Olivier Commowick1, Renaud Hédouin1, Charlotte Laurent2, and Jean-Christophe Ferré1,3
1Univ Rennes, Inria, CNRS, Inserm, IRISA UMR 6074, Empenn - ERL U1228, Rennes, France, 2Ophthalmology department, CHU Rennes, Rennes, France, 3Radiology department, CHU Rennes, Rennes, France
Multiple sclerosis is a complex disease where voxel-based, group-based statistics of the brain microstructure have shown their limits in explaining patient evolution. This is first due to too simple diffusion models, mixing information. Voxel-based studies also lack knowledge on brain structural connectivity. Finally, group-based analysis does not describe well the specific patient status (a crucial point for clinicians). We propose an atlas-based framework, combined with advanced diffusion compartment models, for patient specific analysis of microstructural disease burden on major fiber bundles. We apply our framework to the analysis of optic radiations of MS patients with acute optic neuritis.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a complex disease1 still not well understood. While MRI plays an
important role in its diagnosis2, there is still a clinical-radiological paradox3,4 in which
handicap scores evolution is not correlated with MRI observations. This may come from the
fact that the explored measures are not specific enough: all lesions are not equivalent depending
on their position with respect to major fiber bundles and on the severity of the microstructural
damage. To investigate this aspect, many studies have looked at diffusion MRI for its potential to
reveal the brain microstructure [5]. However, diffusion MRI in MS has still not proven efficient yet
for patient-specific follow-up. This comes first from the fact that current methodologies are often
targeted at group analysis6-9. Another reason is that although several methods have looked
at along tract analysis10-12, all methods are most often limited to simple models such as the
tensor or to direction-based models that do not incorporate microstructure information. There
is thus a need for patient, bundle specific measures of disease burden on directly interpretable
parameters of the microstructure.
We propose a new framework for patient, bundle specific analysis of microstructural burden of
neurodegenerative diseases. To do so, we propose an atlas-based approach to compute microstructural disease burden on major bundles with advanced diffusion compartment models (DCM)13.
We evaluate this approach with a proof-of-concept analysis of optic radiations of MS patients
with acute optic neuritis14, showing different microstructural burden patterns depending on the
Data from 22 control subjects and 6 MS patients with acute optic neuritis were acquired on a
Siemens 3T Prisma scanner. For each subject, T1 and T2-weighted images (3D isotropic, 1 mm3)
were acquired as well as diffusion images with a CUSP sequence15 (6 b0, 60 directions with
b-values in between 670 and 2000 s.mm−2, 2x2x2 mm3 voxels). Data were preprocessed to remove
distortion using a reversed phase encoding image16 and DCM (three anisotropic tensors plus
one free water and one isotropic restricted water compartments13) were estimated17.Methods
The overall pipeline of our method is composed of two parts: an offline part to compute a DCM
enriched fiber atlas from controls (Fig. 1) performed once for all patients, and an online part
performed for each patient (registration and comparison, Fig. 2).
The offline part starts by the construction of a control DCM atlas19. Then, fibers are
extracted over the whole atlas21 and filtered using regions obtained through TractSeg20 to
get 72 different bundles. These bundles are then enriched with DCM information from each subject
of the atlas. To do so, the DCM compartment most collinear to the fiber at a given point is selected
and properties from it are extracted: mean diffusivity (MD), fractional anisotropy (FA), parallel
and perpendicular diffusivities ($$$d_\parallel$$$, $$$d_\perp$$$); as well as water fractions of isotropic compartments
fractions: free (FW) and isotropic restricted water (IRW) fractions.
The online part uses the control atlas as a reference for comparison. The patient DCM image
is registered on the atlas18. Along the atlas bundles, information on patient microstructure is
extracted from the patient DCM image and a statistical test of abnormality is computed at each
point22. After correction for multiple comparisons23, we compute disease burden scores $$$S_{b,p}$$$
for each bundle $$$b$$$ and microstructure property $$$p$$$ illustrating the abnormal fraction of the bundle:
$$S_{b,p} =100 \frac{\sum_{i=1}^M \sum_{j=1}^{N_i} b_{i,j}}{\sum_{i=1}^M N_i}$$
with $$$M$$$ number of fibers in bundle, $$$N_i$$$ number of points in $$$i$$$-th fiber of bundle, $$$b_{i,j} = 1$$$ if the
point $$$j$$$ of fiber $$$i$$$ in bundle $$$b$$$ is abnormal (i.e. the statistical test performed on that point indicates a significant difference).Results
Fig. 3 presents results over the optic radiations of two patients suffering from acute optic neuritis
related to MS, for two different microstructure parameters. It illustrates well the abnormalities
that may be seen in those two patients, closely related to the presence of lesions. However the
lesions seem to create different microstructural damage. This can be seen from Tables 1 and 2
where disease burden scores are higher for $$$d_\perp$$$ and MD for patient 4, whereas it is higher for FW
for patient 6. Moreover, at the time of acute optic neuritis, the higher disease scores for those two
patients do not seem to be linked
to the side of optic neuritis. No burden score is indeed above
10% on the right optic radiations.Discussion and conclusion
We have proposed a new framework for the patient specific analysis of fiber bundles microstructural
damage linked to a disease. We have derived the whole pipeline based on advanced compartment
models of diffusion, enabling the in-depth study of microstructural damage along major fiber
tracts. Applied to MS patients suffering from acute optic neuritis, we have highlighted differences
located primarily inside lesions but showing different microstructural differences depending on the
patient, in line with the high variability of the disease. The code for this framework is available
open-source24. Further works will study the influence of registration on the results, especially
the need or not for advanced diffusion images registration; as well as other disease burden scores
based on individual comparisons and their correlation with handicap scores.Acknowledgements
This study was partially funded by grants from the VISIO foundation and the ARSEP (aide à la recherche sur la sclérose en plaques) foundation.References
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