Geoffrey J. Topping1, Irina Heid2, Marija Trajkovic-Arsic3,4, Lukas Kritzner2, Martin Grashei1, Christian Hundshammer1, Maximilian Aigner1, Jason G. Skinner1, Rickmer Braren2, and Franz Schilling1
1Department of Nuclear Medicine, School of Medicine, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany, 2Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, School of Medicine, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany, 3German Cancer Consortium (DKTK) and German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany, 4Division of Solid Tumor Translational Oncology, German Cancer Consortium (DKTK), West German Cancer Center, University Hospital Essen, Essen, Germany
narrow-bandwidth alternating-frequency multi-frame slice-selective-excitation
FID spectroscopy sequence was implemented with minimal pulse sequence
modification by prescribing spatially offset slices. This sequence was used to
measure hyperpolarized [1‑13C]lactate and its downstream metabolite
[1‑13C]pyruvate in a xenograft rat model of human pancreatic cancer
(PSN1). Broad bandwidth excitation has difficulty separating the smaller
pyruvate peak from the larger peak of injected lactate, when analyzed with magnitude
spectra, phased complex spectra, or spectral fitting with the AMARES algorithm,
particularly for multi-frame data. Narrow bandwidth excitation spectroscopy is
simpler and more consistent to analyze, by achieving the spectral separation
during acquisition.
bandwidth excitation slice spectroscopy and spectroscopic imaging are used with
hyperpolarized 13C-labelled compounds for characterization of
metabolism. The most-commonly used hyperpolarized compound, [1‑13C]pyruvate,
and its metabolite [1‑13C]lactate, have similar peak amplitudes, but
the reverse experiment, injection of hyperpolarized [1‑13C]lactate,
is more difficult due to the much smaller amount of downstream [1‑13C]pyruvate,
which impairs its quantification. This work demonstrates a narrow bandwidth excitation
slice spectroscopy technique, which is simple to implement and effectively
isolates the signal of [1‑13C]pyruvate from injected hyperpolarized
[1‑13C]lactate in rat subcutaneous tumors. This allows more-reliable
quantification than with broad bandwidth excitation, particularly for
multi-frame measurements.Methods
Slice spectroscopy was performed on rat subcutaneous tumors
after injection of hyperpolarized [1‑13C]lactate.
Tumor Model: Rats
(2 male and 1 female, Crl:NIH-Foxn1rnu, Charles River) were implanted
subcutaneously in the flank with 1∙107 PSN1 pancreatic cancer cells.
Tumors grew to 10 mm before hyperpolarized measurements. Animals were
anesthetized with isoflurane in O2 during imaging and spectroscopy.
Imaging System: Small
animal 7 T preclinical scanner (Agilent/GE magnet, Bruker AVANCE III HD
electronics) using a dual-tuned 1H/13C volume coil (inner
diameter 72 mm, RAPID Biomedical) and surface receiver coils (20 mm diameter,
RAPID Biomedical) placed on the tumors for 13C signal reception.
MR Proton Imaging and
Calibrations: Anatomical proton images were acquired with T2-weighted RARE.
B0-map based 2nd order shimming, followed by iterative shimming on
PRESS voxels on the tumors was performed. PRESS voxels were also used for 1H
frequency calibration that was adapted to set the 13C reference
frequency for [1-13C]pyruvate.
3.1 M [1‑13C]sodium-lactate in 30% (v/v) DMSO and 70% ddH2O
were polarized in a HyperSense DNP polarizer for 180 min.
Spectroscopy: FID
spectroscopy was acquired with 512 points and TR 2 s from 15 mm thick slices
that were prescribed on tumors. Broad bandwidth
RF pulses (5 kHz) were centred
between lactate and pyruvate. Narrow bandwidth
RF pulses (250 Hz) alternated
between metabolite frequencies[1] by prescribing spatially offset
slices corresponding to the chemical shift offset[2] between [1‑13C]pyruvate
and [1‑13C]lactate (Fig. 1).
Analysis: Broad bandwidth data were analyzed as
magnitude or manually phased real spectra and with AMARES fitting in jMRUI[3,4]
to several models with different numbers of free parameters for peak positions,
amplitudes, widths, and phases. Narrow bandwidth data were analyzed as
magnitude spectra to determine peak heights.Results
Slice spectroscopy spectra of tumors after hyperpolarized [1‑13C]lactate
injection (Figs. 2 and 3) show
strong [1‑13C]lactate and weak [1-13C]pyruvate signal.
Quantification in broad bandwidth excitation data (Fig. 2) from magnitude spectra is
impeded by the larger lactate peak’s tails overlapping the smaller pyruvate peak.
Between the alanine and pyruvate centre frequencies, the metabolite signals
interfere with each other, producing a lactate peak tail that is lower than the
opposite-side tail at the same frequency offsets from the lactate peak centre.
At the pyruvate peak frequency, the magnitude spectrum in Fig. 2 is higher than
the opposite side of the lactate peak by approximately 3% of the real spectrum
pyruvate peak amplitude.
Phased real spectra have narrower peaks and thus less
spectral overlap, but reliable manual or automatic phasing is difficult because
small changes in phase parameters strongly affect the spectral background
signal. AMARES fits to the spectra were inconsistent between acquisition frames
(Fig. 4), particularly for models
with more free parameters.
Quantification in narrow bandwidth excited data (Fig. 3) is much simpler, since the
downstream pyruvate spectrum shows no contribution from the lactate.
Localized B0-map-based and iterative shimming on
the tumor, and 1H‑derived local frequency adjusted applied to 13C
excitation, gave better local frequency consistency than determining frequency
from a remotely-placed 13C-labelled phantom.Discussion
This work has several differences from previously-described
alternating-frequency 13C methods[1,2]. Here, multi-frame
spectroscopy is performed in subcutaneous tumors with hyperpolarized [1‑13C]lactate,
rather than single-frame mouse kidney hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate
imaging[2] or multi-frame rat heart or liver [2‑13C]pyruvate
imaging[1]. The wider frequency separation of [2‑13C]pyruvate
and metabolites places different requirements on slice geometry and bandwidth
to ensure signal isolation during excitation. The more-similar peak heights of
[1‑13C]pyruvate and metabolites makes quantification simpler.
Internal organs such as kidney and heart are better-perfused than subcutaneous
tumors, and have fewer nearby air-tissue interfaces that affect shim quality.
These effects together make quantification of hyperpolarized [1‑13C]lactate
and its metabolite [1‑13C]pyruvate in subcutaneous tumors more
difficult, even without spreading signal over k-space for imaging. These issues
are addressed by the use of carbomer gel to mitigate body-surface shimming
issues, narrower bandwidth RF pulses, and tumor-localized shimming and
frequency calibration.
Another alternative excitation scheme is
spectral-spatial RF and gradient pulses, but these are not standard on most
systems, whereas the frequency alternating excitations used here have been implemented
with minimal modification of a slice-selective spectroscopy pulse sequence, by
simply prescribing spatially offset slices at positions corresponding to
metabolite chemical shift offsets.Conclusion
combination of narrow bandwidth excitation slice spectroscopy with localized
frequency calibration in rat subcutaneous tumors allows reliable isolation of
downstream [1‑13C]pyruvate signal from the large peak of injected
hyperpolarized [1‑13C]lactate, simplifying data processing and
improving quantification.Acknowledgements
This work was supported by the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation – 391523415, SFB 824).
Sandra Sühnel, Elisabeth Bliemsrieder, and Irina
Skuratovska assisted with the animal work and technical equipment.
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