Fast Image Reconstruction for Non-Cartesian Acquisitions in the Presence of B0-inhomogeneities
Mirco Grosser1,2 and Tobias Knopp1,2
1Section for Biomedical Imaging, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany, 2Institute for Biomedical Imaging, Hamburg University of Technology, Hamburg, Germany


We propose a fast algorithm for the reconstruction of non-cartesian acquisitions with B0-inhomogeneity. The proposed method uses a new SVD-based approximation of the B0-aware imaging operator in combination with diagonal k-space preconditioning. The proposed SVD-based approximation adaptively determines the required number of basis functions and thus reduces the computational effort. Furthermore, we present a method to efficiently compute the $$$\ell_2$$$-optimal diagonal k-space preconditioner taking into account the B0-map. The obtained preconditioner closely matches the one without B0-map. Our experiments demonstrate the fast convergence and reduced computational costs of the proposed method.


In MRI fast imaging can be achieved through a combination of non-cartesian sampling trajectories, such as spirals, and iterative reconstruction techniques, such as parallel imaging (PI) and compressed sensing (CS). Drawbacks of this approach include slower convergence of the reconstruction and the appearance of artifacts induced by B0-inhomogeneity. An efficient way to address the former issue is the use of k-space preconditioning as demonstrated by Ong et al.1 B0-related artifacts can be mitigated by using an expanded signal model. The latter is popularly evaluated using either time segmentation (TS) or frequency segmentation (FS), both of which lead to a high computational burden.2 In this work, we investigate a fast reconstruction method, which combines the k-space preconditioned primal dual hybrid gradient method (PDHG), proposed in Ref. 1, and the B0-aware signal model. In particular, we show how the preconditioner can be efficiently computed for this model. Moreover, we propose a generalized SVD-based approximation to more efficiently evaluate the B0-aware imaging operator, which results in a further reduction of computation time.


MRI reconstruction can be formulated as a convex optimization problem of the form$$\underset{\mathbf{x}}{\text{argmin}}\left\lVert{(\mathbf{F}_1\ldots\mathbf{F}_C)^T}\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{y} \right\rVert_2^2+R(\mathbf{x}),$$where $$$\mathbf{x}\in\mathbb{C}^N$$$ denotes the image to be reconstructed, $$$\mathbf{y}\in\mathbb{C}^{CM}$$$ the measured data and $$$R$$$ is a regularization term. $$$\mathbf{F}_c\in\mathbb{C}^{M\times{N}}$$$ describes the signal encoding for the cth channel$$\big(\mathbf{F}_c\big)_{mn}=s_{cn}e^{-2{\pi}i\mathbf{k}_m\cdot\mathbf{r}_n}e^{-i\omega_n(t_m-t_E)}=s_{cn}e^{-2{\pi}i\mathbf{k}_m\cdot\mathbf{r}_n}E_{mn},$$where the matrix $$$\mathbf{E}\in\mathbb{C}^{M\times{N}}$$$ models the effect of B0-inhomogeneity. Often this term is neglected, which leads to common artifacts, such as the blurring artifacts associated with spiral acquisitions. To efficiently evaluate the B0-aware imaging operator, both TS and FS expand the matrix $$$\mathbf{E}$$$ using different sets of $$$L{\ll}M$$$ basis vectors chosen a priori. The evaluation of the imaging operator can then be achieved using $$$L$$$ Non-Uniform FFTs (NFFT). A problem with these approaches is the optimal choice of $$$L$$$, which can differ for different slices of a 2d acquisition depending on the field map at hand. As discussed in Ref. 2, a more optimal approach would be to compute the SVD of $$$\mathbf{E}$$$. However, this approach was not considered practical, due to the associated numerical effort. To fix this issue we propose a histogram-based strategy, which is outlined in Fig. 1. A benefit of this approach is that the appropriate number of basis functions can be estimated from the singular values of the binned matrix $$$\mathbf{A}_\omega$$$.

When using non-cartesian trajectories, a second drawback are long reconstruction times due to slow convergence of the iterative reconstruction methods. A popular method to accelerate convergence is to apply density compensation. As matter of fact, it was observed that this can increase reconstruction error.3 As an alternative, Ong propososed a fast reconstruction method, which uses the PDHG in combination with a diagonal k-space preconditioner of the form$$\underset{\mathbf{p}}{\text{argmin}}\left\lVert\text{diag}(\mathbf{p})\mathbf{FF}^H-\mathbf{1}\right\rVert_2^2,$$ where $$$\mathbf{F}$$$ denotes the encoding operator. To use this method with the B0-aware signal model, we show that the k-space preconditioner can be computed efficiently using NFFTs, as is outlined in Fig. 2.


To test our method, we used the in-vivo brain dataset accompanying the MEDI toolbox.4,5 The complex-valued image data was used to estimate the field map for each slice. The diagonal k-space preconditioner was computed for two variable density spiral trajectories with 3/2 interleaves and readout durations of 22/50 ms. Next k-space data was simulated for an 8 channel acquisition using the spiral with 3 interleaves and the obtained field maps. Image reconstruction was performed using $$$\ell_1$$$-regularization in the Wavelet domain. The reconstruction problem was solved using 30 iterations of PDHG both with and without diagonal k-space preconditioning. In order to evaluate the imaging operator, we used the proposed method and compared it to the TS approach with $$$L=10$$$ and $$$L=20$$$.


Before considering the reconstruction results, we show examples of the obtained preconditioners in Fig. 3. As can be seen the results closely match the preconditioner computed without field map information even for trajectories with long readouts. Thus, it seems reasonable to neglect the field map when computing the preconditioner in order to reduce precomputation times. The convergence plots shown in Fig. 5 illustrate the improved convergence caused by the preconditioner.

Concerning the signal model, Figs. 4 and 5 show the advantages of the proposed SVD-based approximation. As can be seen, the value of $$$L$$$ required for an artifact-free reconstruction takes on values from 6 to 20 depending on the slice. The proposed method adapts $$$L$$$ correspondingly and achieves high-quality reconstructions using $$$L=10$$$ basis functions on average. This directly translates into reduced reconstruction times due to the smaller number of NFFTs to be performed. Finally, we note that precomputation times for the SVD-based approximation were similar to those for TS.


This work proposes a fast method for image reconstruction of undersampled non-cartesian MRI data subject to B0-inhomogeneity. To accelerate convergence a diagonal k-space preconditioner is used. Our results demonstrate that the latter is almost invariant with respect to B0. Thus, it can be efficiently approximated by neglecting B0 in its computation.

Moreover, we use a generalized SVD-based approximation to evaluate the B0-aware imaging operator. The proposed method automatically adapts the number of basis functions to the field map at hand. As a consequence, the method helps obtaining images with low artifact level, while minimizing the reconstruction time.


No acknowledgement found.


1. Ong, F., Uecker, M & Lustig, M., IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 39(5), 1646-1654, (2019)

2. Fessler, J. A., et al., IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 53(9), 3393-3402, 2005

3. Pruessmann, K., et al., MRM, 46(4), 638-651, (2001)

4. Wang, Y., & Liu, T., MRM, 73(1), 82-101, (2015)

5. http://pre.weill.cornell.edu/mri/pages/qsmreview.html


Figure 1: Proposed scheme for computing the SVD-based approximation of the disturbance matrix $$$\mathbf{E}$$$.

Figure 2: Scheme for computing the $$$\ell_2$$$-optimal diagonal k-space conditioner taking into account B0-inhomogeneity and assuming single-channel encoding.

Figure 3: Preconditioner values (taking into account B0-inhomogeneity) for the first profiles of two trajectories with readout durations of 22 ms (orange line) and 50 ms (cyan line). The corresponding dotted lines show the modulus of the difference to the preconditioners computed without B0-map (scaled by a factor of 10).

Figure 4: Two reconstructed slices of the brain dataset. Reconstructions were performed using TS with $$$L=10$$$ (second column), TS with $$$L=20$$$ (third column) and the proposed SVD-based method (fourth column).

Figure 5: The upper part of the figure shows the normalized root mean squared deviation (NRMSD) of the reconstructed slices. The middle part displays the number of basis functions $$$L$$$ employed by the SVD based approximation. The bottom plot shows the NRMSD in dependence of the iterations of the PDHG solver.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)