James Andrew Gholam1,2, Santiago Aja-Fernandez3, Matt Griffin1, Derek Jones2, Emre Kopanoglu2, Lars Mueller2, Markus Nilsson4, Filip Szczepankiewicz4, Chantal Tax2,5, Carl-Fredrik Westin6, and Leandro Beltrachini1,2
1School of Physics and Astronomy, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 2CUBRIC, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 3Universidad de Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain, 4Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 5Image Sciences Institute, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 6Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States
We present an extension to the Brain Imaging Data Structure
(BIDS) to specialise it for diffusion weighted imaging. Detailed attribution of
experimental parameters to regions of an aquisition is made possible with
plain text files which remain compliant with BIDS. Complex diffusion
encoding, slice-level diffusion encoding, and data collected with varying
experimental parameters throughout the acquisition are all supported. Scope
exists for reporting on RF pulses and gradient pulses in general within the
sequence, without restriction to diffusion pulses.
Body of Abstract
Quantitative MRI studies require an exhaustive
modality-dependent list of parameters along-side
the imaging data. The Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) is rapidly gaining
traction in the brain imaging community for organising data in a coherent and
standardised fashion1. However, not all modalities are specified
exhaustively within BIDS. Developments in diffusion encoding methods expose
limitations in how the BIDS provides metadata about the diffusion encoding used
throughout a dataset. Datasets employing complex diffusion encoding2–8 may
vary numerous sequence parameters throughout an acquisition, necessitating
tabular recording of this variation throughout the dataset2. A
generic, BIDS compliant scheme to record the encoding employed within a dataset
would facilitate its automated analysis, as well as permitting a standardised format
for recording archive-quality data.
We considered a wide set of experimental and established
diffusion imaging paradigms and assessed which metadata were necessary for
subsequent quantification / interpretation of magnetic resonance images. This
was carried out by examination of current non-BIDS metadata standards proposed1,
9, 10, as well as component level analysis of the encoding methods used11. This incorporated expectations for pre-
and post-processing, heuristics for pipeline automation, sequence
visualisation, modality comparison, and ingestion for large mixed-modality
datasets for quantitative MRI.
A recording scheme was realised for comprehensive
description of diffusion metadata, and is also appropriate for describing other
areas variable or experimental gradient or RF activity. This was expressed as
an iterable structure, comprised of three files: a NIfTI10
(.nii(gz)) file for multidimensional imaging data, an encoding file (.json)
conveying the diffusion encoding used, and a tabular (.tsv) file to detail how
the diffusion encoding varies throughout the multidimensional NIfTI (figure 1).
The encoding file uses an object-oriented approach to
describe a collection of ordered lists of sequence objects (”events”). Multiple
types of encoding can be expressed in one file. Events are chained together to
provide a description of a region of a sequence. Events are modular, and can
contain terse or detailed descriptors without loss of functionality. Moreover,
they may be programmatically specified using JSON schema12 (table
1), and hence automatically recognised and handled. We make a repository of
JSON schemas and other tools for gradient events available on our GitHub
(https://github.com/JAgho/aDWI-BIDS). Methods are specified to express
arbitrary gradient waveforms, as well as most common gradient pulses.
The tabular file divides acquisitions within the NIfTI into
rows, where acquisitions may be either a single slice, or a single volume from
the NIfTI (figure 2). The columns may refer to any parameters we aim to
describe, allowing the tracking of changes to parameters between acquisitions.
As well, they may refer to objects within the encoding file. This permits the attribution
of objects to every acquisition, where the objects convey the type and
parameters of the diffusion encoding employed.
Additionally, we may use the tabular file to communicate
variations within an encoding object. This permits variation in a sequence to
be given for each slice or volume in a dataset. This simplifies experiments
examining the variation of a single sequence parameter, and permits variable encoding
used from slice to slice to be recorded.
The structure proposed is flexible, and can describe many
experimental conditions. Rich metadata labels components of a scan with their
respective parameters. Consequently heterogenous
NIfTIs (using multiple diffusion encodings) can be handled differently
according to their properties. It is common to include multiple acquisition
settings within a single NIfTI, e.g. different b-values. These are clearly
identified within the new structure, without reliance on .bval files.
In vivo scans are complicated by interruptions, subject
motion, and many other factors. Correction of artifacts arising from
complications, and analyses to derive diffusion measures, relies on the ability
to group metadata, and to merge and split datasets freely. Combined analyses like
diffusional variance decomposition13 may need merged datasets, or
recognition of a single b=0 image
as registration for a subset of data. Free labelling of regions of a combined
NIfTI’s meta-data simplifies
pipeline design, incorporating data for combined processing steps, and extraction
of data subsets based on metadata properties.
aDWI-BIDS also conveys multiple scan directions without
repetition of an underlying diffusion pulse sequence. By providing a set of
Euler angles alongside each volume or slice, we permute a prototypical encoding
object into a collection of unique rotated forms (figure 3).
Finally, the scheme is easily extended to
other sequence facets. Behaviours like shaped or multi-channel RF pulses may be
recorded with positions within a sequence given unambiguously. This utility
applies to readout behaviour as well, and waveform-based readout gradients may
be given in totality. Should distortion or phase correcting approaches be
developed to address artefacts in recorded data, this may be applied
retroactively, with full knowledge of the pulse sequence that produced it.
The scheme proposed allows the recording of the underlying
diffusion experiment in an acquisition in full detail. If new approaches are
developed to interpret or process diffusion data, these may be applied to
historical data in a modular way, simplifying the development of processing
pipelines, and allowing ingestion of data acquired with multiple acquisition
parameters. This has utility in, e.g., machine learning applications, large
population studies, data harmonisation14 or in multi-modal
microstructure methods.Acknowledgements
This work was supported by the Science and
Technology Facilities Council, UK, through grants ST/00209X/1 (MIDaC)
and Impact Acceleration Account (MISP, Cardiff
We would also like to thank Andreas Papageorgiou of the Cardiff University School of Physics and Astronomy for their assistance with pipeline planning and containerisation of software.
More generally, thanks to the team at CUBRIC for their support, patience, and training.
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