Connectoflow: A cutting-edge Nextflow pipeline for structural connectomics
Francois Rheault1,2, Jean-Christophe Houde2, Jasmeen Sidhu3, Sami Obaid2,4, Guido Guberman5, Alessandro Daducci6, and Maxime Descoteaux2
1Electrical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Computer Sciences, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, 3Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, 4Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier, Université de Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada, 5Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, McGill University, Montréal, QC, Canada, 6Computer Science, University of Verona, Verona, Italy


Tractography involves complicated processing and connectomics include even more complexity. To facilitate structural connectome reconstruction we present: Connectoflow. Connectoflow requires simple inputs, has simple options and provides simple outputs, all with cutting-edge processing. By leveraging the simplicity of Nextflow and Docker/Singularity, Connectoflow is robust and efficient. By combining Tractoflow with Connectoflow, one can go from raw DW-images to structural connectomes in a few simplified steps. The proposed pipeline innovates by including connection-wise cleaning/filtering, provides connection weights that go beyond streamline count (COMMIT) as well as advanced connection-wise metrics (similarity and AFD).


DMRI is the tool of choice to probe structural connectivity. Tractography attempts to reconstruct pathways interconnecting the various regions of the brain [1,2,3], which can be investigated using connectomics [4,5,6,7]. The final output of connectomics is often presented in the form of connectivity matrices that report values for each pair of cortical parcels. The reported values are often, but not limited to, streamline-count, average fractional anisotropy (FA) or volume. Most structural connectivity pipelines go directly from tractogram to these connectivity matrices without much consideration and processing, hiding or ignoring certain steps that may be crucial in producing high-quality connectomes.

Tractography is famously complex to process. It requires a sequence of steps that are not trivial. Various pipelines were proposed to facilitate tractography and bridge the gap with the clinical world. Tractoflow [8] was recently proposed as a solution to have cutting-edge processing, efficient, reproducible and easy-to-use by leveraging nextflow [9] and the best tools from various groups [10,11,12]. Connectoflow goes in the same direction, it innovates by incorporating a connection-wise cleaning approach, provides connection-weights that go beyond streamline-count as well as cutting-edge connection-wise (fixel, similarity) measures.


The pipeline was designed to allow for the simplest inputs possible, but to include advanced processing (see Fig. 1). The key steps in Connectoflow are:
- Decompose: This step performs the parcel-to-parcel decomposition of the tractogram. It includes streamline-cutting operations [13] to maximize the number of streamlines with terminations in the provided atlas. Moreover, connection-wise cleaning processes that remove loops, discard spurious streamlines and discard incoherent curvatures are used to remove as many false positives as possible [13].
- COMMIT: To further decrease the number of invalid streamlines and assign a quantitative weight to each streamline, Convex Optimization Modeling for Micro-structure Informed Tractography (COMMIT) [14,15] is used. This not only allows the removal of aberrant/spurious streamlines, but it was shown to increase reproducibility of connectivity measures by being more robust to various tractography biases.
- AFD: Apparent Fiber Density (AFD) [16,17] is subsequently computed connection-wise using streamline orientations (fixel), which can be computationally burdensome if done on every pairwise connection of the connectome a posteriori. This step will provide a AFD-weighted connectivity matrix.
- Similarity: The last key step was designed to further reduce risk of false-positives, at the connection level (not at the streamline level). To achieve this, all tractograms are co-registered to a template, each connection is used to compute a population-average connection that represents its overall shape. This population-average is then used to compute a distance between corresponding connections across subjects [18,19]. This distance (mm) is indicative of the similarity to the population to identify connection of interest (small distance) or discard aberrant connection (high distance). This step will provide a similarity-weighted connectivity matrix.

Further connectivity/connectomics scripts are also available through Scilpy (https://github.com/scilus/scilpy) to manipulate, filter, visualize, compute graph measures and perform basic statistics with matrices.


To showcase our pipeline, we processed 105 subjects from the HCP [20] and 230 subjects from the UKBioBank [21]. Tractograms were produced using Tractoflow and parcellations using Freesurfer Desikan-Killiany [22] (an in-house pipeline was made to easily produce Brainnetome [23] and Glasser [24]). In this work, we simply report computational results of the pipeline (see Fig. 4).

Tractography was generated using 30 seeds per voxel in the WM for local probabilistic tracking and 100 seed per voxel in the WM/GM interface for particle filtering tracking [24] the HCP data in its native resolution (1.25mm isotropic) and 10 seed per voxel in the WM for local probabilistic tracking and 30 seed per voxel in the WM/GM interface for particle filtering tracking for the UKBioBank in 1.0mm isotropic. 

Figures 2 and 3 show examples of the final output of the average connectivity matrix across the UKBioBank dataset. Parcels are ordered as increasing values in the lookup-table. A lot more weighting options are available, this is only a relevant subset to showcase key steps described earlier.


The main quality of Connectoflow ease of use. The steps described earlier are difficult to put in place, even for an experienced programmer. Connectoflow allows to simplify processing from tractograms to connectivity matrices. The current, available online, version (https://github.com/scilus/connectoflow) is even simpler to use and even more so when in conjunction with Tractoflow (https://github.com/scilus/tractoflow). Overall, Connectoflow is more efficient for the computer and less time consuming for the user, while providing cutting-edge steps.

An important observation for Connectoflow is that the size of the input tractogram will not only impact the processing time, but the memory usage. Both will have to be considered when launching the pipeline on processing clusters or personal computers. Since some of our advanced processing steps are connection-wise (decomposition, AFD or similarity), the number of parcels (hence, the number of connections N^2) will have a large effect on computing time.


Connectoflow attempts to bridge the gap between cutting-edge dMRI processing and connectomics in fundamental research and clinical research. The proposed pipeline not only facilitates uses for non-experts, but also innovates by including connection-wise cleaning/filtering, COMMIT-filtering, fixel-based measures (AFD), and population-based filtering options (similarity).


A particular thanks to Guillaume Theaud and Arnaud Boré for the useful advice and code review. The tools in Scilpy and the pipeline itself are usable thanks to you both.


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Fig 1: Simplified architecture of the connectoflow pipeline. COMMIT and Compute AFD are optional steps that require extra input data (second half of the green box). If the files are not present, the options will be disabled automatically. T1 & Labels (single nifti with unique integers values per parcel, e.g WMPARC) can be provided either in Native T1 Space (direct Freesurfer output) or already co-registered to diffusion space. Some steps are omitted (or fused) for simplicity.

Fig 2: Left: Average connectivity matrix (log-scale) of the UKBioBank (230 subjects) using streamline count as weighting. Right: Chord chart of the same connectivity matrix, only connections with streamline count above the 90th percentile are shown.

Fig 3: Average AFD (fixel) per connection and average similarity (in mm) per connection of the UKBioBank (230 subjects). While the AFD (fixel) is a useful measure to quantify connectivity (average fiber density between pairs of regions) or correlation with external variables, the similarity is mainly an indication of coherence of connections, i.e. how similar are connections across the population. It can be used to mask/filter matrices to focus on reproducible/stable connections of interest in a population.

Fig 4: RAM usage and duration of each process. The number of processes can be controlled to reduce the RAM usage if the available memory is low. The Average_Connection process is slow due to the fact that its computing density map for every connection for every subject to fuse them into a population average. The number of subjects required by this step can be lowered. This way, the step is not a bottleneck for Connectoflow. Connectoflow was run on ComputeCanada clusters using 4 nodes of 40 CPUs each for 24 hours and 48 hours for the HCP and UKBB respectively.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)