Rotation-Free Mapping of Magnetic Tissue Properties in White Matter
Anders Dyhr Sandgaard1, Valerij G. Kiselev2, Noam Shemesh3, and Sune Nørhøj Jespersen1,4
1Department of Clinical Medicine, Center for Functionally Integrative Neuroscience, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, 2Medical Physics, Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 3Champalimaud Neuroscience Programme, Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal, 4Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark


Mapping tissue magnetic properties may be a useful tool for understanding basic disease mechanism in neurodegenerative diseases. However, magnetic properties depend on the arrangement of magnetic susceptibility on all scales, including the microstructure, and typically require impractical sample rotations for robust estimation. By modeling white matter fibers as a system of cylinders, here we show that the first cumulant $$$\langle\Omega\rangle$$$ of the FID signal can be obtained without the need for sample rotation, by utilizing the fiber orientation distribution function estimated by diffusion imaging.


Features such as brain-calcification1 demyelination2 and iron-dyshomeostasis3 are associated with various neurodegenerative diseases, yet their noninvasive characterisation is a formidable challenge. MRI-driven mapping of magnetic tissue properties, including the local Larmor frequency, is promising for providing insights into such features, but both susceptibility and microstructure play important roles in the signal formation4,5,6,7, which hampers accurate measurements without impractical sample rotations. The aim of the study is to bypass sample rotations by combining diffusion MRI and susceptibility-based MRI, which enables utilising information from the fiber orientation distribution function (fODF) as determined by diffusion imaging9. This, in turn, enables the estimation of the Larmor frequency and thereby a new means for characterising magnetic properties without sample rotation.


We model white matter as a medium of long hollow impermeable cylindrical inclusions. The inclusions are made of concentric shells, representing myelin, with an isotropic susceptibility $$$\chi$$$ relative to the surrounding MRI-visible fluid (figure 1), as a first approximation. The surroundings correspond to intra-axonal, extra-axonal and interstitial bi-layers. The inclusions occupy $$$\zeta{V}$$$ of the total volume $$$V,$$$ and are placed according to the indicator function $$$\nu(\mathbf{r})$$$. Placed in a static field $$$(B_0)_\alpha=B_0{{n}}_{\alpha}^{{B}},$$$ a shift in the local Larmor frequency $$\Omega(r)=\gamma B_{0}\chi{n}_{\alpha}^{B}{n}_{\beta}^{B}\int_{V}d\mathbf{r}^{\prime}\mathcal{Y}_{\alpha\beta}\left(\mathbf{r}^{\prime}-\mathbf{r}\right)\nu\left(\mathbf{r}^{\prime}\right)\qquad\qquad(1)$$ is induced in the fluid, where $$$\mathcal{Y}_{\alpha\beta}$$$ is the Lorentz-corrected elementary dipole-field8. The normalized FID signal $$$S_k(t)$$$ from the MRI-visible fluid within an Isotropic voxel $$$V_k\in{V}$$$ is given by the ensemble average $$$\langle\cdot\rangle$$$ $$S_{k}(t)=e^{-R_{2}^{mol}t}\left\langle{e}^{-i\varphi_{k}(t)}\right\rangle,\qquad\varphi_{k}(t)=\int_{0}^{t}dt^{\prime} \Omega_{\mathrm{k}}\left(\mathbf{r}\left(t^{\prime}\right)\right).\qquad\qquad(2)$$ Here, $$$R_{2}^{mol}$$$ accounts for the irreversible molecular relaxation10. The first cumulant $$$\langle\Omega\rangle_k$$$ can be found from the signal derivative $$-Im\left\{\left.\frac{d}{dt}S_{k}(t)\right|_{t\rightarrow{0}}\right\}=\langle\Omega\rangle_{k},\qquad\qquad(3)$$ and $$$\langle\Omega\rangle_k$$$ may be obtained as $$\langle\Omega\rangle_{k}=\gamma{B}_{0}\chi{n}_{\alpha}^{B}{n}_{\beta}^{B}\frac{1}{\left(1-\zeta_{k}\right)V_{k}}\int_{V_{k}}d\boldsymbol{r}(1-v(\boldsymbol{r}))\int_{V}d\boldsymbol{r}^{\prime}\mathcal{Y}_{\alpha\beta}\left(\boldsymbol{r}^{\prime}-\boldsymbol{r}\right)v\left(\boldsymbol{r}^{\prime}\right).\qquad\qquad(4)$$ $$$\langle\Omega\rangle_k$$$ is described by the average static field within $$$V_k$$$, averaged over both intra-axonal, extra-axonal and interstitial bi-layers. Within the mesoscopic cavity approach4,5,6,8, $$$\langle\Omega\rangle_k$$$ is divided into mesoscopic and macroscopic contributions, $$$\langle\Omega\rangle_k=\langle\Omega\rangle^{Meso}_k+\langle\Omega\rangle^{Macro}_k$$$, with $$\begin{array}{l}\langle\Omega\rangle_{k}^{Meso}=\gamma{B}_{0}\chi{n}_{\alpha}^{B}{n}_{\beta}^{B}\frac{1}{\left(1-\zeta_{k}\right)V_{k}}\int_{V_{k}}d\boldsymbol{r}(1-\nu(\boldsymbol{r}))\int_{\boldsymbol{r}^{\prime}\in\mathcal{M}(\boldsymbol{r})}d\boldsymbol{r}^{\prime}\mathcal{Y}_{\alpha\beta}\left(\boldsymbol{r}^{\prime}-\boldsymbol{r}\right)\nu\left(\boldsymbol{r}^{\prime}\right)\\\langle\Omega\rangle_{k}^{Macro}=\gamma{B}_{0}\chi{n}_{\alpha}^{B}{n}_{\beta}^{B}\frac{1}{\left(1-\zeta_{k}\right)V_{k}}\int_{V_{k}}d\boldsymbol{r}(1-\nu(\boldsymbol{r}))\int_{\boldsymbol{r}^{\prime}\notin\mathcal{M}(\boldsymbol{r})}d\boldsymbol{r}^{\prime}\mathcal{Y}_{\alpha\beta}\left(\boldsymbol{r}^{\prime}-\boldsymbol{r}\right)\nu\left(\boldsymbol{r}^{\prime}\right)\end{array},\qquad\qquad(5)$$ where $$$\mathcal{M}(\boldsymbol{r})$$$ denote the mesoscopic region surrounding $$$\boldsymbol{r}$$$.
Macroscopic Contribution $$$\langle\Omega\rangle^{Macro}_k$$$
$$$\langle\Omega\rangle^{Macro}_k$$$ was previously studied11 and found to be $$\langle\Omega\rangle_{k}^{Macro}\approx\gamma{B}_{0}{n}_{\alpha}^{B}{n}_{\beta}^{B}\sum_{j}\mathcal{Y}_{\alpha\beta,k,j}^{Macro}\chi_{j}^{B},\qquad\qquad(6)$$ where $$$\mathcal{Y}_{\alpha\beta,k,j}^{Macro}$$$ describes the macroscopic dipole coupling between two rectangular voxels of volume $$$V_k$$$ and $$$V_j:$$$ $$\mathcal{Y}_{\alpha\beta,k,j}^{{Macro}}\equiv\frac{1}{V_{k}}\int_{V_{k}}d\boldsymbol{r}\int_{V_{j}}d\boldsymbol{r}^{\prime}\mathcal{Y}_{\alpha\beta}\left(\boldsymbol{r}^{\prime}-\boldsymbol{r}\right)-\frac{1}{V_{k}}\int_{V_{k}}d\boldsymbol{r}\int_{\boldsymbol{r}^{\prime}\in\mathcal{M}(\boldsymbol{r})}d\boldsymbol{r}^{\prime}\mathcal{Y}_{\alpha\beta}\left(\boldsymbol{r}^{\prime}-\boldsymbol{r}\right)\mathbb{I}_{\left\{\boldsymbol{r}^{\prime}\in{V}_{j}\right\}}.$$ $$$\mathbb{I}_{\left\{\boldsymbol{r}^{\prime}\in{V}_{j}\right\}}$$$ is the indicator function stemming from $$$\mathcal{M}$$$ potentially overlapping multiple $$$V_j$$$. The bulk magnetic susceptibility is $$\chi_k^B=\zeta_k\chi.\qquad\qquad(8)$$
Mesoscopic Contribution $$$\langle\Omega\rangle^{Meso}_k$$$ for fiber bundles
Consider $$$\langle\Omega\rangle^{Meso}_k$$$ for a fiber bundle as seen in figure 1. $$$\mathcal{M}$$$ is chosen to be as $$$V_k,$$$ making the fiber bundle larger than the voxel dimensions. In the low volume-fraction limit, $$\langle\Omega\rangle_{k}^{Meso}=\gamma{B}_{0}\mathcal{Y}_{\alpha\beta,k}^{Meso}\chi_{k}^{B}{n}_{\alpha}^{B}n_{\beta}^{B}\qquad\qquad(9)$$ where $$$\mathcal{Y}_{\alpha\beta,k}^{Meso}$$$ depends on the fODF scatter matrix $$$T_{\alpha\beta}=\overline{n_{\alpha}n_{\beta}}$$$12 (average over fODF) $$\mathcal{Y}_{\alpha\beta,k}^{Meso}\approx\frac{1}{2}\left(T_{\alpha\beta,k}-\frac{1}{3}\delta_{\alpha\beta}\right).\qquad\qquad(10)$$ The scatter matrix $$$T$$$ can be expressed in terms of the Laplace expansion coefficients of the fODF $$$p_{2m}$$$, such that the mesoscopic contribution becomes $$\langle\Omega\rangle_{k}^{Meso}\approx\frac{1}{3}\gamma{B}_{0}{n}_{\alpha}^{B}{n}_{\beta}^{B} \chi_{k}^{B}\sum_{m}p_{2m,k}Y_{\alpha\beta}^{2m},\qquad\qquad(11)$$ where $$$Y_{\alpha\beta}^{2m}$$$ define the irreducible rank-2 symmetric trace-free (STF) tensor representation of SO(3)13.The total average Larmor frequency becomes $$\langle\Omega\rangle_{k}=\gamma{B}_{0}{n}_{\alpha}^{B}{n}_{\beta}^{B}\left(\frac{1}{3}\chi_{k}^{B}\sum_{m}p_{2m,k}Y_{\alpha\beta}^{2m}+\sum_{j}\mathcal{Y}_{\alpha\beta,k,j}^{Macro}\chi_{j}^{B}\right).\qquad\qquad(12)$$


Data acquisition
Multi-Gradient-Echo (MGE) and diffusion-data of an ex-vivo mouse brain were acquired at Champalimaud Centre of the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal, on a 16.4T Bruker Ascend Aeon. MGE phase was unwrapped and background-field-removed14,15. $$$ \langle\Omega\rangle_k$$$ was estimated as the linear term in a polynomial fit of the phase for low $$$t$$$. $$$p_{lm}$$$ were estimated using CSD16, and $$$\chi^B$$$ was fitted to eqn. 13 using the LSMR algorithm17.
Computer Simulations
Simulations to test model assumptions were performed in Matlab. Cylinders were packed with various levels of dispersion (figure 4). Volume fractions around 15% were reached for solid fibers. Fibers were then hollowed after packing. $$$\mathcal{Y}_{\alpha\beta}^{Meso}$$$ was calculated numerically6,7 and compared with eqn. 11.


MRI data
Figure 2 gives an overview of the MGE signal magnitude, $$$\langle\Omega\rangle_k$$$ and color-coded FA of $$$T_{\alpha\beta}$$$ and diffusion tensor $$$D_{\alpha\beta}$$$. As expected,$$$T_{\alpha\beta}$$$ produced sharper colormaps than $$$D_{\alpha\beta}$$$. Figure 3 shows the susceptibility map $$$\chi^B$$$ from fitting eqn.13, with and without including $$$\langle\Omega\rangle^{Meso}_k$$$, along with the difference $$$\Delta\chi^B$$$.
Validation of the macroscopic model assumptions for $$$\mathcal{Y}_{\alpha\beta}^{Macro}$$$ was previously presented11. Figure 4 shows the diagonal of $$$\mathcal{Y}_{\alpha\beta}^{Meso}$$$ computed numerically, and from eqn. 11.


It is clear from figure 4 that approximating $$$\mathcal{Y}_{\alpha\beta}^{Meso}$$$ based on the fODF is in excellent agreement with explicit numerical calculation. When fiber bundles are randomly oriented, $$$\langle\Omega\rangle^{Meso}_k$$$ is zero. As dispersion decreases, $$$\langle\Omega\rangle^{Meso}_k$$$ increases becoming maximal in the parallel limit.
It is also evident from the susceptibility maps in figure 3 that $$$\langle\Omega\rangle^{Meso}_k$$$ introduces noticeable changes in $$$\chi^B$$$. For example, at the isthmus of corpus callosum, the medial region is almost invisible without the mesoscopic contribution (as can be seen at point 1 and 5 in figure 3). Neglecting the mesoscopic contribution is analogous to classical QSM11.
The model can also be extended to cylinders with a radially symmetric susceptibility tensor18. However, such a model would require sample rotations. Other limitations potentially affecting the accuracy of the model include the simple voxel shapes, and assumption of cylinders19. In addition, other types of inclusions could be needed to fully characterize the shift in Larmor frequency.


The first cumulant of the FID signal is considered as a probe of magnetic susceptibility in white matter. As a first step towards incorporation the fODF in order to bypass sample rotations, the local susceptibility is treated as a scalar. By fitting the model to MRI data from an ex-vivo mouse brain, a higher apparent resolution was achieved in susceptibility maps.


This study is funded by the Independent Research Fund (grant 8020-00158B), Denmark, and by Helga & Peter Korning's Foundation. The authors would like to thank PhD student Jonas Lynge Olesen for many fruitful discussions.


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Figure 1: Model overview of fiber bundles. A bundle consists of long cylinders of different orientations. Each fiber may be constructed by several concentric layers. $$$\langle\Omega\rangle_k$$$ is averaged over all the interstitial bi-layers including the intra- and extra-axonal space. For simulations, the bundles are packed by randomly packing cylinders. Cylinder orientations are randomly selected up to a chosen cut-off in polar angle. The position is randomly chosen until a non-overlapping placement is found. A total volume fraction around 15% can be achieved in this way.

Figure 2: From the left: Signal magnitude, the average Larmor frequency, color-coded fractional anisotropy of $$$T_{\alpha\beta}$$$ and color-coded fractional anisotropy of diffusion. MGE parameters: FOV=[18,9.4,10.6]mm, image size 126x140x142 with resolution 75 µm. TR=200ms and t=1.2:1.5:150ms. Diffusion Parameters: Image as MGE, TR=27500ms with t=11.4 and 14.5ms. b=[1127,2631]s/mm2 applied along 30 uniformly distributed orientations.

Figure 3: Model fits of $$$\chi^B$$$. To the left, $$$\chi^B$$$ is fitted without the mesoscopic contribution corresponding to classical QSM. In the middle, $$$\chi^B$$$ is fitted with the mesoscopic contribution using $$$p_{2m}$$$ estimated by diffusion. To the right, the susceptibility difference $$$\Delta\chi^B$$$ is plotted. Visible changes are numbered: 1,4. Corpus callosum 2. Striatum 3. Optical tract 5. Cerebellum 6. Anterior Commisure

Figure 4: Diagonal elements of $$$\mathcal{Y}_{\alpha\beta}$$$ for various levels of dispersion. Zero dispersion corresponds to parallel fibers while no dispersion limit corresponds to arbitrarily oriented fibers. $$$\mathcal{Y}_{\alpha\beta}$$$ is calculated in two ways: using the structural correlation function5,6, and using eqn. 11. The structural correlation function $$$\Gamma^\nu(\mathbf{k})$$$ is estimated by converting the fiber bundle into a binary mask.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)