Xiaodong Ma1, Kamil Uğurbil1, and Xiaoping Wu1
1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, Radiology, Medical School, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States
In this study, we expand the application of a deep reinforcement
learning (DRL) pulse design framework to designing four basic types of RF pulses
and more complicated multi-band RF pulses. Our results showed that the DRL framework
can be used to effectively design all types of RF pulses, improving slice
profiles with reduced ripple levels in comparison to the conventional SLR
Recent studies have demonstrated the value of deep learning in RF pulse
design1-4. Particularly, deep
reinforcement learning (DRL)5 was shown able to
predict an RF pulse with specified design criteria3. Here, we expand its
application to five pulse design scenarios: small-tip-angle excitation, 90-degree
excitation, refocusing, inversion and multi-band 90-degree excitation.Methods
Our DRL pulse design framework entailed an
artificial agent learning from interactions with its environment (Fig. 1). The
agent was a deep neural network and the environment involved a Bloch simulator.
The training in each episode (i.e.
iteration) was as follows: 1) the agent made observation by taking the target
slice profile as input and took action by predicting RF pulse; 2) the predicted
RF pulse was fed (along with a constant gradient) to the Bloch simulator to produce
the corresponding slice profile; 3) the produced slice profile was used to
evaluate a reward with which to update the neural network.
The neural network was trained by
minimizing the loss (instead of maximizing the reward) using Adam algorithm6. The
loss was calculated by
where MSE_Mxy and MSE_Mz are mean squared error (MSE) for transverse
and longitudinal components, respectively, used to quantify the deviation of
the produced slice profile from the target; R_Mxy
and R_Mz are the corresponding ripple levels, defined
as sum of the min-max magnitude difference in passband and stopband; λ1, λ2 and λ3 are three hyperparameters tunable to adjust
the weightings of individual terms.
For ease of training, the target slice
profile was relaxed to a trapezoid shape, with the transition band calculated by
the SLR algorithm for 0.01 passband and stopband ripple levels7.
each design scenario, an independent neural network was trained using a custom
two-stage optimization. λ1, λ2 and λ3 in the loss definition were adapted (Fig. 2) from
stage to stage such that the first stage was devised to reduce both MSE and ripples
while the second stage to purely minimize MSE. Further, λ1 was set to a value close to 1 for excitation
pulse designs (to consider mostly Mxy)
and a value close to 0 for refocusing and inversion pulse designs (to consider
mostly Mz).
Although the neural networks in all design scenarios shared the same
architecture of 6 fully-connected layers (including 4 hidden layers each with
ReLU activation and 256 neurons), they differed in the output layer. The output
layer was designed to output the entire RF waveform for inversion pulse design,
whereas it was devised to predict only the first half of the RF waveform (with the
second half mirroring the first half) for all the other design scenarios requiring
a linear-phase slice profile.
For the small-tip-angle scenario, the single neural network was trained by
randomly sampling a pool of target slice profiles prescribed for flip angles
from 5 to 80 degrees (in steps of 5 degree) to promote its generalizability. In
all scenarios, real-valued RF pulses were predicted, the slice thickness was
set to 3 mm, and a total of 400 episodes carried out (300 for stage 1 and 100
for stage 2).
Our DRL framework was implemented using the Flux package in Julia8 and all networks trained
on a Linux workstation using CPU without parallel computation. For comparison,
pulses were also designed with the SLR algorithm7.Results
Our DRL method substantially reduced the slice profile MSE for all pulse
design scenarios (Fig. 3) when comparing the resultant slice profile against
the target trapezoidal slice profile, and MSE was decreased the most for
multiband excitation pulse design (by as high as 86%). When comparing the
resultant slice profile against the ideal rectangular slice profile, our DRL
method outperformed SLR for flip angles up to 90 degrees, with MSE decreased most
for small tip angle excitation (by 15%), though slice profile was moderately
degraded (by <10%) for refocusing, and slightly degraded (<1%) for inversion.
The improvement in slice profile for small tip angle pulse design was
further confirmed by inspecting the resultant slice profiles of representative
flip angles (Fig. 4). For a wide range of flip angles, our DRL method gave rise
to a slice profile closer to both target and ideal slice profiles, with more
flattened passband observed for relatively small tip angles and with less
stopband ripples for relatively large tip angles.
Likewise, our DRL method improved slice profiles for single band and
multiband excitation pulses with noticeable suppression of stopband ripples,
while leading to visually comparable slice profiles for refocusing and
inversion (Fig. 5).
predicted RF pulses, however, are not as smooth as those from SLR and have
increased peak B1.Discussion and Conclusion
have demonstrated a deep reinforcement learning framework to design various RF
pulses. Our results showed that our DRL framework can effectively predict excitation,
refocusing, inversion and multiband excitation pulses for a given target slice
profile, with improved performance in ripple suppression as compared to the
conventional SLR pulse design algorithm.
Part of our future
work is to investigate how best to reduce peak B1 and to examine the utility of
other neural network architectures (e.g., RNN9 and ResNet10).Acknowledgements
This work was supported
by NIH grants U01 EB025144, and P41 EB015894.References
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