Yurii Shepelytskyi1,2, Vira Grynko1,2, Tao Li3, Ayman Hassan4,5, Karl Granberg4, and Mitchell S Albert2,3,5
1Chemistry and Materials Science Program, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, ON, Canada, 2Thunder Bay Regional Health Research Institute, Thunder Bay, ON, Canada, 3Chemistry, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, ON, Canada, 4Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, Thunder Bay, ON, Canada, 5Northern Ontario School of Medicine, Thunder Bay, ON, Canada
Hyperpolarized (HP)
xenon-129 (129Xe) freely dissolves in pulmonary blood and travels to
highly perfused organs. Dissolved phase HP 129Xe imaging is commonly
used for evaluating gas-blood exchange in lungs, imaging cerebral perfusion, detecting
hemodynamic response, and kidney perfusion. However, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
of HP 129Xe dissolved phase images varies between breath-holds, especially
for brain imaging. In this work, we demonstrated a significant reduction in the
variability of MRI image SNR by implementing an additional depolarization pulse
prior to image acquisition.
HP 129Xe
dissolved phase imaging is used for studying pulmonary gas-blood exchange1,2, imaging cerebral perfusion3–6, kidney perfusion7, and detecting hemodynamic response5. Currently, there is a large signal variability associated with
different breath-holds, which results in potential quantitative analysis
difficulties. Recently, the HP 129Xe Time-of-Flight (TOF) technique
has been developed using a time-selective depolarization of HP 129Xe
with subsequent imaging5. The presence of the depolarization radiofrequency pulse causes the
image signal to depend mainly on the blood perfusion and it decreases signal
dependence on the amount of gas inhaled and breath-hold variability5. We hypothesized that the application of an additional broadband
depolarization pulse prior to all dissolved phase image acquisition will
substantially decrease signal variability between multiple breath-hold.Materials and Methods
healthy volunteers with a mean age of 53 ± 20 years were recruited. A Philips
Achieva 3T clinical MRI scanner equipped with a dual-tuned 1H/129Xe
quadrature head coil (CMRS LLC, WI, USA) was used. Enriched 129Xe (~83%)
was polarized up to ~50% using a commercial Xemed XeBox-E10 polarizer (Xemed
LLC, NH, USA) and dispensed into six 1L Tedlar bags. Brain localization was
performed using a proton gradient echo (GRE) imaging. Imaging parameters are
shown in Table 1.
inhaled 1L of HP 129Xe gas and held their breath for 20s. Each
participant performed six breath-holds. During three breath-holds, a single
slice axial GRE image with Cartesian k-space sampling was acquired 9s into the breath-hold
using imaging parameters shown in Table 1. During the other breath-holds, two
dynamic TOF images were acquired using the same GRE parameters with a delay
time between the depolarization pulse and the image acquisition of 5s and 9s. A
90O depolarization 0.5ms block pulse was applied 4s into the breath-hold.
image reconstruction and SNR calculation were performed in custom-written
MATLAB scripts (MATLAB R2016b
(MathWorks, Inc, Natick, MA). A two-sample paired t-test was performed in OriginPro
2016 software (OriginLab Corp., Northampton, MA) to evaluate the mean SNR
difference between the GRE images and TOF images.Results and Discussion
2 shows HP 129Xe brain images acquired 9s into the breath-hold
(Fig. 2A) from a representative healthy volunteer. The standard deviation (STD)
map (Fig. 2B) was calculated to reflect local signal variations. The STD map was
inhomogeneous with higher 129Xe SNR variability in the posterior
brain region compared to the anterior region. The HP 129Xe images acquired
9s after the 90O the depolarization pulse demonstrated lower
signal variability (Fig. 2C). The correspondent STD map (Fig.2D) was more
homogeneous compared to Fig.2B.
STD maps calculated based on all datasets are shown in Fig. 3. For images acquired
without a depolarization pulse (Fig. 3A), a high level of SNR variability was
observed. The STD map was highly inhomogeneous with the highest signal variability
observed in the posterior brain region (mean STD = 11.85). The anterior part of
the brain demonstrated the lowest SNR variability (mean STD = 7.72). Application
of the initial depolarization pulse (Fig. 3B, C) significantly reduced signal
variability. The STD map of HP 129Xe images acquired 9s after the
depolarization pulse were more homogeneous (Fig. 3B) with a mean anterior STD of
4.84 and mean posterior STD equal to 6.85. For an image acquisition 5s after
the depolarization pulse (Fig. 3C), the STD map became quite homogeneous (average
anterior STD = 3.64; average posterior STD = 4.05).
mean SNR value of the HP 129Xe brain images acquired without a depolarization
pulse was 11.34 ± 5.1 (Fig. 4). The mean SNR values of the images acquired 9s and 5s after the
initial depolarization pulse were equal to 10.26 ± 2.06 and 6.83 ± 2.25,
respectively (Fig. 4). The was no significant difference between the SNR values
of images acquired 9s after the depolarization pulse, or 9s into the breath-hold
without the depolarization pulse (p > 0.01). However, the STD of the mean SNR
was two times smaller for images acquired following the depolarization pulse,
which indicates a substantially smaller signal variability between breath-holds.
Interestingly, a t-test indicated no significant difference between the SNR
images acquired 5s after the depolarization pulse, or 9s into the breath-hold
without the depolarization pulse (p > 0.01). This result originates from the
large STD from the SNR image acquired without an initial depolarization pulse.
On the contrary, there was significant difference between the SNR of images
acquired 5s and 9s after the initial depolarization pulse (p < 0.01).Conclusion
study demonstrates a substantial reduction in the signal variability of HP 129Xe
dissolved in the brain due to the application of the initial 90O
depolarization radiofrequency pulse. This concept can be implemented in all HP 129Xe
dissolved phase imaging. Acknowledgements
research was funded by the Ontario Research Fund (ORF-RE-09-029) and the
Northern Ontario Academic Medical Association (A-18-05). The authors would like to thank Martina
Agostino for contributing to abstract editing. Yurii
Shepelytskyi was supported by an Ontario Graduate Fellowship. Vira Grynko is
supported by an Ontario Trillium Scholarship.References
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