Automating Reproducible Connectivity Processing Pipelines on High Performance Computing Machines
Paul B Camacho1,2,3, Evan D Anderson3,4, Aaron T Anderson3,5, Hillary Schwarb3, Tracey M Wszalek3, and Brad P Sutton1,2,3
1Neuroscience Program, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, United States, 2Department of Bioengineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, United States, 3Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, United States, 4Decision Neuroscience Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, United States, 5Stephens Family Clinical Research Institute, Carle Foundation Hospital, Urbana, IL, United States


Automating pipelines open-source reproducible toolkit Docker containers for data quality control, processing, and analysis maximizes data value and minimizes time spent performing manual tests. Achieving high throughput with these pipelines requires more computational resources than a standard laboratory workstation, leading to migrating pipelines to high-performance computing systems. We created an open-source wrapper for higher security Singularity images required for resting-state functional connectivity workflows on high-performance computing systems, which extends function to report collection, network-based statistics, and versioning documentation. This pipeline was then tested with an existing aging and cognition data set for benchmarking and demonstration.


Reproducible and standardized neuroimaging processing increases the value of research through clarity and specificity 1, but implementation of such processing remains an issue for many. Standards such as the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) allow for near plug-and-play compatibility with BIDS-compliant processing tools 2,3. Containerization facilitates incorporating these tools for in a standardized manner. Increasingly large datasets demand more substantial computing resources than standard laboratory workstations. High performance computing (HPC) systems are better suited for processing with high throughput, with pipelines in place optimizing automation of workflow from the scanner to the statistics. These pipelines provide data quality metrics at major stages of processing and minimize delay of decisions on more advanced statistical analysis. Recent advances in software virtualization have led to the creation of tools that permit open-source software to be safely containerized and run in HPC environments 4. In this work, we develop, apply, and disseminate containerized pipeline for automatically and reproducibly processing neuroimaging data in an HPC environment. We demonstrate the utility of this tool by applying it to data collected from an aging study.


To investigate the efficacy of HPC workflows for reproducibly processing large-scale neuroimaging datasets, we combined open-source neuroimaging tools 5-13 into an automated, containerized pipeline, and deployed this pipeline in our Bright 9 (Bright Computing Inc., Amsterdam, Netherlands) HPC environment using Singularity 14 and Slurm 15 (see Figure 1 for dataflow).
Initial testing and development of images was performed in Docker on a development workstation 16. Functioning containers were then converted to HPC-compatible Singularity containers and tested in the overall pipeline 14. To detect and minimize points of failure, we tested this pipeline during development using data from a cross-sectional pilot study of n = 12 older adults with 10-minute resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging scans. Using three denoising designs in xcpEngine for resting-state functional connectivity (RSFC) processing 9,17,18, network-based statistics 19,20 were calculated in three atlases: AAL116 21, Desikan-Killiany 22, and Power 264 23.


One problem for maintaining this pipeline workflow is the potential for compatibility issues when any developer makes updates to their container. Differences between Docker and Singularity in file system interactions also introduce errors that must be addressed through either bash shell scripting of core utility commands or through containerized Singularity images for Python and open-source programs. Run-times for major steps of the pipeline are recorded to a text file for estimating time needed to run similar data through the pipeline in the future and are provided in Figure 2 for the example data set along with cluster specifications. Managing data presentation to the end user follows a similar underlying principle. Files are pushed to server storage under directories that contain the level of detail necessary for each major level of analysis as follows (see Figure 3 for details of each level).

Differences in parcellation according to atlas topology have influence over network-based measures24, such as global efficiency shown to decline in older adults25. Figure 4 shows this general trend as the size of nodes defined in an atlas decreases from AAL116 to the cortex-only Desikan-Killiany to the more highly parcellated Power264 functional atlas, showing functional agreement with node-size effects on network-based measures in structural connectivity24. However, we find strong agreement in global network measures, regardless of the parcellation for the comparison with age.


This work demonstrates that a neuroimaging data can be automatically, reproducibly, and interpretably processed using containerized workflows in a short time-period. Using our pipeline, we showed several functional connectivity matrices can be generated and a variety of motion-robust processing approaches can be chosen to achieve state-of-the-art analyses. The processing and analysis tools used herein with BIDS-compatible data facilitate this automation, especially for non-neuroimaging experts. With this, we can see comparisons between global network measures and variables such as age can be examined directly from the produced outputs. Further, combinations of noise-robust approaches and parcellation schemes can be compared for global network measures.

Centrally collecting visual reports and quality control metrics from major processing steps with summary statistics of connectivity, such as network-based statistics, as part of the pipeline allows for easier documentation and importation to study management systems such as Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap)26,27. As the tools used for the pipeline constantly undergo development, the pipeline also requires a continuous development cycle to remain robust and up to the BIDS standard. Versioning of deployed pipelines is critical for data documentation, project management, and expedient re-analysis as tools improve in functionality or robustness.


Efficiency and replicability of workflows greatly improves through adopting naming standards such as BIDS and adapting BIDS apps for HPC environments. Our containerized, automated, and reproducible pipeline is in continuous development and can be accessed through GitHub at github.com/mrfil/pipeline-hpc. With extensive, automated processing in place, researchers can efficiently assess QC measures on data and can focus on asking higher level questions about their neuroimaging data, rather than spending time on basic analysis steps. This pipeline framework can also serve diffusion-weighted imaging analysis and other BIDS-compatible workflows.


The development of this pipeline and the computing infrastructure upon which it runs was the result of collaboration between many faculty, research associates, graduate students, and staff of the Biomedical Imaging Center and Information Technology Services at the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. We extend our gratitude to all participants of the CU’s Got Brains study. This work was funded by a grant from the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology and the Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.


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Flow of pipeline from raw DICOMs to end-user entry into a Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) study management database. XNAT: Extensible Neuroimaging Archive Toolkit, HPC: High Performance Computing system, Slurm: Slurm Workload Manager, HeuDiConv: Heuristic-centric DICOM Converter, MRIQC: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Quality Control, fMRIPrep: Function Magnetic Resonance Imaging Preprocessing, xcpEngine: the XCP Engine, BCT: Brain Connectivity Toolbox.

Specifications for bench-marking of the pipeline on our HPC system using a cross-sectional aging pilot study data set.

Levels of data access based on requirements for desired depth of analysis. File sizes for the outputs of a resting-state functional connectivity analysis on one subject from benchmarking dataset: MB = megabytes, GB = gigabytes. Analysis completes in around 16 hours for each subject and session with one node of HPC (192 GB RAM, 2 Intel Xeon Silver 12 core processors, Centos 7 OS).

Comparison of global efficiency as calculated by the Brain Connectivity Toolbox MATLAB functions for two common structural atlases (Automated Anatomical Labeling 116, Desikan-Killiany) and the Power 264 functional atlas after three methods of denoising in xcpEngine (36 motion parameters, 36 motion parameters and Power scrub method, and ICA-AROMA).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)