Bastiaan Driehuys1 and Elianna Ada Bier2
1Radiology, Duke University, Durham, NC, United States, 2Biomedical Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC, United States
In quantitative 129Xe gas exchange MRI, the RBC/barrier
ratio is emerging as a robust and important functional metric. However, it
depends strongly on how it is measured, specifically on flip angle and
repetition time. Moreover, we don’t yet have a clear understanding of its
expected range in healthy subjects. Here, we demonstrate that by combining a
physical diffusion model of 129Xe signal recovery with the recently introduced
concept of flip angle to TR-equivalence, we can estimate the “structural limit”
for the maximum RBC/barrier ratio expected in healthy adult subjects at any TR
and flip angle.
In quantitative 129Xe gas exchange MRI, the RBC/barrier
ratio is emerging as a critical functional metric. It provides a sensitive
measure of gas exchange impairment, is used to decompose gas exchange MR images
and correlates well with DLCO. However, the ratio depends strongly on how it is
measured, specifically on flip angle and repetition time TR. It has been
measured using chemical shift saturation recovery (CSSR), which reports RBC/barrier
at 90˚ flip, and TR = 100ms. However, most gas exchange imaging employs smaller
flip angles (~20˚) and shorter TRs (15-25ms), making comparisons across studies
difficult. Notably, there is currently no well-defined healthy reference value
for the RBC/barrier ratio. Here, we demonstrate that by combining a physical
diffusion model of 129Xe signal recovery [2]
with the newly introduced concept of flip angle to TR-equivalence [3],
we can estimate the “structural limit” for maximum expected RBC/barrier ratio
in healthy adult subjects. Methods
The 1-D model of gas exchange (MOXE) was used to calculate
the diffusive replenishment of 129Xe signal in barrier and RBCs. As
summarized in Figure 1, we ran the model with the suggested parameters for
healthy subjects [4]
as well as higher hematocrit values informed by this work. To calculate RBC/barrier ratio smaller flip,
we estimated the TR90 at which equivalent signal recovery would
occur after 90˚ flip, as with the flip angle α and TR of interest using $$${TR_{90} = TR/(1-cosα)}$$$. This TR90 was then
used in the MOXE model to calculate barrier and RBC recovery for the commonly
used 20˚ flip in gas exchange imaging [1]
for TRs ranging from 0 to 100ms.
Such modeling was combined with new RBC/barrier measurements
in healthy cohorts and a summary of literature reports, allowing us to estimate
the structurally limited RBC/barrier. New cohorts were selected from healthy subjects
in our database with a KCO (DLCO/VA) exceeding 4.5 mL/min/mmHg/L. Each had
undergone steady-state 129Xe spectroscopy, inhaling a 1-L volume
containing a dose equivalent of ~70 mL.129Xe free induction decays (FIDs) were acquired every 20 or
73 ms at the dissolved 129Xe frequency (TE=0.45ms, flip angle≈20°,
dwell time=20µs, 512 points). FIDs were fit in the time domain as
previously described [5].
The healthy reference cohort measured at TR=20˚ (n=12), had DLCO=31.9±4.4 mL/min/mm
Hg and KCO= 5.13±0.54 mL/min/mmHg/L, while the TR=73 ms cohort (n=8) had
DLCO=32.7±4.4 mL/min/mm Hg and KCO= 5.52±0.54 mL/min/mmHg/L.
An additional literature search identified 4 publications quoting
healthy RBC/barrier ratios from the CSSR literature, and 2 publications with steady-state
RBC/barrier at a=20˚,
one at TR=20ms, and one at TR=50ms. Results
Figure 2 shows the steady-state RBC and barrier
signal recovery as a function of TR for the 20˚ flip scenario. Both barrier and
RBC rise rapidly from 0 to 5ms and then continue to increase linearly. However,
from TR=5 to 100ms, RBC/barrier increases by only 22%. Figure 3 shows
the RBC/barrier recovery predicted by the default MOXE model (Hct=26%) and our
proposed version (Hct=32.1%) for both 90˚ and 20˚ flip recovery scenarios; to
each graph we have appended the literature and newly reported measurements. For
the 90˚ flip scenario, mean literature RBC/barrier values are lower than both
forms of MOXE model. For the 20˚ flip, the default MOXE model under-estimates
the RBC/barrier reported in 3 of the 4 cohorts. By contrast the Hct=32.1% model
agrees well with the new healthy TR=20 and 73ms cohorts. Notably, at TR=20ms,
the RBC/barrier=0.686, which at TR=15ms, is reduced by only 1.6% to 0.675. Because
RBC/barrier is often measured during calibration, Figure 4, shows that post-hoc
corrections of <4% can adjust it for actual vs desired 20˚ flip. Discussion:
The proposed simple adaptation of the MOXE model enables an
estimate of the structural limit (in adult subjects) for RBC/barrier independent
of acquisition. Additional benefits include the ability to correct RBC/barrier
for Hgb, and flip angle.
While many of the literature-reported RBC/barrier values fell
somewhat below these predictions, this likely reflects a heterogeneity of patient
selection from early studies. For example, several subjects in the Bier ‘19 and
Kaushik ‘14 publications had DLCO values below 25 mL/min/mm Hg. Most of the
healthy values from the CSSR literature also fall below both predicted curves, again
attributable to subject selection or possibly spectral fitting techniques. For
example, it is likely that efforts to phase spectra and fit only the real portion
will underestimate RBC signal. Nonetheless, this work suggest that future
healthy cohorts should likely select subjects with KCO>5 mL/min/mmHg/L. KCO
is appropriate because, like RBC/barrier, it does not depend on alveolar
volume, while DLCO does.
Note that this simple 1-D model has limitations. Most CSSR
literature using this model to fit report notoriously low Hct (and Hgb), likely
due to the simplified 1-D model, which cannot accurately capture continued
barrier uptake at longer recovery times in tissues distal to the thinnest part
of the blood gas barrier. Our proposed Hct=32.1% corresponds to Hgb=10.9 g/dL,
which is still low, but moderately plausible. Future models based on finite
element modeling as suggested by Stewart could predict RBC and barrier signal
at long recovery times with more plausible Hct [6].Acknowledgements
2R01HL105643-06, R01HL126771, R01HL126771, GenentechReferences
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