Dattesh Dayanand Shanbhag1, Arathi Sreekumari1, Soumya Ghose2, Chitresh Bhushan2, and Uday Patil3
1GE Healthcare, Bangalore, India, 2GE Global Research, Niskayuna, NY, United States, 3General Electric Company, Bangalore, India
In this work , we describe a deep learning-based methodology
to generate vertebrae labels directly from the standard 2D tri-planar localizer
images without the need any additional scanning or explicitly segmenting the
vertebrae. This is accomplished by using deep-learning setup a to identify vertebrae
labels directly on the localizer images. The method is demonstrated on lumbar
spine localizer data to identify Thoracic-12 (T12), Lumbar-4 (L4) , and
Sacral-1 (S1) vertebrae locations. In a test cohort of 50 lumbar MR spine
exams, we report labeling accuracy of 92%, 98% and 96% for T12, L4 and S1 vertebrae respectively on localizer images.
Spine labeling is an important task in planning and reporting
of MR spine exams in routine clinical practice. During planning stage, MR technologist needs to label the vertebrae on localizer images, so that a scan order
can be completed. Typically, MR spine labeling on localizer images is done manually.
Automated methods exist, but they rely either on the higher resolution 2D images or specialized 3D scouts with isotropic
resolution [1] for labeling. This disrupts the
clinical workflow since additional scans must be done for this purpose. The
standard image processing approach is to generate the vertebrae segmentation masks and then do labeling with initial seed [2] or additionally predict the vertebrae labels using machine learning [3].
In this work , we describe a deep learning (DL)-based methodology
to generate vertebrae labels directly
from the standard 2D tri-planar localizer images without the need for any
additional scanning or explicitly segmenting the vertebrae. This is
accomplished by using deep-learning based setup a to identify vertebrae points directly on the localizer images. The method is demonstrated on lumbar spine localizer images to identify Thoracic-12 (T12), Lumbar-4 (L4) , and Sacral-1 (S1) vertebrae labels. Methods
Subjects: Spine MRI data for the study came from a single site. A total
of 122 Spine exams from clinical subjects were included in the study. All the
studies were approved by appropriate IRB.
MRI Scanner and Acquisition: Regular 2D, three-plane single shot fast spin echo
(SSFSE) localizer data was acquired on 1.5T MRI scanner (GE OptimaMR350), with
Spine Array coil. While the data was acquired for all the three spine stations
(cervical, thoracic and lumbar), we included only the data from lumbar station
in this study. Acquisition parameters : TE/TR = 37.7/876 ms, Acquisition matrix
= 288x192, recon matrix = 512x512, slice-thickness = 5 mm, slices variable
across subjects.
Ground-truth (GT) generation: A
trained radiologist marked
the locations of T12, L4 , and S1
locations on the sagittal localizer images using the ITK-Snap tool [4]. The size of the brush
was fixed to square 18 units for each label [Figure 1]. The radiologist had
access to higher resolution whole spine sagittal T2 image for reference
purposes. L4 and S1 vertebrae were marked in every case, while T12 vertebrae
was not necessarily available in each case.
DL Architecture: Deep learning CNN based 2D UNet architecture [5] with size-weighted dice loss was adapted for multi-label segmentation of vertebrae
location marking (See Figure 2). Shape consistency was implemented to ensure
square shape for segmented labels. All experiments done using Keras package (v2.2.4)
with TensorFlow backend (v1.15.0).
Deep-Learning Data: 72 cases were chosen for DL model training and 50 cases for
testing the algorithm. The training datasets were further augmented using
rotations, translations and image resampling, generating 3155 slices for training, with 10% of training cases used for validation and model selection. Finally, the image
and associated label data were resampled to a grid size of 128x128 and input image z-score
normalized for training purposes. During model inferencing, the pre-processing
steps were replicated, model inferred and predicted multi-label data resampled to
native image for computing assessment metrics.
Accuracy Assessment: Localization
error was computed as Euclidean distance error between the centroids of the
ground-truth and DL -predicted vertebrae labels. Since vertebrae is ~ 16-18
mm in length and breadth, centroid distance error < 8 mm was considered
acceptable for labeling purposes. Results and Discussion
Figure 3 shows the scatterplot for localization errors in T12, L4 and S1 locations in 50 test cases, with the acceptability cutoff line indicated at 8mm. The
network predicted T12 with mean localization error = 2.4 mm ± 2.6 mm, L4 location with a mean error = 3.2mm ±4.5mm, S1 with mean
error = 2.7 mm ± 4.1 mm and are within the acceptable limit of 8 mm. Figure
4 shows the sample results in cases with good performance and those with
outliers. For T12 vertebrae location, the algorithm matched with GT for absence of
vertebrae location in 6/9 cases. In two cases, DL predicted a label when GT indicated
it missing (false-positive) while vice-versa (false-negative) in one case. The outliers in the data are not
consistent across labels in a particular dataset. For e.g. for case with L4 error = 30 mm, the
error for S1 was 1.64 mm. Similarly, for case with S1 error = 23 mm, the error
for L4 was only 1.3 mm.
Using a cutoff of 8 mm and accounting for false-positive and false-negative predictions, overall success rate for label accuracy was: T12 = 92%, L4 = 98% and S1 = 96%.
The results
indicate that by using a denser set of labels, the error will potentially be
reduced further since closer vertebrae labels will act as anchor points for
neighboring labels. The results also suggest that label error in one vertebra
can be compensated with other vertebrae labels markings as well.
We have demonstrated DL based methodology for labeling vertebrae
on regular tri-planar localizers. The method has acceptable performance on clinical data, reduced manual labeling effort and thereby potentially adapted for spine exam planning workflow by technologist. Next, we plan to extend the work to whole spine localizers using dense labeling.Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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