"Universal" non-selective pulse design at 7 Tesla using a birdcage coil and a B0 shim array: Evaluation of kT-points and fully optimized pulses
Bastien Guerin1, Eugene Milshteyn1, Yulin Chang2, Mads S Vinding3, Mathias Davids1, Wald L Lawrence1, and Jason Stockmann1
1Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, MA, United States, 2Siemens Medical Solutions, Malvern, PA, United States, 3Center for functionally integrative neuroscience, Aarhus, Denmark


We design “universal” kT-point and fully optimized pulses for flip-angle uniformization in the brain at 7 Tesla using a birdcage coil and a B0 shim array coil. The fully optimized pulses are RF + gradient and RF + gradient + shim current waveforms joint optimization with system constraints (amplitude, slew-rate and acceleration). We design the universal pulses using 3 subjects’ field maps and evaluate them on 4 additional subjects.


Parallel transmission (pTx) is a popular strategy to solve the B1+ inhomogeneity problem at 7 Tesla, however its widespread acceptance is hampered by 1) expensive hardware (~$100k per transmit channel), 2) complex management of the specific absorption rate (SAR) and 3) complex pulse design. So-called “universal pulses” have been proposed that relax this last constraint1,2, but the first two problems remain. Recently, we have proposed using the additional degrees-of-freedom provided by B0 shim array coils in order to achieve slice-selective3 and 3D4 uniform flip-angle (FA) excitations (INtegrated Shimming and Tip-Angle NormalizaTion, or INSTANT), which bypasses problems 1) and 2). Here, we assess the performance of kT-point and INSTANT pulses for 3D 90° brain excitations in seven volunteers and a realistic head phantom. We design the pulses in a “universal” manner which avoids the need for lengthy pulse optimization and field maps acquisition while the patient is in scanner.


Volunteers & phantom measurements: We scanned seven healthy volunteers (3 males/4 females, ages: 22-38 yo, height: 158-193 cm, weight: 110-230 lbs) on our 7 Tesla MAGNETOM Terra scanner (Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany). B1+ maps were acquired using a pre-saturation-based sequence. B0 maps were acquired using double-echo GRE. The kT-point and RF+gradient optimized pulses were evaluated on a Nova Medical with 32 Rx channel and a single birdcage transmit coil. The RF+gradient+shim current optimized pulses (INSTANT) were evaluated on a realistic head phantom in a custom “AC/DC” coil with 32 Rx channels, 32 shim channels (combined with the Rx loops) and one birdcage Tx coil5,6. The field maps of every channel of the AC/DC coil were mapped using three GRE acquisitions with TEs 2.35/2.85/5.85ms.
INSTANT optimization: We minimize the mean square error (MSE) between the target MZ magnetization and the MZ magnetization achieved by arbitrary RF, gradient and shim current waveforms. For 90° pulses, the target MZ is 0 (magnitude least-squares). The MZ distribution is computed as MZ=|a|2 - |b|2, where a and b are the Caley-Klein parameters of the pulse obtained using a forward Bloch simulation. The derivatives of the objective function are computed from the derivatives of the Caley-Klein parameters a and b with respect to the unknown, i.e.: da/dReal(RF), da/dImag(RF), da/dGx, da/dGy, da/dGz and da/dSCi, where RF is the complex RF pulse, Gx, Gy and Gz are the gradient waveforms and SCi is the shim current waveform for coil i of the shim array (similar derivatives for b). The analytical expressions for these derivatives are complicated, but can be computed analytically in an efficient manner using a forward and a backward Bloch simulation3,4. We use a C++ implementation accelerated on 20 cores. We do not perform the optimization for the fully sampled field maps, but on a small sets of points in the brain (150-200 points per subject). In order to yield waveforms that are playable in practice, the gradient amplitude, slew-rate and acceleration are constrained to the system maximum. Peak RF is also constrained, as is the shim current maximum amplitude, slew-rate and acceleration. We design “universal” pulses by stacking the field maps of multiple subjects on top of one another.
kT-point pulses: We design kT-point pulses7 with fully optimized RF and gradient blips. Location of the kT-points are optimized by 1) performing a greedy search whereby we add one kT-point at a time (for each new kT location, we test a number of positions placed on an expanding circle in kx-ky) and 2) refinement by joint optimization of the kT-point locations and the RF amplitudes.


Fig. 1 shows the subjects’ field maps used in the universal designs (3 first subjects) as well as for testing of the universal pulses (4 additional subjects). Fig. 2 (2ms, 400V peak RF) and 4 (1ms, 250V peak RF) shows that joint optimization of the RF and gradient waveforms improves the flip-angle quality compared to the kT-point strategy, both in the min-max and RMSE metrics. However, the additional DOFs provided by the shim array (INSTANT) do not further improve the pulse performance. Fig. 3 confirms this finding in-vivo, i.e. the RF + gradient optimization strategy yields slightly more uniform flip-angle maps, although it is noteworthy that the kT-point strategy works well in this “universal” approach and yields a large improvement over the standard RECT excitation pulse. Fig. 5 illustrates our optimized shim array pulses “RF + SC” in a realistic head phantom. The slew-rate and curvature constraints imposed during optimization are critical to keep most of pulse power within the amplifier bandwidth.


“Universal” kT-point pulses are efficient at generating uniform FA distribution in the brain at 7 Tesla, even without the use of pTx, as long as the kT-point locations are optimized along with the RF amplitudes. Further FA homogeneity improvement can be obtained by jointly optimizing the RF and gradient waveforms. Finally, the additional DOFs of the shim array coils did not significantly improve the excitation quality, indicating that the gradient coils do the “heavy lifting” of the spatially varying spin dephasing in this application. As we have shown previously, it is likely that the main benefit of the INSTANT technique is for more complex excitation pattern such as slice-selective excitations.


NIH R00EB021349, U24EB028984, R00EB019482


1Gras et al (2018), Design of universal parallel‐transmit refocusing kT‐point pulses and application to 3D T2‐weighted imaging at 7T. MRM 80(1):53-65

2Gras et al (2017), Universal pulses: A new concept for calibration‐free parallel transmission. MRM 77(2):635-643

3Guerin et al (2020), Improvements in flip-angle uniformization at 7 Tesla using an integrated RF/B0 shim array coil and composite pulses. Proceedings ISMRM 28:613

4Vindings et al (2020), INSTANT (INtegrated Shimming and Tip-Angle NormalizaTion): 3D flip-angle mitigation using joint optimization of RF and shim array currents. Proceedings ISMRM 28:612

5Stockmann et al (2016), A 32‐channel combined RF and B0 shim array for 3T brain imaging. MRM 75(1):441-451

6Esmaeili et al (2020), An integrated RF-receive/B0-shim array coil boosts performance of whole-brain MR spectroscopic imaging at 7T. Scientific Reports 10:15029

7Cloos et al (2012). Parallel-transmission-enabled magnetization-prepared rapid gradient-echo T1-weighted imaging of the human brain at 7T. Neuroimage 62(3):2140-2150


Fig 1: B0 (top row) and B1+ (bottom row) transverse maps for seven healthy volunteers (3 males/4 females, ages: 22-38 yo, height: 158-193 cm, weight: 110-230 lbs). The first three subjects were used to design our universal pulses, which were then tested on the last four subjects.

Fig. 2: 90°, 2ms “universal” excitation pulses and their performance. For all pulses, the voltage is limited to a maximum of 400V. A: “Universal” kT-point pulse. B: “Universal” RF + gradient optimization pulse (no shim currents). C: “universal” RF + gradient + shim currents pulse (INSTANT). D: RMSE performance of the different pulse strategies and typical sagittal flip-angle map (first of the three subjects included in the universal design). The black arrow points to typical under-flip in the frontal lobe, which is largely corrected by the optimized pulses.

Fig. 3: Flip-angle maps acquired on the last four subjects of the cohort using a standard rectangular pulse (RECT) and the “universal” kT-point and RF + gradient optimized pulses shown in Fig. 2. The target flip-angle is a uniform 90° distribution in the brain (skull has been stripped from the optimization mask). The red and black arrows point to typical under-flip in the temporal and frontal lobes, respectively.

Fig. 4: 90°, 1ms “universal” excitation pulses and their performance. For all pulses, the voltage is limited to a maximum of 250V. A: “Universal” kT-point pulse. B: “Universal” RF + gradient optimization pulse (no shim currents). C: “universal” RF + gradient + shim currents pulse (INSTANT). D: RMSE performance of the different pulse strategies and typical sagittal flip-angle map (first of the three subjects included in the universal design). The black arrow point to typical under-flip in the frontal lobe, which is largely corrected by the optimized pulses.

Fig. 5: A: RF + shim current optimized pulse (gradients are set to 0) for excitation of a 90° distribution in the “brain” of a realistic head phantom. B: Flip-angle maps acquired on the realistic head phantom. C: Power spectra of the shim current waveforms, showing that very little energy falls outside of the amplifier bandwidth, thanks to the smoothness constraints (slew-rate and curvature) imposed in the optimization procedure.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)