The study aimed to explore the diagnostic value of IVIM-DWI and texture analysis on T2WI for the tumor differentiation grade of cervical squamous cell carcinoma. Finally, we carried out a combined analysis of IVIM-DWI and T2WI-based texture analysis for four compared groups, the AUC of these regression model for four comparison was 0.797, 0.954, 0.795, 0.952, respectively; better than each parameters of IVIM-DWI and texture features alone (0.503~0.684, 0.547~0.805, 0.511~0.712, 0.636~0.792, respectively). Thus, the combination of IVIM-DWI biomarkers and texture features based on tumorous heterogeneity could develop a novel predictive paradigm for the formulation of operation or radiation therapy.
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Fig. 2 Examples of Manually Drawing ROIs for Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
Panels A-H belong to a 50-year-old female with cervical squamous cell carcinoma of well differentiated. On panel A (IVIM-DWI at 1200 s/mm2), each radiologist drew ROI-1 (5mm²) three times to get the values on the maps of ADC, D, D* and f, respectively (panels B-E). Panel F is the maximum area of the lesion on T2WI, so the radiologist drew ROI-2 of the whole lesion on panel G. Panels H is the pathological performance, HE*400.
Fig. 3 Correlation Results of IVIM-DWI Based on Degree of Differentiation.
Panels A~D are the tendencies of the correlation between ADC, D, D*, f values and pathological differentiation visualized by scatter diagrams. The labels “0”, “1” and “2” represent the poorly, moderately and well differentiated groups, respectively.
Fig. 4 Statistical Results of Multiple Comparison Analysis of Texture Features on T2WI.
Panels A~C are the column diagrams of significant texture features (p < 0.05). The red, yellow and green column represent the poorly, moderately and well differentiated groups, respectively. The abbreviations are listed in Table 2.
Fig. 5 Statistical Results of ROC Curves.
Panel A is the ROC curve of regression model 1 for the comparison of poorly vs. moderately groups. Panel B is the ROC curve of regression model 2 for the comparison of moderately vs. well groups. Panel C is the ROC curve of regression model 3 for the comparison of poorly vs. moderately&well groups. Panel D is the ROC curve of regression model 4 for the comparison of well vs. moderately&poorly groups.