Zhan Xu1, Christopher M Walker1, Collin J Harlan1, Keith A Michel1, Gary V Martinez1, and James A Bankson1,2
1Imaging Physics, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, United States, 2UT Health Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer, Houston, TX, United States
A new pharmacokinetic-model-based constrained
reconstruction method CoUNFOLD is introduced for hyperpolarized 13C pyruvate imaging.
This method extended classic UNFOLD method by introducing model constraint which described the signal evolution of multiple substrates. CoUNFOLD
successfully accelerated the data acquisition, and the reconstruction was implemented
on single channel. An in silico
experiment demonstrated the accuracy of reconstruction at a reduction factor of
2. The quantitative estimation of the conversion ratio from pyruvate to
lactate was achieved with high accuracy when peak pyruvate SNR was as low as 20
Hyperpolarized (HP) MRI using [1-13C]-pyruvate has been
demonstrated as a non-invasive approach to monitor dynamic metabolic exchange
in cancer imaging with tremendous sensitivity and specificity1. The apparent conversion rate of HP 13C pyruvate to
lactate (kpl) reflects aerobic glycolysis (the Warburg effect) and has been shown
as an important imaging biomarker for staging cancer and assessing response to
therapy. However, HP MRI is challenging because magnetization is finite,
nonstationary, and nonrenewable. Because the downstream metabolites of pyruvate
is SNR-limited, HP dynamic imaging is usually acquired at an expense of low spatial or temporal resolution. Data reduction strategies can be used to improve
resolution and reduce the burden of spatiotemporal encoding. Here we propose and investigate a new
model-based constrained reconstruction algorithm, Constrained UNFOLD (CoUNFOLD),
to enhance image resolution from an undersampled broadband echo-planar imaging sequence2 with alternating spectral-spatial excitation of
key metabolites. Theory:
CoUNFOLD implements imaging acceleration in the
same way as UNFOLD3, by reducing the FOV at each acquisition, as
presented in Figure 1. The acceleration ratio R is defined as 1 for a full
resolution acquisition and reflects the ratio of
fully sampled to undersampled data in accelerated acquisition. When an object is undersampled at R=2, only half
the data points in k-space are acquired at the odd (or even) phase encoding
steps. In a dynamic acquisition, alternating
subsets of data can be acquired at each repetition. Correspondingly, each alised voxel point (such as A0 or A1) in the half FOV aliased
image is the superposition of two points (P0 and P1) from the original fully encoded FOV
image. The relationship between Am and Pn is demonstrated by the linear
equation Am=Cm,n×Pn , where Cm,n=1Rexp−2πj⋅m⋅n , m,n=1,...,R.
The time varying spatial undersampling scheme encodes some
of the spatial information (k) into the temporal domain (t), and standard
UNFOLD resolves the aliasing via distinct temporal modulation on P0 and P1 in the same image. Unlike UNFOLD, CoUNFOLD reconstruction is based on the pharmacokinetic model, which defines the dynamic
evolution of multiple substrates from different images. As a result,
the unaliasing of A0 (or A1) is achieved concurrently with the estimation of model
parameters that in turn predicts full FOV images.Method
A digital reference object (DRO) with predefined pharmacokinetic model
parameters was used to synthesize full FOV images, which
can be seen in Figure 2a and 2b. The model accounts for two chemical pools (HP pyruvate and lactate), and two
well-mixed physical compartments (vascular and extravascular) 4. The
dynamic metabolite curves at each voxel are defined by three primary
parameters: kpl, the apparent conversion rate for HP pyruvate into lactate; kve, the extravasation rate; and vb, the
extracellular volume fraction. All other nuisance
parameters, including T1Pyr and T1Lac, were designated as constants over all locations. The flip angle was set to 20
degrees for both pyruvate and lactate over all 60 repetitions (TR=2s). The kpl map is designed to simulate a FOV (matrix
size 16-by-16) with regions at different kpl rates. Gaussian white noise was added to
simulate a full resolution acquisition (Figure 2c) with a maximum pyruvate SNR of 30.
The noisy images were then fit to estimate the primary parameters and noise-free, fully encoded images (Figure 2d).
Two voxels sampled at R=2 were repeated 100 times under various SNRs
to test the accuracy for quantitative estimation of kpl. The target voxel was
synthesized at various kpl values, while the background voxel was set at kpl=0.1, The kve, vb, and all other parameters were identical for both voxels.
When R=2, the aliased image series presented a dark/bright alternative
pattern as a result of summation (odd TRs) / subtraction (even TRs) of two
voxels (P0 and P1) that were FOV2 away from each other (Figure 2e). This is also
reflected by the drastically fluctuated time series of a randomly selected
voxel located in the upper half of the FOV (blue ‘x’ in Figure 3b). These
images were used as an input to CoUNFOLD, which successfully reconstructed
unaliased images with high accuracy. The fractional RMSE of reconstructed pyruvate images
over all spatial locations was merely 2.1% with respect to noise-free images. The
fractional RMSE of lactate images was 10.5%, due in part to the low SNR of
lactate signal.
The quantitative estimation
of kpl presented a high accuracy under certain limitations, as shown in table
1. Both high kpl and high SNR improved the accuracy. When kpl was as low as
0.01 the minimal SNR to reach reliable kpl estimation (mean and SD < 10%, as highlighted
in Table 1) was 40, while a lower peak SNR of 20 was needed for a kpl of 0.1 to
achieve the same performance. Discussion & Conclusion
CoUNFOLD is a promising image reconstruction approach for accelerated HP [1-13C]
pyruvate imaging with high accuracy. It also presented the potential to be a quantitative approach under sufficient
SNR and metabolic conditions. Future work will test the reconstruction performance at higher
undersampling ratio and its reliability in retrospective and prospective phantom and human
This work was supported in part by the National Cancer Institute of the
National Institutes of Health (R01CA211150).
The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not
necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.References
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