Repeatability of Radiomic Features in T2-Weighted Prostate MRI: Impact of Pre-processing Configurations
Dyah Ekashanti Octorina Dewi1, Mohammed R. S. Sunoqrot1, Gabriel Addio Nketiah1, Elise Sandsmark2, Sverre Langørgen2, Helena Bertilsson3,4, Mattijs Elschot1,2, and Tone Frost Bathen1,2
1Department of Circulation and Medical Imaging, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 2Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim University Hospital, Trondheim, Norway, 3Department of Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 4Department of Urology, St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim University Hospital, Trondheim, Norway


Identifying repeatability of radiomic features in T2-Weighted prostate MRI is important to develop consistent imaging biomarkers and evaluate prostate cancer. This study aims to investigate the impact of pre-processing configurations on radiomic features repeatability in two short-term measurements. Repeatability was analyzed through pre-processing combinations of quantization, bin number, normalization, and filtering, and PyRadiomics feature extraction tool. The results show that repeatability of texture features varies depending on anatomical zones and lesions, pre-processing, and feature itself. Four texture features provide good repeatability independently of pre-processing configuration. Moreover, different feature groups have the highest repeatability in whole prostate, prostate zones and lesions.


T2-Weighted (T2W) MRI is important in the evaluation of prostate cancer (PCa), and identifying radiomic features can be valuable to develop consistent imaging biomarkers and facilitate clinical decision making1-2. However, repeatability of the extracted radiomic features is a challenge, as it may be influenced by various factors3-5. Pre-processing is needed for an optimal quantitative analysis, and a number of pre-processing techniques have been recommended by the Imaging Biomarkers Standardization Initiatives6. The aim of the current study was to investigate the influence of pre-processing configurations on the repeatability of radiomic features in T2W-MRI of the prostate.


T2W-MRI datasets from two consecutive mpMRI examinations (median interval 5 days, range 0-16 days) were collected from 49 patients. The patients were referred for prostate mpMRI examination at St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim University Hospital, Norway, between March 2015 and December 2017, due to suspicion of PCa. The first examination was a detection scan according to the PI-RADS recommendations7, and the second was to guide in-bore biopsies. All patients were scored with PI-RADS≥3 and presented with at least one lesion. The study was approved by the regional ethics committee. Scan parameters of both T2W-MRI datasets are provided in Figure 1(a). The T2W-MRI datasets were manually segmented into Whole Prostate Gland (WP, n=49), Peripheral Zone (PZ, n=49), Transitional Zone (TZ, n=49) and lesions (L, n=73) by a radiology resident using ITK-SNAP8 under supervision of a senior radiologist.
All T2W-MRI datasets were corrected using a set of pre-processing steps, resulting in 24 combinations; Quantization (Fixed-Bin Number (FBW) and Fixed-Bin Size (FBS) methods)6, Bin number (32 and 64)6, Normalization (with and without AutoRef)9, and Filtering (No filter, IN (set voxels with intensities inside µ±3s outlier), and OUT (set voxels with intensities outside µ±3s outlier))10, see Figure 1(b).
Radiomic features (n=107) were extracted using PyRadiomics v3.011. The extracted features were derived from six texture feature groups; First-Order (FO, 18 features), Gray-Level-Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM, 24 features), Gray-Level-Run-Length-Matrix (GLRLM, 16 features), Gray-Level-Size-Zone-Matrix (GLSZM, 16 features), Neighboring-Gray-Tone-Difference-Matrix (NGTDM, 5 features), Gray-Level-Dependence-Matrix (GLDM, 14 features), and one morphologic feature group; Shape (14 features).
Feature repeatability of paired T2W-MRI datasets from all 24 pre-processing configurations was assessed by calculating two-way random effects Intra-class Correlation Coefficient (ICC2, absolute agreement, single rater)12 using Matlab R2020a (The MathWorks, Inc., USA). A good repeatability was defined as ICC>0.7512.


Figure 2 shows the repeatability results in heatmap of ICCs with selected good features in WP and L datasets as examples. Figure 3 summarizes the distribution of good repeatability based on pre-processing configurations and prostate regions and lesions. Figure 4 describes the highest repeatability results according to radiomic features and pre-processing configurations.


Repeatability of radiomics features from T2W MRI in an actual clinical setting has not yet been reported. This study addresses the impact of pre-processing configurations on repeatability of radiomic features derived from two consecutive T2W-MRI scans of the prostate acquired within a short-term interval. Based on ICCs, we show that the repeatability of texture features varies depending on the ROI they are derived from (WP, PZ, TZ, or L), pre-processing configurations, and the feature itself. Four texture features were identified to have good repeatability in all configurations for all prostate regions and lesions (GLDM-DependenceNonUniformity, GLDM-GrayLevelNonUniformity, GLRLM- GrayLevelNonUniformity, GLRLM-RunLengthNonUniformity). Importantly, more than 14% of texture features have good repeatability in more than one pre-processing configuration, and more than 12% texture features have good repeatability in more than twelve pre-processing configurations in all prostate regions and lesions. For shape features, as this study only utilized manual segmentation, no pre-processing configuration affects the repeatability, but the manual segmentation itself has affected the repeatability. Yet, seven shape features have been found to have good repeatability in all prostate regions and lesions (MajorAxisLength, Maximum2DDiameterColumn, Maximum2DDiameterSlice, Maximum3DDiameter, MeshVolume, MinorAxisLength, VoxelVolume). This shows that some texture features provide good repeatability for routine scanning of clinical patients. Furthermore, the best combination has been found to differ depending on prostate regions and lesions. FO features seem to provide highest repeatability in WP, GLRLM features produce best results in PZ and TZ, while GLDM and GLRLM features are the best options for L. AutoRef also appears to consistently provide better repeatability, mostly in FO features in all prostate regions and slightly in GLCM and GLDM in WP and TZ, and GLRLM in PZ, and GLSZM in L.


Repeatability of radiomic texture features is known to be susceptible to pre-processing settings. This study visualizes the repeatability of radiomic features in T2W-MRI of the prostate with verified and delineated anatomical zones and lesions. The results show that four texture features provide good repeatability independently of the pre-processing configuration. Moreover, different feature groups have the highest repeatability in the whole prostate, the prostate zones and lesions. This knowledge provides basic information necessary for studies implementing radiomic features in clinical applications, such as a supplement for PCa characterization or detection of progression in patients on Active Surveillance.


No acknowledgement found.


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(a) Patient profile and scanning parameters that have been used in the study for T2W-MRI datasets selection procedure. (b) pre-processing configurations in radiomics repeatability study involving combination of quantization, bin-number, normalization, and filtering parameters.

Heatmaps of ICCs in (a) WP and (b) L datasets with selected good features (ICC ≥ 0.75) explain the patterns of repeatability in different prostate regions and lesions relative to pre-processing configurations and radiomic features.

Distribution of radiomic feature with good repeatability counted based on pre-processing configurations and prostate regions and lesions from 93 texture features (a), and distribution of radiomic features with good repeatability in all 24 pre-processing configurations based on feature groups from 93 texture features and 14 shape features.

The highest repeatability results on each prostate regions and lesions based on radiomic feature groups based on the and pre-processing configurations.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)