A Sip in the Bore: How to Make Coffee with an MRI System
Michael Bock1, Thomas Lottner1, and Ali Caglar Özen1,2
1Radiology - Medical Physics, University Medical Center, Medical Faculty, University Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2German Consortium for Translational Cancer Research (DKTK), Freiburg, Germany


Energy harvesting of the RF fields has been proposed to power small milliwatt RF amplifiers. In this work we demonstrate that the time-varying gradient fields can deliver much higher power levels up to a kW which we used to energize a conventional drip coffee machine. A large pick-up coil was designed in which voltages of 100-200V were induced by rapidly oscillating gradients. The coil was connected to a commercial coffee machine in the magnet, and coffee was prepared in and with the MRI in just 5min.


In many MRI applications devices are operated in the MRI environment which need to be supplied with electric energy. For example, in radio-frequency (RF) coils low noise amplifiers are used that have a power consumption of up to several hundred milliwatts, or ECG systems utilize power circuits to detect, amplify and transmit the electric surface potentials of the heart for ECG gating. Typically, the energy for these devices is either delivered directly via a galvanic connection to a power source (e.g., via the RF cables), or a nonmagnetic battery is integrated into the device. Direct galvanic connections can act as antennae that are prone to RF heating [1], and the multiple connections in high-density coil arrays can lead to bulky and inflexible cables [2]. Batteries on the other hand are often limited in the available power that they can deliver, and they require space in the device which is often very limited.
To overcome this limitation wireless energy harvesting has been suggested where the required power is taken from the existing electromagnetic fields in the MRI. For RF amplifiers energy harvesting has been realized by extracting energy from the RF transmit field [3,4], and also first attempts to utilize the gradient power have been suggested [5,6]. However, so far in all these realizations the harvested power was always less than a Watt. In this work we demonstrate that the gradient system of a clinical MRI alone can provide enough power on the order of several hundred Watts – for this, we constructed a simple induction coil, connected it to a coffee machine and cooked the first-ever MR-generated coffee.

Materials and Methods

Energy harvesting from a time-varying magnetic field $$$B(t) = z_0 G_z (t)$$$ can be realized using Faraday’s law of induction and a gradient $$$G_z (t)$$$:
$$U_{ind} = - \frac{d\Phi}{dt} = - N \frac{d(A(t) B(t))}{dt} = - N A \frac{d B(t)}{dt} = = - N A z_0 \frac{d G_z(t)}{dt}$$
Here, $$$U_{ind}$$$ is the voltage induced in a coil with $$$N$$$ windings and an area $$$A$$$, which is placed at the position $$$z_0$$$ away from the iso-center of the magnet. The slew rate $$$s = \frac{d G_z(t)}{dt}$$$ is limited by the maximum slew rate of the gradient system.
To demonstrate that $$$U_{ind}$$$ can be as high as typical line voltages (110-220 V), a dedicated rectangular pick-up coil with the following parameters was built from insulated copper wire: $$$N = $$$ 25 windings, $$$A = $$$ 34 cm x 34 cm = 0.12 m². In a first test this coil was placed at $$$z_0 = $$$ 25 cm in a clinical 3 T MRI system (Siemens PRISMA), which is equipped with a gradient system that offers a maximum slew rate of $$$s_{max} = $$$ 200 T/m s - with these values a $$$U_{ind}$$$ of 144 V can be realized.
For energy harvesting the coil was placed on the patient table of the MRI system at $$$z_0 = $$$ = 25 cm, and a conventional drip coffee machine (Siemens, nominal power consumption at 220 V: 1 kW) was connected to the coil (Fig. 1). Before the experiment the magnetic parts of the machine were removed (e.g., the over-temperature fuse) or replaced with non-magnetic elements (copper ground plate), and the machine was filled with water and ground espresso coffee (Intermezzo, Segafredo Zanetti S.P.A., Pianolo, Italy). Then, a gradient-only pulse sequence with a sinusoidal gradient (amplitude: 60 mT/m, frequency: 3 kHz, $$$s = $$$ 180 T/m s was executed for about 5 min until the coffee was ready.

Results and Discussion

With the simple energy harvesting setup a peak voltage of about 130 V could be created with a clinical gradient system. At the relative high gradient oscillation frequency of 3 kHz no vibration of the pick-up coil could be detected. The applied slew rate was intentionally set slightly below the attainable hardware maximum to ensure that the heating element of the coffee machine does not overheat, as the magnetic over-temperature fuse had to be removed. Even though the applied power is in this experiment about 2.9 times lower than nominal power consumption of 1 kW, substantially higher power levels could be produced than with previously described harvesting setups.
Obviously, a major drawback of this demonstration setup is its large size and the need for long cables. If the pick-up coil is used to energize a separate unit such as a TMS generator, a defibrillator or a disinfection device, such a coil setup could be integrated advantageously into the device housing.


High quality coffee can be prepared with and in MRI systems.


No acknowledgement found.


[1] Ladd ME, Quick HH. Reduction of resonant RF heating in intravascular catheters using coaxial chokes. Magn Reson Med. 2000; 43(4):615-9.

[2] Nahova L, et al. Perspectives in Wireless Radio Frequency Coil Development for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Front Phys 8:11, 2020

[3] Turner W, et al. Nuclear magnetic resonance energy harvesting for ultra-low power biomedical implants. 12th Ann Wireless Microwave Tech Conf, WAMICON 2011

[4] Byron K, et al. An RF-gated wireless power transfer system for wireless MRI receive arrays. Concepts Magn Reson Part B Magn Reson Eng. 2017 Oct;47B(4):e21360.

[5] Höfflin J, et al. Energy Harvesting with a figure-8 coil - towards energy autonomous MRI detection. IMTEK, Univ. of Freiburg.

[6] Mandal R, et al. MRI Powered and Triggered Current Stimulator for Concurrent Stimulation and MRI. bioRxiv, p. 715805, Jan. 2019


Figure 1: Left: The induction coil (yellow) is being connected to a modified drip coffee machine on the patient table of a 3T MRI system. (Right) Coffee was ready at the rear end of the magnet about 5 min after the start of a pulse sequence with an oscillating z-gradient field.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)