Tractometry from diffusion MRI estimates the tissue properties along the length of major white matter tracts, using: computational tractography; tract segmentation using atlases or other classification methods; and microstructural modeling in voxels along the length of the estimated tracts. Given previous concerns about the sensitivity of dMRI-based analysis to variations in methodology, we tested: the reliability of tractometry results within individuals across measurements; and within measurement, across variations in the analysis methods. We found that although there are variations that arise from differences in tractography methods, bundle segmentation methods, microstructural modeling, and different software implementations, tractometry is overall quite robust.
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Fig 1. Examples from different stages of tractometry
A: an example tractography is in blue. B: the top is from an MNI template [24, 25] with the waypoint ROIs for the left corticospinal tract [4] in red (enlarged for clarity). This is registered to the subject’s anisotropic power map [26] on the bottom. C: the background is the subject’s b0; the left corticospinal tract is in orange, shaded by the subject’s fractional anisotropy (FA); the ROIs are in red. D: the extracted tract profile is in orange.
Fig 2. wDSC, profile, and subject TRR of pyAFQ and mAFQ on UW-PREK and pyAFQ on HCP-TRT using different ODF models.
Colors indicate bundle. In A: texture indicates the dataset and methods being compared. Error bars show the 95% confidence interval. In B: the right is subject TRR and the left is profile TRR. On top, we compare the TRR of mAFQ and pyAFQ on UW-PREK. On the bottom, we compare DKI and CSD TRR on HCP-TRT. Point shapes indicate the extracted scalar. The red dotted line is equal TRR between methods.
Fig 3. wDSC, subject and profile robustness between the pyAFQ and mAFQ results on the pre-K pre-session data.
Bars are colored according to their bundle and textured according to their scalar. A shows wDSC robustness between pyAFQ and mAFQ on UW-PREK. B shows profile robustness and C shows subject robustness for the same comparison. Error bars show the 95% confidence interval.
Fig 4. wDSC, subject, profile robustness between the DKI and CSD ODF models on HCP-TRT.
Colors encode bundle information. Error bars represent the 95% confidence interval. A shows wDSC robustness between DKI and CSD on HCP-TRT. B shows profile robustness and C shows subject robustness between the CSD and DKI models. In these panels, textures encode the scalar information. D shows the ATR_L and SLF_L found using DKI on the left and CSD on the right for an example subject.
Fig 5. Robustness between waypoint ROIs and Recobundles on a common subset of bundles using HCP-TRT.
Colors encode bundle information and textures encode the extracted scalar. Error bars represent the 95% confidence interval. A shows wDSC between the waypoint ROI and Recobundles approach. B shows the ILF_R found by each algorithm for an example subject with wDSC 0.11. C shows profile robustness and D shows subject robustness.