Rüdiger Stirnberg1, Philipp Ehses1, Eberhard Daniel Pracht1, and Tony Stöcker1,2
1German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), Bonn, Germany, 2Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany
We propose a simple Actual Flip angle
Imaging (AFI) modification to an existing multi-echo 3D-EPI implementation with
flexible segmented CAIPIRINHA sampling. The free EPI factor choice makes more
efficient use of the long optimal TRs than traditional AFI. Whole-head B1 maps
at 5mm isotropic resolution can be acquired in less than 2s, however at the
expense of increased signal dropouts at 7T. We explore the benefits of both
reduced TEs and increased resolutions to counteract this. We find that a 2.5mm
isotropic resolution single-echo protocol acquired in about 10s results in
robust whole-head B1 maps with
negligible dropouts and distortions.
Many state-of-the-art imaging methods
require knowledge of the actual flip, in particular at ultra-high fields such
as 7T. Actual Flip angle Imaging (AFI)1 was proposed as a simple,
FLASH-based sequence that results in two distinct magnetization steady-states, S(TR1) and S(TR2), according to alternating TRs (short TR1, long TR2). From the
ratio, r=S(TR2)/S(TR1), the actual flip angle can be deduced as FA =
arccos[(rn-1)/(n-r)], where n=TR2/TR1.
If FA inhomogeneities >50% are
expected, e.g. for brain imaging using circular polarized (CP) excitation at
7T, the recommended TRs are TR1/TR2=20ms/100ms to avoid long-T1 bias2. If, Ny and Nz are the number of phase encoding (PE) and partition encoding
(3D) steps, this results in TA≈TRvol=NyNz(TR1+TR2) acquisition
time. Low resolutions and parallel imaging are used to keep acquisition times
well below one minute, but for certain applications – e.g. B1 mapping of Nch
channels of a parallel transmit (ptx) coil, where TA≈NchTRvol
– shorter TRvol in the order of 5-10 seconds become valuable.
very fast B1 mapping approaches like single-shot 3DREAM accomplish this at the
cost of image blurring3, here we propose to introduce an EPI factor (EF) into
AFI to reduce scan time by a factor of 1/EF. In turn, we expect geometric
distortions and signal dropouts as costs. We explored at 7T under which
conditions FA maps with minimal geometric distortions and signal dropouts can
be obtained using this Actual Flip angle Echo Planar Imaging (AFEPI) approach.Methods
All data were acquired on a Siemens
MAGNETOM 7T Plus scanner using a 32-channel head receive coil and 8-channel
transmit array. An existing RF-spoiled multi-echo 3D-EPI sequence using
segmented CAIPIRINHA sampling (skipped-CAIPI)4 was modified to acquire two
sets of images per TRvol according to two alternating TR1 and TR2
(Fig. 1, bottom). Via a free segmentation factor (S), EF can
be manipulated. Generally, EF=ceil(Ny/S). Specifically, all EFs from blipped-CAIPI
EFmax=Ny (for S=1) down to the minimum EFmin=1
(for S=Ny) are allowed. The latter corresponds to traditional AFI,
albeit with CAIPIRINHA sampling and multi-echo option (Fig. 1, top).
Different representative whole-head protocols
(210x210x160 mm ROxPEx3D-FOV) at 5mm and 2.5mm isotropic resolution according
to Tab. 1 were acquired in one healthy female subject. The same 1ms CP hard
pulse excitation (head-feet RO direction) and the same TR2/TR1=100ms/20ms=n=5
was utilized in all scans. In order to allow for TE-matched comparisons, even
the AFI protocol (A) was set up as a 9-echo protocol starting with a
representative TE1=3.5ms. Furthermore, computing the root-mean-squared (RMS) image
across all TEs, dominated by TE1, thus allowed for a maximum-SNR comparison
across protocols.
All AFEPI protocols were acquired a
second time with inverted PE direction for qualitative comparison of geometric
distortions and signal dropouts. The two scans with highest resolution,
smallest dropouts and minimal distortions (B) were used for distortion
correction using FLS’s TOPUP (applied to the RMS across all TEs and TRs per PE
direction, Fig. 3). A corresponding contour was overlayed on all other images
to appreciate the respective degree of distortions and dropouts.
FA maps were computed from the TE=8ms
images common to all scans as well as from the RMS across TEs, if applicable. A
median filter with the size of 4 voxels was applied to all magnitude images
before FA calculation1.Results
Fig. 2 (top) shows the two magnitude
signals S(TR1) and S(TR2) and their ratio on the example of protocols (B) and (A)
at their minimum TE=3.5ms. The bottom shows how the ground truth contour was obtained
and its match with the lower-resolution AFI scan.
Fig. 3 shows a representative sagittal
slice of all S(TR1) magnitude images and corresponding FA maps obtained at
TE=8ms (left) or from the RMS across all TEs (right). Both PE directions
without distortion correction are displayed as an animated GIF.Discussion
The low-resolution AFEPI maps show
pronounced FA dropouts above the sphenoid sinus, in particular with
anterior-posterior PE direction, whereas the higher-resolution AFEPI maps have
no discernible dropouts using both direction. Interestingly, this even holds true for the 2.5mm maps obtained from relatively long TE=8ms scans.
Also, the geometric distortions with the 2.5mm AFEPI scans seem negligible
throughout the brain compared to the smoothness of the FA variation. All of these
maps match well to the AFI maps as a reference, even though acquired at a
fraction of its TA and at higher spatial resolution (the same resolution would
have taken about 2:40min using AFI).
Overall, increasing the resolution seems to be a more effective remedy to avoid dropouts in FA maps than reducing TE in this particular application. The
proposed AFEPI thus allows for robust 2.5mm whole-head AFEPI with a single
TE<10ms with a TRvol<8s, which makes it suitable for
multi-channel B1 mapping. An optional inverse-PE scan with identical contrasts may be acquired for distortion correction within 8s, unless distortion-matched FA maps are actually desired5.Conclusion
We have presented a fast and versatile
3D AFI variant with CAIPI sampling and EPI factor termed AFEPI. While we found
that low-resolution scans suffer from pronounced signal dropouts,
higher-resolution AFEPI scans with negligible geometric distortions can be
acquired in a fraction of AFI scan times.Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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