Piqiang Li1, Zhao Li2, Qinjia Bao2, Kewen Liu1, Xiangyu Wang3, Guangyao Wu4, and Chaoyang Liu2
1School of Information Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China, 2State Key Laboratory of Magnetic Resonance and Atomic and Molecular Physics, Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathmatics, Innovation Academy for Precision Measurement Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, 3Department of Radiology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China, 4Department of Radiology, Shenzhen University General Hospital, Shenzhen, China
We proposed a Mutual Communicated Deep learning Segmentation
and Classification Network (MC-DSCN) for prostate cancer based on
multi-parametric MRI. The network consists of three mutual bootstrapping components:
the coarse segmentation component provides coarse-mask information for the classification
component, the mask-guided classification component based on multi-parametric MRI
generates the location maps, and the fine segmentation component guided by the located
maps. By jointly performing segmentation based on pixel-level information and
classification based on image-level information, both segmentation and
classification accuracy are improved simultaneously.
cancer (PCa) is currently the most common cancer in the male urinary system
worldwide. For the diagnosis of PCa, systematic biopsy has remained the
standard diagnostic route despite its associated risks1. MRI, and in
particular the multi-parametric MRI, can provide a noninvasive way to study
the characteristics of prostate cancer and diagnose prostate
cancer. Recent
years have seen rapid developments in multi-parametric MRI, in particular
utilizing the Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System (PI-RADS) scoring
system2. However, the reviewing and coupling of multiple images places
an additional burden on the radiologist and complicates the reviewing process.
recent years, deep learning methods have been applied to the PCa segmentation
and classification due to their accuracy and efficiency3,4,5. Unlike
traditional methods, deep learning-based methods can implicitly learn multi-parametric
information (T2w, ADC, etc.). However, these adopted network architectures are
generally designed for only segmentation tasks or classification tasks,
ignoring the potential benefits of jointly performing both tasks6. This work
aims to design a mutual communicated deep learning network architecture, which
jointly performs segmentation based on pixel-level information and
classification based on image-level information. The results show that the
proposed network could effectively transfer mutual information between
segmentation and classification components and facilitate each other in a
bootstrapping way.METHODS
The architecture of
this new network (MC-DSCN)
is shown in Figure 1. It contains three components:
1) Coarse segmentation component. It is based on a residual
U-net with an attention block, shown in figure 2. The main function is to
generate coarse prostate masks that provide preliminary information about
prostate locations for the classification component. The loss function of this
network consisted of the dice loss and the online rank loss6. The dice loss
measures the degree of agreement between the prediction and ground truth. And the online rank loss is used to pay more attention to those pixels with bigger
prediction errors and thus learn more discriminative information.
2) Classification component. The input of this
component contains the T2w, ADC maps, and coarse prostate masks. The coarse prostate masks generated by the coarse
segmentation boost the classification network's lesion localization and
discrimination ability. To explore both feature maps from T2w and ADC,
we propose the hybrid loss function: E=ω1×γ(PT2w, y) + ω2×γ(PADC, y) + ε(y)×ω2γ(MT2w, MADC) . The first two terms indicate the classification loss functions (cross-entropy error) of
T2w and ADC, respectively. The third term indicates the normalized
inconsistency loss function representing the differences between the cancer response maps (CRM) respectively calculated from malignant
T2w images and malignant ADC. The CRM is obtained from the last convolutional
layer(1×1, shown in gray arrow in Figure 1). It is the single feature map in
which each pixel's value indicates the likelihood of this position to be
cancerous. The ε(y) is the step
function, and ω1,ω2,ω3 are hyperparameters.
3) Fine segmentation component. The architecture of
this component is the same as the coarse segmentation component and we concatenate
the T2w images with the located map as input to combine the multi-parametric
location information. Ultimately, the fine-mask image is obtained.
We conducte extensive experimental evaluations and make
the comparison on a dataset including 63 patients with prostate biopsy as the
reference standard. All 63 patients are scanned on Simens scanner, including 21
patients with prostate cancer and 42 benign patients (total 1490 images). 5
malignant patients and 5 benign patients (total 220 images) are used for testing,
and the others are used for training and validating. Training data is also
augmented using a non-rigid image deformation method (total 4364 images). The four
quantitative metrics evaluate the performance of the segmentation network:
intersection over union (IOU), dice similarity coefficient (DICE), recall, and
precision. And the performance of classification is evaluated by the ROC curve
3 shows the comparison of the location maps obtained by the classification component with
or without the coarse-mask. The visual assessment finds the mask-guided
method has a better characterization effect on lesions than the normal method. Figure
4 shows the segmentation results by the coarse segmentation component and the fine segmentation component.
It indicates the fine segmentation component which guided by location maps can
achieve better performance. Both figure 3 and figure 4 certificate the proposed network could effectively transfer mutual information between
segmentation and classification components.
Figure 5(a-d) list the results of the ablation
experiment, in which we investigate the effects of attention block, residual
structure, and fusion loss. Figure 5(e) shows the comparison of the ROC curve
of utilizing the ADC, T2w, or multi-parametric MRI data. We find the
quantitative AUC of multi-parametric MRI is best. Moreover, figure 5(f) shows segmentation
and judge operation can make performance further improved.DISCUSSION & CONCLUSION
A new mutual communicated
deep learning network architecture (MC-DSCN) for prostate segmentation and
classification based on mp-MRI. This network can learn both the T2w and ADC
image feature effectively by completing the segmentation and classification task
and achieve mutual guidance and promotion. The proposed network has certain
application value for prostate segmentation, classification, and simple lesion
detection in clinical study benefit from its high efficiency and high quality.Acknowledgements
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support by National
Major Scientific Research Equipment Development Project
of China (81627901), the National key of R&D Program of
China (Grant 2018YFC0115000, 2016YFC1304702), National
Natural Science Foundation of China (11575287, 11705274),
and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (YZ201677).References
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