needed to address.
As we look towards the future, we need to understand the perspectives of our patients and our workforce.
Our patients will expect the highest level of infection prevention and control practices, regardless of the disease outbreak situation. They will also expect a ‘just-in-time’ service from Radiology, with reduced physical contact. Healthcare institutions will need to thoughtfully design future facilities that can pivot and transform in function during disease outbreaks and other civil emergencies. Our workforce is our most precious resource, and organizations need to understand how to better support and care for staff. If Radiology can seize the opportunities presented by this crisis, we can thrive in the new normal, and look forward to an even brighter future.


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Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)