Sina Straub1, Janis Stiegeler1,2, Edris El-Sanosy3, and Till M. Schneider4
1Division of Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany, 2Faculty of Physics and Astronomy, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, 3Division of Radiology, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany, 44Department of Neuroradiology, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
whole-brain vein segmentations can be very time-consuming. In this abstract, a
method is proposed that can segment brain veins from a single-echo or
multi-echo gradient echo scan. The segmentation algorithm combines classical
vessel enhancement filtering and local thresholding methods with a
shearlet-based multi-scale approach. Compared with a ground truth, the
algorithm performs better for multi-echo data when R2* information is included
in the segmentation.
Moreover, the combination of venous segmentation with masks for
deep and superficial venous territories yields higher susceptibility values for
the superficial venous vasculature which is in accordance with a higher oxygen
consumption of the cortex.
Cerebral venous oxygenation is related to cerebral
oxygen extraction and an important biomarker for neurological diseases1-5. Applications
such as the generation of oxygen extraction fraction maps6 rely on an accurate
regional quantification of venous oxygenation requiring an accurate
segmentation of brain veins. Here, an automated whole brain vein segmentation algorithm
based on single or multi-echo gradient echo data and combining classical vessel
enhancement filtering and local thresholding methods with a shearlet-based
multi-scale approach is proposed to avoid time-consuming manual segmentation.Theory: The proposed algorithm
Input data for the algorithm are gradient echo
magnitude, susceptibility, R∗2 data if available, and a brain mask (Figure 1):
1. All input data
is multiplied with the brain mask and tSWI7 is computed from QSM and magnitude
2. Background
contrast suppression with inverse Hamming filter8 is applied to QSM, (R∗2), and tSWI, followed by a
normalization step to normalize the background suppressed data and to obtain QSMnBG, tSWInBG, (R∗,n2,BG).
3. From the denoised
shearlet coefficients9 of QSMnBG, tSWInBG, (R∗,n2,BG), the imaging data is reconstructed
scale-wise (two to the highest) including all coefficients of the lower scales.
4. Using the
shearlet representations of the data computed in the previous step, the
vesselness fractional anisotropy tensor10 is computed for each scale for the tSWInBG (for dark vessel contrast), and QSMnBG data (for bright vessel contrast), or if R∗,n2,BG is available, for R∗,n2,BG multiplied by QSMnBG instead. Before local thresholding, the
maximum of the tSWInBG-based and the QSMnBG/R∗,n2,BG-based vesselness function is taken for each
scale and multiplied with the regularization function to suppress artifacts
from field inhomogeneities11. The local
vesselness segmentations for several scales are then combined into one binary
mask segvesselness that is one for any voxel for which at least
one segmentation equals one.
5. Several local
thresholding steps ensure that both small and large venous vessels are included
in the final segmentation and that calcified structures are excluded:
a. For the lowest scale only QSMnBG, (and R∗,n2,BG) are thresholded locally, clusters of
size smaller than two voxels in a 26-connected neighborhood are removed, and
holes between connected pixels are filled (6-connected). This step is iterated.
In each iteration, voxels that are already included in the segmentation are set
to the mean values of the masked brain.
b. To remove missegmenations, e.g, along the falx cerebri,
local thresholding to segment structures that appear dark both on SWI and QSM is performed, and segremove is obtained.
c. For all, except the highest, scales,
only tSWInBG and QSMnBG are thresholded locally. For the highest scale, R∗,n2,BG is used as well if available.
6. Finally, voxels are included if segvesselness is one, any segmentation from 5c equals one,
and segremove is zero. Then, all voxels that were segmented
in 5a are added. Clusters of voxels samller than two voxels are
Data were acquired in accordance with the Declaration
of Helsinki from five healthy volunteers (mean age 44.2±10.1 years , one
female) who provided written informed consent at a 7 Tesla whole-body system
(Magnetom 7 Tesla, Siemens Healthinieers) with a 8Tx/32Rx-channel head coil
(Nova Medical Inc., Wakefield,
MA, USA) using an in-house-constructed butler matrix. A three-dimensional
bipolar multi-echo gradient echo (ME-GRE) sequence was acquired in strictly
transversal orientation with sequence parameter: TR=36ms, TE1-12=3.14/
6.28/9.42/11.99/14.56/17.13/19.7/22.27/24.84/27.41/29.98/32.55ms, voxelsize=0.5×0.5×0.6mm3, FA=10°, pixel bandwidths=490Hz/px, slice/ phase
partial Fourier=6/8, GRAPPA factor/reference lines=3/48.
Single-channel data were combined on the scanner using
computed from the second echo only with Laplacian-based phase unwrapping13-15, V-SHARP14,15 with a brain mask computed in FSL Brain Extraction
Tool16, and the STAR-QSM algorithm17. R2* maps
were calculated with the ARLO algorithm18 from the magnitude data of all echoes.
Axial and sagittal 16-slices minimal/ maximal
intensity projections were computed for SWI/QSM from central slabs. A
neuroradiologist with 8 years of experience manually delineated all venous vessels on these
projections. Dice coefficient=2TP/(2TP+FP+FN), where TP is the number of true
positive, FP false positive, and FN false negative voxels, Cohen’s kappa and
the modified Hausdorff distance (MHD)19 were used to evaluate the quality
of the segmentations. For comparison, the classical Frangi Vesselness filter
was computed on tSWI and QSM20. For a local
threshold above 0.05 on tSWI, and 0.02 on QSM, voxels were included in the vein
Freesurfer21 was used to generate segmentations
of all white and grey matter regions from a MP2RAGE scan that was acquired
during the same imaging session. The different labels were combined to yield a
mask for superficial/deep vascular territories (Figure 2). These masks were
intersected with the vein segmentation to obtain susceptibility values for
blood in deep and superficial venous vessels.Results and Discussion
Both visually (Figure 3) and quantitatively (Table 1),
the proposed algorithm yields an accurate segmentation which is superior
to the local thresholding/Frangi filter combination applied to QSM/tSWI which
is currently often used in the literature (e.g. in Ref. 20).
Autoregulation through neurovascular coupling is
thought to balance regionally increased metabolism22. However, in accordance with neuronal
activity related main cerebral oxygen consumption23,24, the evaluation of blood
susceptibility in superficial and deep vascular territories
with this brain vein segmentation algorithm consistently visualized a subtle increase
in susceptibility values (Table
2) in superficial, cortex-rich territories.Acknowledgements
This work was supported by a grant from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
(Grant number: DFG STR 1480/2-1).The use of the ASPIRE gradient echo sequence
and corresponding ICE program for coil combination of the 7 T GRE data provided
by Korbinian Eckstein and Simon D. Robinson is kindly acknowledgedReferences
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